Shining Star pt.2

"You really like the guy don't you, more so than I originally thought." Lilith asked as she looked toward Atlas.

"What's there not to like, he's kind, smart, brave, and the strongest person I've ever met. He's like the brother I never had, we always look after eachother no matter what." Uriel sad with a distant smile on his face but a saddened looked could also be seen in the depth of his eyes.

"Then why get rid of someone you care so much for, if he's means that much to you why agree with this plan." Lilith asked, a hint of confusion on her face.

Uriel sighed then met her gaze. "As the keepers of this realm we must keep the peace and balance is all. The awakening of a the child born from two of the strongest beings can cause quite the shift in power, thus creating an imbalance of power."

"So killing him is smart then, that in itself would cause an unwanted imbalance. This plan wasn't really thought out was it. What were they thinking.?." Lilith sighed, rubbing her temple.

"Correct, that my friend is where those old fools make their mistake, the only good part of that plan is allowing you and I to take care of it. See we aren't going to kill anyone we are simply going to seal them away, although they won't be around, the balance is still set, to some degree. And of course I will personally keep them safe." Uriel said with a smile.

"Hehe, I see you only agreed so you could keep the others from trying anything behind your back, smart, smart. You seemed to have thought this through way more than those geezers." Lilith said with a smile appearing on her face.

"Of course the matter involves people I hold dear to me." He said rubbing his neck.

If anything they should be the ones we kill, their rules are outdated, and they truly believe because of seniority they truly hold power over us all. You and I could take them all out single handedly." She said with a devilish grin as she clenched her fist.

"It's a shame to say but I agree with you hold heartedly my fiendish friend, now is not the right time. Waiting a few years would be best for everyone."

- Four days later

Sirius had just awoken for the day and began getting ready to head down for breakfast, today he had only one thing on his mind and that was the ritual. His training ended yesterday, making today one of the most important days of his life, the day he finds out who he really his and capable of.

The ritual would be held that night, and the anticipation was killing him. His minds race with thoughts, wondering if he would still be the person he'd always been or would he look into the mirror and find someone he'd never seen before.

Would the power go to his head making him who killed and punished those who apposed him, would his parents be forced to detain or worse kill him if he lost control. These thoughts plagued his mind as he walked toward the kitchen, but the smiles on his parent's face as he walked into the room chased them away.

At the same time Uriel himself had just returned home after monitoring the mortal realm, a saddened expression covered his face not because of his work but because he too dreaded this moment. Imprisoning the one person who understands you most is no easy task and even less so when you have to looked them in the eyes as you betray their trust.

Luckily enough for him, he and Lilith had gotten rather close, seeing as they now had a common goal as well as training together. They had more or less become good friends, and she had been trying her best to cheer him up and keep his mind off of things.

Walking into his home he could already feel her energy inside, walking toward his living room he could see her laying on the couch watching TV. The table and floor had been littered with snacks and drinks. Yet oddly it wasn't as messy as he would've assumed it to be. Simply because she had been using her aura to disintegrate the trash, seeing as she was yelled at for being messy the first few times she came over.

"See you've broken into my home while I was out.... again." Uriel said as he walked over to sit in his chair next to the couch.

"I told you Uri, it ain't breakin in if my aura is registered to your locks." She said as she smiled with stuffed cheeks.

"Which you did without my permission, hell in still don't know how you did it without my authorization." He said resting his head on the cushion, staring up at the ceiling.

"Well you know my ability is copying others, so it wasn't that hard. Plus we're friends now so what's yours is mine right." Lilith said with a sincere smile on her face. Uriel in turn looked at her with a stunned look on his face. He then sighed and accepted is fate of no longer having any privacy.

"So how're you feeling, gonna chicken out on me or we really doin this.?.?" Lilith asked as she decided to put the snacks down, and put a serious expression on her face.

He sighed as he slowly got up from his seat and started walking to his office. He stopped in the hall for a second, momentarily staring at a picture on the wall. In it was him attending Sirius' first birthday. It showed him and Atlus in the kitchen laughing while Tara and Sirius were playing with the toys he had gotten. So much joy shone in one picture if was enough to warm anyone's heart, but in this moment it only made him cold.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. The sooner we get this done the better, the moment the ritual begins we grab them. No mess, no trace, we were never there." He said tearing his eyes away from the picture and looking at her with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Copy that captian, no one will know. This will be a cake walk, it's just the two strongest Celestials, no big deal." She said with a smile on her face, although Uriel didn't laugh at that last remark. She turned back toward the TV and resumed her evening, while he entered the office.

He closed the door then made his way toward his desk, he breathed deeply as he took his seat. His mind was full, and his heart felt like it was on the verge of bursting in his chest. Guilt and sadness plagued him, and the weight on his shoulders weighed him down.

On his desk was a picture of him and Atlus holding the head of the leader of the beast nest they invaded on their first mission, their smiles were bright and their eyes twinkled with excitement.

The phone began to ring snapping him out of his daze, he place the picture faced down, then breathing deeply he answered. "Calling right before a job is bad luck, what do you want." He said slightly annoyed.

"Just making sure you don't back out is all. I can tell from your tone you're not too excited about it." A distorted voice said on the other end.

"Cut the bullshit, I know who you are there's no need to mask your voice." Uriel said his annoyance growing.

"Right right, no fooling the "God of light. Hope this doesn't sour our relationship friend. I don't doubt your capabilities, but don't let your emotions get in the way, understand. I would hate to severe ties with someone so powerful. " The voice said wickedly as it slowly became normal again.

"Tsk, try me." Uriel said hanging up the phone and leaning back in his chair. He turned to look out the window in the direction of his target. A smile appeared on his face. "I'll play your game, but it won't end the way you think."