Sirius was once again seen laying under the tree he had fallen asleep under during the picnic with his mother, it had become his safe space recently. He started coming here to take nap or get some fresh air from his troubles.
Today he came to clear his head before everything, at the moment his parents were getting everything ready. They wanted him to take some time to himself while they worked, and they would get him when it was time. Although he wanted to offer to help, he knew it was probably for the best.
In the house his parents were checking off their list to make sure the last bit of preparations were in order. The room they chose to set up was a specially made training room under their house, where most of their fights took place. The walls were made of thick alloy and were covered in their aura when they faught, it was quite spacious and the walls were littered with different weapons, which they trained in case a battle required them to change their fighting style.
"Candles check, defense measures check, for us and him." Atlus said checking some of the last few things off his list.
"You sure, we'll need all these defensive measures." Tara asked as she went through some of the information on the table near by.
"Of course, we'll be quite vulnerable during the process, I'd rather not die during such an important moment sweetheart." He said with a light small and chuckle.
She looked at him with a serious look. "You know that's not what I meant Ali, I mean the defenses from Siri. Nothing bad is going to happen, right.?" She said slightly concerned for her son.
"Course not sweety, it's only there incase of emergency, you and I turned out just fine so there's nothing to worry your little head about. Now make sure you check the symbols, don't need those screwing up the process." He gave a warm smile saying these words, although inside he was a little worried.
Their son could end up stronger than both of them with time, that much is true, but that also means at the end of the ritual it could go two ways.
One, he turns out just fine and they can rest their minds and hearts knowing he will grow up becoming someone they can lean on. Or two, the awaking can cause him to go berserk and lose his mind making him a problem the council would have to deal with, especially if his power is full unlocked to it's peak.
Once preparations were complete Tara headed out to bring Sirius in. He got up seeing her in the distance then began walking to meet her, as soon as they stood face to face she lunged at him giving him a tight hug.
After what felt like a lifetime she let go and stared at him before leading him back to the house. They didn't speak on the way, he thought it probably for the best if they tried to keep a clear head before it began.
Heading through the gate Sirius saw many guards standing at their posts with serious looks on their faces. Walking past them he held his head down following her footsteps. Once entering he followed her past more and even saw many devices poot in place, he was quite surprised he had never seen so many celestials much less all in one place.
Walking toward the basement he could see his father with a smile on his face standing at the door, once he reached them his father hugged him then put his hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes.
"This is it, arguably the most important day of your life." Atlas said, which prompted Tara to give him a look, which caused him to shift slightly. " What, I said arguably... nevermind that come.. come, let's get started." He said nervously then straightened himself.
Walking in he could hear the guards closing the door behind him and activating the locks. Walking down his was stunned at the state of the room. In the middle of the room the runes and symbols had been placed on the floor, and candles were lit around them. He gulped as his heart began to beat faster, but the touch of his mother's soft hands comforted him.
"Getting to the door is the easy part, you've got me right Lil." Uriel said as a halo formed over his head releasing some of his power, although his aura was still masked.
"Let's do this." Lilith said as her dark horns formed on her head as well causing her power to increase, her aura was masked as well.
They readied themselves, they waited infront of the gate for a little bit longer, then when one of the guards was in view they made their move.
They dashed for the gate jumping over a few meters away, as soon as they hit the ground they pushed past the guard. Both of them moved faster than the guard could see and so silent no one noticed them. They zipped past at least ten guards before finally making it to the front steps.
Seeing the door in sight neither slowed down, instead Lilith moved ahead, her aura began to seep out as it changed becoming calmer. Her pitch black hair became like that of the night sky as stars began to appear in it, her eyes became pitch black with what looked like the sun in place of her pupils. Her aura in turn changed to look like a galaxy surrounding her.
She reached her hand out touching the door, and without slowing they both phased through the door. As soon as they were through her aura dispersed making her invisible again before anyone could notice, instead Uriel himself shifted covering them in a dark light, causing them to be undetected by the cameras in the building. The light itself refracted on the lenses making them seem invisible.
They zipped through the halls, running on the walls avoiding some of the guards as well as the detection devices. Uriel looked toward Lilith then nodded, as she nodded back they split up heading in two different direction, both leading to the basement.
Lilith took the left path jumping from wall to wall as she passed through, she tapped every guard she passed by lightly in hopes that she would find the right combination to bypass the aura lock of the basement.
Uriel on the other hand had gone straight for the office, he looked phased through the door effortlessly getting in. His eyes glowed as he activated is aura detection, scanning the room he found traces in the back of the main chair behind the desk. Turning the chair around he found a small compartment that seemed to be locked by a blood spell, he knelt down for a closer look then reached into his pocket
From there he pooled out a vile of blood out belonging to Atlus, he poured it onto his thumb then placed it on the compartment. The spell shifted then unlocked, inside was a key with cosmic aura emanating from it. Picking it up he cursed as he stumbled, the aura was fighting against his. His only choice was to stash the key in a special case he had prepared, the key was an extra measure just incase someone like Lilith who could copy abilities broke in.
As he got back up he saw framed picture of the same birthday party he had, for a moment he hesitated but ultimately shook it off and headed back out. Making for the basement he could see Lilith gauging the lock finding the right combination.
Just as she found it Uriel had appeared right beside her, he pulled the box from his pocket and looked at her. They hesitated for a moment feeling the strong aura leaking from inside, taking a breath they nodded to eachother then simultaneously unlocked the door.
The aura hit them directly, making them sweat, but they pushed through, quickly closing the door behind them before it reached the others. They felt weighed down, their movements slowed as they made their way down the steps. They could feel not one, not two but three auras pulsing around them, they all seemed to interlock and disperse against one another.
The two greater ones mixed and molded the third, causing it to grow, forging it into something greater than themselves. Reaching the bottom step and turning the corner an froze, they stood in awe, their mouths agape from the sight.
(Incredibly I've never seen something so.... beautiful. How.. how is something like this possible.) Uriel thought, what he saw left him speechless but his mind and heart raced. In the middle of the room runes raced around changing and forming words and symbols they couldn't understand.
In the middle of those symbols three people sat floating in the air with their legs crossed, Atlas and Tara were on the outside their appearances remained like that of humans. But in the middle Sirius' appearance flickered between that of his ethereal celestial form and human form. His body and hair looked to have been made out of the universe itself, and his hair flowed wildly as the power flowed through him.
Above them it seemed as though they were outside during the most beautiful night ever, there were stars populating the ceiling, and the galaxies and universes surrounded them. They had to tear their gaze away from the sight and focus their attention on the task at hand.
The two waited for the right moment, still watching in awe. Then just as a large wave pushed them back, and the aura began to die down, they moved. Uriel tossed a small jar which expanded as it headed toward her, upon catching it she dashed for Sirius.
Opening it she threw it under him, then leaped and positioned herself above him. Once there her wings pich black wings emerged from her back, and a deep aura made of pure darkness erupted from around her. Facing him she put her hands out causing the energy to gather around them, pushing her hands forward the power rushed at him pushing him toward the bottle which then began to suck him in.
Her aura and the bottle worked together to capture him, her aura then encased the outside of the bottle seeling him inside. On the other side the same was being done to Tara by Uriel who had his wings full outstretched as his power was unleashed.
They both landed on the ground slightly panting from the sudden burst, they then walked over to Atlas who was slowly coming back down unaware of what transpired. Uriel took one more look at his face before placing the jar, they both gather as much power as then could as they moved toward either side of him, then they used all they could.
Right as the seel was completed a smile appeared on the face of Atlas, then he too was locked away.