
Anvilus IX - Segmentum Tempestus

For 2 months Atharion have stay on the forge world, stuck behind his desk doing the paperwork. Some were the newer reports that come in from different systems in Segmentum Tempestus, some are the older reports that you hasn't finish reading. At the same time, Atharion were also assigning companies to missions based on help requests from different worlds.

The 5th company have completed their mission and return back to one of the chapter recruitment world in the Segmentum Tempestus. From the report submitted by Sevran, three of the five houses have been annihilate. Because, Sevran and his men discovered that members of these three houses were, in fact, Chaos worshippers. Following chapter protocol and standard Imperial procedures, Sevran order the elimination of all individuals blood-related to those houses to prevent any remnants of corruption from lingering.

As a result, the domains bordering House von Tharos, along with 20% of the wealth from the eradicated houses, were transferred to them. The remaining domains and wealth were placed under the control of Castellan Rael, a former sergeant of the 2nd Company, 7th Squad, who has been tasked to maintain Watch Fortress Ghoul, protect the system and respond to any calls for help in the region. Rael have also promote two new houses to rule over the other two hive cities under his guidance, with the he directly rule over the largest hive city, Hive Ghoul.

The other two houses surrendered to Rael when they witness the destruction of the three houses. 45% of their wealth have been stripped from them, with 20% transfer to von Tharos as agree. Their territories were also reduced to just their hive city. They also sign a personal agrement with Rael, promising to support his efforts by providing recruits, manpower for the auxiliary force, resources and funds with the promise of protecting them from threats.

'Well, with the situation of Ghoul Star in M41 and M42, they can only provide limited help and protect small areas of Imperial worlds.. Atharion think while closing the report. 'But, it's better than nothing.'

Then, Atharion send the 5th company to Segmentum Ultima to deal with a possible Ork WAAAGH! happening in the southern region of Segmentum Ultima. Other than the 5th company, 8th and 9th companies that just form last month also will accompany them with Sevran as commander of the operation. The task force consists of 300 Marines with a battlegroup comprising of 1 battle barge, 2 strike cruisers, 5 Nova-class frigates, and 15 Gladius-class frigates.

According to the information, the Orks have conquer two system and were actively besieging three other. In response to the growing threat, the Ultramarines, Aurora Chapter, Crimson Fists and Howling Griffons have answered the call and send their companies to counter the WAAAGH!.

The main objectives of the task force are of course, destroy the WAAAGH! or at the very least, contain it into one system. Additionally, the operation includes secondary objective is to establish a good relationship with the chapters during the mission.

Finally, something change in the third month. instead of sitting by the desk and looking at the unending reports. Nine have tell Atharion to come to his research chamber, saying there something he wanted to said to him.

"So, I'm here." Atharion said the moment he enter the chamber. The chamber is research tables full with machine components and dataslates, the hums and clicking sound of cogitators fill the chamber. Nine is standing at the center of the room and a large unfinished machine suspended in front of him.

"What's the thing you want to said to me?" Atharion ask when he stand beside Nine, eyeing the machine. From the design and structure, Atharion already know what it is, he just don't believe that he already able to construct one, even when they have bring the information for it.

"This is the Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought." Nine said, still looking at the cogitator screen. "The information that you bring from Kar-1 has proven invaluable. It provided the detailed data necessary to construct the framework, as well as the power systems required for its operation."

Nine turn his head toward Atharion. "And luckily I have personally maintain and even participate in the process of building one." Nine said, ignoring Atharion bewildered expression that crept onto his face at the revelation.

"You need to remember." Nine continue, his bionic eyes looking into Atharion eyes. "that I already achieve the rank of Archmagos during the Great Crusade. Even when the politics of Mars are as tangled as they are, I'm still one of the important Archmagos on Mars."

Nine turn his head toward the dreadnought, admiring his work. "In addition of the experience and the information," Nine said with a more businesslike tone. "my Ark Mechanicus have the production lines for it power and weapon system." Nine said, while controlling the machine and carefully putting down the Dreadnought.

"That's mean you can set up multiple production line to build it?" Atharion said, still looking at the Dreadnought. It's equip with a Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon and a Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought's Power Claw with build-in plasma blaster.

"Right?" Atharion added, worried that Nine will said no.

"Yes, I already have assign a factory to building it exclusively." Nine said. "I also create a clone of me to oversee the factory to ensure process can run smoothly."

A smile crept onto Atharion face the moment he hear the statement. "But," Nine suddenly said. "Due to the complexity of the Atomantic Field Generator and Atomantic Arc Reactor, the speed to construct one will be slow." Nine stop, gesturing towards the cogitator showing the factory output data. "According to the calculation, the factory can only produce 2 Dreadnought per year. This include the ability to choose between the Prime pattern, Contemptor-Mortis pattern and Contemptor-Cortus pattern."

He then turn towards Atharion. "However, if all production capabilities change fully to Contemptor-Cortus pattern, the production efficiency can improve. In that case, the output can increase to 3 Dreadnought per year."

"If possible, can you open another two factories to produce Contemptor-Mortis pattern and Contemptor-Cortus pattern?" Atharion ask, hopeful as he look at Nine.

Nine paused a little before starting to type something into the cogitator. "Indeed I can, Atharion." Nine said. "However, it will require additional resources and time to establish the factories, especially for the Contemptor-Mortis pattern."

He glanced at Atharion again. "The advanced Helical Targeting Array used in the Mortis pattern is particularly demanding. Its construction and calibration require not only more materials but also highly skilled adepts to ensure the arrays function at peak precision. Any flaw in its configuration could render the Dreadnought ineffective in combat."

Nine turned back to the cogitator, showing the schematics and production schedules. "While I can make it happen, allocating these resources will slow down the future plans for the other production projects. Nevertheless, with the right adjustments, I can have the factories operational within the year."

Atharion nodded, it's just a price he willing to take. While the Castraferrum Pattern Dreadnought still a great Dreadnought, with it's versatility, easy to build and maintain, the Contemptor Pattern still an invaluable piece of equipment that he just can't discard.

"Also," Nine said suddenly, his mechanical fingers tapping swiftly at the cogitator, "the data you recovered includes information on a special variant of the Contemptor."

Before Atharion can said anything, the screen display detailed schematic of a new design. The screen labeled it clearly, the Osiron Pattern Contemptor Dreadnought.

"I don't remember this pattern being used during the Great Crusade or even the Heresy," Atharion said, still looking at the schematic.

Nine nodded, his mechanical fingers typing quickly on the cogitator. "It's normal that you don't recognize it," He said. "This pattern was personally designed by Magnus the Red, the Primarch of the Thousand Sons Legion."

"Magnus designed this?" Atharion asked, surprised.

"Yes," Nine replied. "The purpose of the design was to help psykers continue to use their powers after being put into a Dreadnought. He created a device called the Osiron, which is like a crown made of a special psychic barrier. This crown surrounds the psyker's living brain, allowing them to use their powers while keeping them stable and preventing them from losing control."

"Then why didn't they use it?" Atharion said, still puzzled. "If the device is share to the other Legions, why does it not implemented to the other Legions. Especially the White Scar and Blood Angels, as both of the Legions have higher Astarte psyker, next to the Thousand Sons?"

"The Imperial Records show that Magnus the Red have share the schematics of the Osiron device to the other Legions before the Council of Nikaea." Nine answer after processed your question. "But things complicated after the Council."

Atharion suddenly remembered the Council of Nikaea. It all make prefect sense now. The reason the council was held and the decree that followed. Atharion now understood why the Osiron device was never implemented in other Legions, with only the Thousand Sons continuing to use it.

"If you study all the books and the records that I provided to you," Nine continue, watching Atharion like a teacher watching his student. "You should know that the decree from the council ban the chamber of the Librarius in all the Legions with the Librarians would return to simple battleline Astartes and never to use their abilities again."

"So, that's why I can recognize it, with it origin and the effect from Council of Nikaea's decree." Atharion said. "It's no wonder why there are not much records about it and no chapters are using the device too."

That last part is a lies. With this knowledge on the Osiron, Atharion can perfectly suspect the Blood Angels' Librarian Dreadnought have use the Osiron device. With it being build exclusively for librarian and can let them continue to use their psychic power when they encase in it.

"This mean you can build it?" Atharion ask, holding onto a sliver of hope, though Atharion know deep down that it's unlikely he can actually build it.

Nine gave Atharion a long look, his mechanical eyes narrowing as he processed Atharion question. "Building the Dreadnought is not a problem....." He pause a little before continue. "But the Osiron device is too technical demanding and needed special material that we don't have to build it."

He turn back to the cogitator, typing something into it and a new schematic display on the screen. "While it's possible for me to build a weakened version of the Osiron device," He said while Atharion continue reading the schematic. "it would not function as good as the original. The device will be more unstable, it's ability to harness and protect the user's mind could be compromised more easily."

Atharion shake his head upon hearing this. "It won't do," He turn towards Nine. "if it's not reliable, it could wound or kill the occupant and the people around them. I hope you can build the complete device."

"It will require a lot amount of time and effort." Nine said, looking into Atharion eyes. "Even with the complete schematic of the Osiron device, I will need time to fully analyze its intricate design. Additionally, sourcing the rare and specialized materials required for its construction will be a complex and resource-intensive task."

Atharion nodded, knowing the difficulty of the task. "Do your best. Use as much time you needed and tell me if there's anything I can provide to help."

"Of course, I will not hesitate to ask for your help when it is required." Nine said.

"So," Atharion said, looking around the chamber that actually have machines, armors and weapons that being suspended on various research stations, some finished and some still being build. "is there something else you want to show me?"

Nine said nothing but gesture while move toward another unfinished machine, one that almost a tall and big as the Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought. Atharion follow Nine while watching the machine that he gesture. "This is another more important thing that you need to know first." He said while typing on the cogitator beside the machine.

"This is the Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought, build also with the information from Kar-1." Nine said while the schematic for it display before Atharion.

"Deredeo..." Atharion murmured, studying the schematic. "It's design as dedicated heavy support walker, purely for ranged fire support."

"Correct," Nine replied. "The Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought is designed as a dedicated heavy support walker, built to provide fire support in a variety of scenarios. It is not meant for close combat, but rather for laying down devastating firepower from a distance. Its design focuses on long-range engagements, with enhanced targeting systems and powerful weaponry."

"It's more like a mobile artillery platform with the weapons it can equip." Atharion mused. "But, it's serve well in my plan for the chapter, a chapter focused on ranged attack."

"So, if you showing me this," Atharion looked toward Nine. "meaning that....."

"Yes, I also have open a factory to construct it." Nine nodded while showing the factory data, "It have the capacity to build 1 Dreadnought per year."

"It's better than nothing."Atharion said, happy the overall results on the Dreadnoughts.

After this, Nine continued to display the other equipment he was able to construct, all thanks to the data retrieved from Kar-1. One of the next pieces of technology was the Mark IV Maximus Power Armor.

"This is the Mark IV Maximus Power Armor," Nine said, as the schematic appeared on the screen. "One that develop during the Great Crusade and the most advance power armor. Provide the wearer with better protection and better systems even when compare to the Mk VIII Errant Power Armor."

He continued, tapping a few keys on the cogitator, and added, "Five factories have been dedicated to constructing them, with each having the capacity to produce a substantial amount per year. Enough to equip an entire company."

Nine continue to show Atharion other data on the equipment, weaponry and vehicles that the forge world being constructed currently and in the near or far future. Not just for the Astartes, but also for the mortal soldiers.

While Atharion continue studying the data, Nine's voice broke his concentration. "I also hope that you can help me in my effort to understand more of the data from Kar-1 and the blueprints, systems and machines that discover on the world."

Atharion looked up from the cogitator, considering the request. This task is very important and hard, but the benefits from understanding and rebuild whatever from it are enormous, and Atharion also is bored by the constant paper work. It's a good chance to change the scenery and also to gain knowledge on all the different technologies.

"Of course." Atharion said with confidence. "If you think that I can help you in this matters, I will not said no."