Ghoul Stars - Segmentum Ultima
Kar-1, an industrial world located in the Ghoul Stars, build and manage by the Adeptus Mechanicus, mainly under the authority of Mars during the later period of Great Crusade. It's official duty was to support the worlds in or near the region, no matter if it is military or civilian products.
In reality, the world is supposed to converted into a forge world in the near future to serve as Mars eyes, ears and even, sword to project their influence and ensure the subordination of the forge worlds near and within the region.
But, these plans fell short as the world was conquer by the Night Lords during the Horus Heresy and subsequently taken over by the Dark Mechanicum. During Great Scouring, Imperium fight the Dark Mechanicum and the Night Lords, who returned to protect the world. However, Night Lords true intent are to strips all the resources they can transport while being a nuisance for the Imperium before disappearing into the void. By the time Kar-1 return to Imperium control, the world is all but ash and ruins.
Deeming the world have lost its purpose, Mars abandoned all effort on rebuilding, or continuing their original plans for the planet. Especially with all the STC copies that have been stored on the world as a preparation for the forge world conversion have disappear from the vault. It was assumed that these have been taken away by the Night Lords when they first conquer the world.
As the world officially designated as death world, no life can survive on the surface for a long period of time without mask that filter all the poisonous ash that lingering in the air. Despite this, the remnants of the industrial world still hold some worth even when it is destroyed. So, many treasure hunters enter the world to seek treasure, relics or even lost STC fragments that they can sell later. However, while some of them do find something that they can sell, many of them died on the world. Some of the traps that left by both the Adeptus Mechanicus and Dark Mechanicum still active killing them.
Reports also show that there are mutants living in the ruins and underground tunnels, killing anyone and anything enter their grounds. Other than the treasure hunters, criminals often fled to Kar-1 to escape their punishment.
This making the world become more and more hostile, not the people arriving on the planet, but also nearby shipping routes. With more criminals seeking refuge on the planet, some pirates have choose the planet as their staging ground for future raid, threatening the shipping routes. But, the pirates have all but destroyed by a combine battlegroup of Imperial navy and White Scars as news arrive that some of the pirates have turned to Chaos with many of the criminals on the planet also been purged in the process.
Despite this, many treasure hunters still continued to seek fortune on Kar-1, and several noble house of nearby system also send their scions to the planet. For these young scions, surviving on the planet and also successful in their hunt of the mutants become an important trial that they needed to complete so that they can prove their worthiness to inherit the power and prestige.
Currently, on the orbit of Kar-1, an armed freighter drift silently. Inside the ship bridge, there are multiple persons stood in front of a glowing holo table, it's displaying a detail topographic of the main ruin. Small blue dots flickered across the the display, representing the teams that moving through the ruin.
"So, how does the trial progressing?" One of the person ask.
"It's progressing well enough." The second figure reply.
"Indeed." Third figure chimed in. "Those treasure hunters that we hired are serving their purpose well. Acting as guides for them."
"How many of them still alive by this points?" The first figure ask again.
"Among all that we hired, only 20 of them still alive." Fifth figure stated coldly, uncaring about their survival. "Thanks to their role as direct guide for the teams."
After listening to this information, some of the figures just nodded, while some don't even react to it. After all, their dead ensure more of the teams return unscathed, and less expenses needed to pay them.
"My lord." A servant suddenly approach near one of the figure, speak with hint of unease. "Our augur detected a fleet arrived in the system. They are approaching Kar-1 at speed."
"How is there ships entering the system while we are here?!" The forth figure snapped, voice full of anger. "We have a deal with the treasure hunters. How dare they break it!!"
"Calm down." The fifth figure quickly said. "Identify the fleet, send communication request." He said, still looking at the holo-display as it zoom out, showing the fleet that approaching the Kar-1.
"If they refuse the request." He continue. "We leave the orbit immediately and move to the other Mandeville point."
"Also." Third figure cut in. "Inform the scions that the trials have been extended, hide well and kill everything that set foot on Kar-1."
Before the bridge crews carry out the order that issued to them, the Vox-Master sound suddenly can be heard.
"Transmission from them, my lord." The Vox-Master reported from his station, loudly . "They wish to establish vox-link with us."
"Quick, establish the link."
Atharion sit upon the command throne, wearing a custom-build Tartaros-pattern terminator armor, a masterpiece crafted by Nine. At his sides are 10 terminator of the 1st company that serving as his honor guards.
"Supreme Grand Master, we have exited the warp successfully." Grand Master Aldarion of the 4th company and also the Grand Master of the fleet reported to Atharion. "Augur scan show a single armed freighter in Kar-1 orbit."
"Understand." Atharion nodded, gaze shifted towards the holo-display of freighter on the holo table. "Hail them for communication, order them to identify themselves and state their business on Kar-1. If they refuse, prepare to board the freighter."
"Yes, Supreme Grand Master." Aldarion replied. He then turn toward the bridge crews, and issue an order. "Open a channel to the freighter. Relay Supreme Grand Master's directive. Order the battegroup to battle station."
The bridge crews moved with practiced precision, no addition movement wasted in the process. The atmosphere of the command deck change the moment the order been executed. The hum of the cogitators deepened, resonate through the deck as the ship's system powered up to full combat status.
The holo-display updated rapidly, the auspex arrays keep feeding streams of data into the tactical cogitators. The image of the freighter sharpened with each pass, its profile growing more detailed, showing the freighter weapon placements, power signatures, and shield readings.
"Vox-link establish, Grand Master." the Vox-master annouced. His voice cutting through the silence of the deck.
"Attention, unidentified vessel." Aldarion began, his voice cold. "This is Grand Master Aldarion of the Dark Knights chapter. You will identify yourself and state your purpose on Kar-1 immediately. Failure to comply will be considers as act of hostile, and we will be forced to board and investigate your vessel. You only have one chance to comply."
The bridge become silence once again, except for the hum of the cogitators and the crackle of static from the vox-channel, showing that the channel still connected. The holo-display of the freighter still the same, unmoving and no power spike detected from it. After a few seconds, a voice finally broke through the statics.
"This is Captain Lucan von Tharos of Iron Pledge. We are here on a sanctioned operation, conducting salvage operation on Kar-1 under the authority of... independent patrons. We have no hostile intent, Grand Master Aldarion."
Even though Atharion cannot see the captain and his voice is distorted by the statics, Atharion can still feel the fear coming from his voice. Showing that the reply that he just make is a lies. A lies that Atharion know the moment he completed his sentences.
"Lies." Atharion said, devoid of emotion. He still sitting on the throne, unmoving, as his voice cuts through the statics, transfer directly to the freighter.
"You claim you on a sanctioned operation, a salvage operation in fact." Atharion continue without waiting for his responses. "But, you and I know what you truly doing here. I will give you a final chance. Tell me your true purpose here, or I will have no choice but to board your vessel and find out myself."
"Please don't, my lord." The captain voice crack, full with desperation. "We are here by the order of House von Tharos to oversee the trials of the scions that are conducting on Kar-1. I'm telling the truth, my lord."
This time, Atharion know it is the truth. Before coming to Kar-1, he have been gathering information about Kar-1, from the report Nine provided for him, as well as investigation on the nearby systems. The trials conducted by House von Tharos and some other noble houses on Kar-1 are a know practice and the this can easily be gather from the treasure hunter guilds as the noble houses always hired treasure hunters to act as guides in their trials.
"You have told the truth, captain." Atharion said, with some warmth slipping into his voice. The tension of the bridge, both bridges have lower slightly.
"You have come to Kar-1 on your house order, and I understand that." Atharion continue. "But, I hope the trial will be canceled and all your house scions be recalled. As my chapter will be conducting our operation on the planet, and I wish there are no interference."
The vox silence for a short moment before the captain speak, hesitantly. "My lord, I don't have the authority to make decision on this matters, nor my colleagues that with me right now. None of us have the power."
"Is that so?" Atharion said, tone become cold once again. "I have give you the warning, you and your colleagues got no authority to make the decision." Atharion stop for a moment before continue. "Fine, your scions can stay and complete their trials, but if they interrupt my mission."
Atharion voice become lower. "None of them will be returning to House von Tharos. The trials will end, and they will return.....piece by piece."
There is no response from the captain for a long time. Whether the shock or fear that stun him, his trembling voice finally cut through the silence.
"I...I understand, my lord. I will inform them about your arrival and assured you that them will not interfered with your missions."
"Ensure they do, captain." Atharion said. "There will be no second chance."
As last word leave Atharion mouth, he cut off the channel with a wave at the Vox-Master. Leaving the deck with no other sound, except the hum of the cogitators.
"Order Gideon to land on the designated location and secure a landing point." Atharion ordered while rising from his throne. "Aldarion, you shall assume the command the battlegroup in my absence."
"As your order, Supreme Grand Master." Aldarion replied, bowing slightly in acknowledgment.
Without wasting any more time, Atharion exited the bridge and walk into the corridor with his honor guards following in behind. The corridor echoed with the sound of the armored boats that clank in rhythms as Atharion made his way to the hanger.
As the hanger's door in sight, Atharion issued another order using your personal vox-link that connected to Caden. "Caden, you and the rest of 1st company will not accompany me to the surface. But, I want you all to be prepare to reinforce us at any moment."
"Understood." Caden reply.
As the door slide open, a bustling scene greeted you. The tech-priest with their red robe move from one place to another, maintaining multiple aircraft at the same time. The chapter serfs move around the hanger, moving supplies, fuel lines and ammo crates to the aircraft that about to be deploy. Meanwhile, the servitors move slowly, moving the heavy crates that store parts that needed to maintain or repair the aircrafts under the order of their respective tech-priest.
As Atharion just stepped into the hanger, a chapter serf approach him. "My lord, your transport have been prepared and await your arrival at the main pad." He says, bowing his head.
"Thank you." Atharion said, then continue his ways toward the transport.
There it is, Sokar Pattern Stormbird which Nine have pull out from his personal vault for Atharion to use. A relic, still bearing the scars which it have endure during the Great Crusade, showing its battle honors. Despite it's age, it's still a powerful and reliable war machine, diligently maintain by Nine to ensure it's still can operate without any problem.
As Atharion approach, a tech-priest that standing beside the Stormbird lower his head slightly. "My lord, your weapons have been prepared for you." The tech-priest stated as Atharion stand in front of him.
Behind him, 10 chapter serfs walk forward in unison, lowering themselves slightly to present Atharion weapons.
First, a master-crafted power sword, it's blade forged from unknown, jet-black material. The edge is inscribed in high gothic with golden lettering that sing praises to the God-Emperor. With a larger power cell that enable the power field to be active for extended periods. With it's ornate scabbard with similar inscribed, presented alongside it.
Next, a master-crafted plasma pistol, it's frame reinforced and adorned with the chapter sigil. The pistol feature a more advanced or perhaps an experimental coolant mechanism. This allow Atharion to fire more frequent without it overheating faster like a normal pistol will. It is also feature a larger flask that enable he to fire more shot. While all this features increase its size compared to the normal pistol, it still boasts remarkable stability.
Lastly, a master-crafted storm bolter, designed to attached on Atharion right wrist. It was connected to an ammo backpack integrated into the armor, allowing for an extended rate of fire as the rounds were fed directly into the bolter through an internal mechanism.
All of them are constructed by Nine, and maintain by this tech-priest, Nine-002, student and a clone of Nine. With all Atharion and the chapter weapons are adorned in black, with only inscribed word or praises for the God-Emperor are in gold.
As Atharion allowing Nine-002 attaching the storm bolter, the honor guards also are equipping themselves, silently preparing themselves. They replaced their power spear, designed with the Custodes' power halberd in mind and combat shield with storm bolter and chainfist. Among them, one equips an assault cannon and another equips heavy flamer in place of the storm bolter.
As Atharion secure his sheated sword at the waist, he nodded towards the tech-priest to express gratitude. Without any word spoken, Atharion and the honor guards boarded the Stormbird.
Once abroad, Atharion and the honor guards take their seats. The restraints automatically engage, locking each of them securely in place. As the ramp close with a hiss, Atharion can hear the thrusters roar as the Stormbird rising from the ground and started to fly out of the hanger.
After Atharion secured on his seat, he connected himself to the 360° external cameras of the Stormbird that Nine have installed. The moment link stabilize , the view of Kar-1 unfolds before him. The planet surface is brownish-red, dotted with ruins of various size. Among the ruins, one stand out, a massive city ruin with a broken space elevator at its center. This is the chapter mission, place where the mission take place.
As he look at the rear, he can see the battle barge. A battle barge that have been customize using the Oberon-class battleship. Oberon-class battleship is known as a formidable battleship and having a well-rounded abilities to deal with almost anything, just a ship that is Atharion liking. The ability to operate by itself without any escort ship is just like how a strike cruiser or even the battle barge operate. With it's powerful augur system, it is the prefect ship to serve as a flagship for your chapter, named Eternal Vigilance.
Surrounded the flagship is another two battle barge, Unyielding Shield and Iron Oath. Both are a traditional battle barge with only minor enchantment in the augur system being implement. Other than the battle barges, there also 6 strike cruisers, 20 Gladius-class frigate and 10 Nova-class frigate that form the battlegroup.
As the Stormbird descent into the atmosphere of Kar-1, vox-link with 2nd company have finally been established and stabilize, but not without heavy static that distorted the vox. Despite the static, Atharion still can make out the sounds of bolter fires and explosion echo through.
"3rd squad, go and secure sector A2-3. Kill all the mutants."
Gideon voice suddenly cut through the static and voices just enough for Atharion to hear. The roar of heavy bolters and the thunderous blast of assault cannons fills the vox. However, before Atharion can said anything to Gideon, the connection abruptly cut off, leaving nothing for him.
'Well, looks like it's a party down there,' Atharion mused.
His thoughts were interrupt when the pilot voice over the internal vox. "Three minutes before landing, Supreme Grand Master."
As the honor guards hear the announcement, they start to check their weapons one last time, ensuring their storm bolters and chainfist was perfect. Atharion also starting to check his own weapons, the power sword, storm bolter and the plasma pistol.
While this was far from Atharion first time stepping onto a battlefield personally, he still feel nervous everytime. His duty to the chapter, responsibility and hope that Nine and others have put onto him, the lives of the marines, and his own survival, all of these thoughts pressed into his mind at the same time.
These moments of preparation became a ritual, a ritual that can calm him down before the chaos. Each movement, each click, was like a mantra, easing the tension that creep into him.
As Atharion took a final look through the camera feed, he can clearly see the stretched ruins. Collapse buildings scattered across the ruin, some reduced to rubles, some standing as remnants of thier former self. Among these buildings, the second largest structure is the main foundry of Kar-1, the mission's focal point.