Feeros Magna - Feeros System
Iron Oath
"We have exited the warp, my Lord." The captain reported. "The decks reported no anomalies, and the rebellion has also been quelled."
Sevran nodded as he watched out the bridge window. The planet and more conspicuous, the ships that started to close in on their fleet. "Relay the identification code to the local Sector Battlegroup," he ordered the captain, then glanced toward the Astarte ships. "Also transmit it to the Astarte vessels."
"Your will." The captain nodded, turning to relay the orders.
After a couple of minutes, a light on the holo-table began to flash, signaling an incoming transmission attempting to establish contact.
Sevran pressed the button to connect the contact. The holo-table flickers, and after it stabilizes, a picture of a Space Marine wearing a finely ornamented Mk VII Power Armor appears. Indicating his ranks and glories that he has earned.
"This is Captain Marcus of the Ultramarines' 5th company." The man said with a firm tone. "State your purpose for entering the Feeros System."
Hearing this, Sevran rose from his throne, a deliberate gesture of respect, not necessarily for Captain Marcus himself, but for the Ultramarines and their revered legacy. After all, you had ensured that the Chapter outwardly honored the supposed lineage. As officially, the gene-seed of your Chapter was said to hail from the Ultramarines.
Only you knew that this was a carefully constructed lie. The secret of your Chapter's hybrid gene-seed, forged from the genetic material of the Ultramarines, Dark Angels, and Iron Hands, was guarded with utmost caution. The gene-seed's unique properties allowed it to pass as Ultramarine, Dark Angel, or even Iron Hands if subjected to scrutiny, something you took great satisfaction in.
Sevran met Marcus's gaze through the hololith. "Captain Marcus," he began. "I am Grand Master Sevran of the 5th company. On the order of the Supreme Grand Master, I have been tasked with leading the 5th, 8th, and 9th companies to answer the sector governor's call of aid."
Marcus nodded while his face remained stoic. "Understood, we can talk more about the matters when we meet on the surface of Feerus Magna." Marcus said before cutting the connection.
"Bring our ships to the spaceport." Sevran order. "Also inform Master Delros and Master Valerio to prepare themselves for a meeting on the surface."
After 45 minutes, Sevran found himself in the spaceport, flanked by his honor guards. The air was thick with the hums of machinery transporting things to their assigned area. Behind Sevran, the Iron Oath has safely entered and secured it, with servitors bringing supplies to replenish the ship stockpile.
At the left side of Iron Oath, the other strike cruisers have also entered the starport. With only the escort ships staying in the void, resupplying directly from the Sector Battlefleet's supply ships.
From the Strike Cruisers, Delros and Valerio approached, each flanked by their own honor guards. Their armor gleamed, the sigils of the chapter polished to a mirror-like shine, a testament to their readiness.
As they reach his side, they all bow their heads slightly, showing respect. "Grand Master Sevran." They greeted in unison.
Sevran gave a slight nod of acknowledgement. "Master Delros, Master Valerio." He started. "Both of you have been given the trust of the Table, and most importantly, the Supreme Grand Master's. Prove yourself."
"We will, Grand Master," they replied. Delros and Valerio had been elevated from the 3rd and 5th Companies, respectively, recognized for their exceptional leadership, tactical acumen, and, above all, their unshakable loyalty to the chapter.
"Good." Sevran said while nodding. "Now, we don't want to let the others wait." He then turned towards the elevator. "We still have a war to win." He said as all of them were walking to the elevator.
As the group entered the elevator, the doors slid shut with a soft hiss. The hum of its ascent filled the confined space as they prepared to meet the war council and confirm the next phase of their campaign.
The corridor leading to the council chamber were lined with blue-armored figures. According to the database, they are the Ultramar Auxilia. Mortal troops that train and equip to defend the Ultramar and, if required, march to battle alongside the Ultramarines.
As the group approached the chamber doors, a pair of towering Ultramarines clad in Mk VII Power Armor stepped forward. Without a word, the Ultramarines put their hands on the chamber doors and pushed them open, revealing the room beyond.
The chamber was large and imposing. At its center stood a massive holo-projector, ready to display maps and battle plans. It was surrounded by a polished half-moon-shaped table with chairs arranged neatly along its curve.
Sevran can already see that the Ultramarines and Doom Eagles are already sitting at the table on the left side, the officers of the Feerus Guard regiment, PDF and the Sector Battlefleet sit at the right side, with the sector governor sit at the center with his son standing behind him. All of them already discussing on which world is to be rescues first and how the campaign should proceed with most of the voices come from the right side.
"Ah," The sector governor exclaimed when he see Sevran and his group enter the chamber. "Lord Sevran! You finally here."
With this, the discussion came to an abrupt halt, and all eyes turned toward Sevran and his group. The officers and the sector governor regarded him with hopeful expressions, their desperation barely concealed. Yet, amid their gazes, Sevran could feel the piercing stare of Marcus, a stare of suspicions and doubt.
Ignoring them, Sevran and his group followed a servant who guided them to their seats. When they have sit into their seats, the discussion continue.
After hearing the discussion for a short while, Sevran already come to a conclusion. The officers have difference opinions in which world to relieve first. The officers from the Feerus Guard regiments and the PDF wish to relieve the Vaeros, the hive world. As they hope by relieve the world earlier, the populations of the world can be save and they can serve as the manpower to strengthen the regiment and the PDF. Beyond the practical benefits, their true aim was to increase their influence and, by extension, the power of the noble families backing them. To them, saving Vaeros wasn't just about preserving a hive world, a calculated move to secure greater political and military clout.
For the officers from the Sector Battlefleet, they wish to save the two industrial worlds in Theros System. While the industrial worlds mostly process gasses and manufacture material to the various systems, there also manufacture the parts in repair and maintain their vessels, and also the ammo for their vessels' weapon.
The officers' arguments were grounded in practicality, if these industrial worlds were lost, the fleet would be severely crippled, unable to repair or resupply its ships effectively. But there are another layer to their argument. By securing these worlds first, the officers not only safeguarding the fleet's assets but they seek to strengthen their ties with the nearby forge world. The manufactorums on the industrial worlds were managed by the forge world, and the officers hoped to gain favor from them. This would not only to ensure continued support for their ships and supplies in the future, but also, in hope, to use the favor to gain new ships. The Sector Battlefleet had not received new ships in over 3,000 years, with their last addition being a full squadron of Sword-class Frigates that had already served for 1,500 years before being assigned to their current post. They already wish to expand or replace some of the older vessels, as it not only can increase the strength of the Battlefleet, but also increase their influence within the sector and nearby systems.
While they all still bickering about what should they do, Sevran and the others commanding Space Marine start to read the report submitted by the Crimson Fists, the scouting party of the Sector Battlegroup, and the Ordo Xenos.
According to the report of Crimson Fists, the Orks on the three system had been suppressed, though not eradicated. At the very least, the damage Orks can do to the worlds have be limited. The Crimson Fists request for reinforcements to bolster their effort. With the additional support, they hope to destroy the Orks and secure the worlds entirely. They wish the reinforcements can arrive as quickly as possible when available, as they can't predict when more Orks warbands will arrive at the worlds.
The report from the scouting party reported that they have not detect any Orks ships on the Orks-held systems that border the Braethon System, Vaeros System and Theros System. This provided some reassurance that the Orks were not actively reinforcing their positions in these three systems. But, it's also worries them. With how the Orks always looking for a fight, it was unusual that no additional Ork forces or ships had been observed moving into these areas.
The Ordo Xenos' report, as expected, provided more information. Other then the information that Crimson Fists and scouting parties have given, they have provided the reason why there are no Orks moving into the three systems. Unfortunately, the Orks, under their Warboss have launch invasion into the sector that located on the eastern side of Feerus Sector. Meaning the campaign to destroy or contain the Orks have fail before the campaign begin. More importantly, due to that sector didn't have any preparation, already one whole subsector have fallen with much other subsector now under attack from them.
Rising his head, Sevran's eye scanned the chamber. Beside him, Delros and Valerio already have their own discussion with each other. Glancing towards the Ultramarine, Marcus also are discussing with it's men and the Astarte from Doom Eagles.
"My Lords." The sector governor said, cutting through the bickering. "Which system should we relief first?"
The room become silent as all the officers turn their eyes to the Astarte. All of them hoped the decision made will align with their faction's benefit.
Delros and Valerio, sitting beside Sevran, glanced toward him. As the overall commander of the Dark Knights forces, they expected him to speak. Yet, Sevran remained silent. Instead, his gaze shifted toward Marcus, just as Captain Trajan of the Doom Eagles did. It was a subtle but clear gesture, acknowledging Captain Marcus of the Ultramarines as the de facto commander of the Astartes forces present.
Sevran didn't like this. He didn't desire to take orders from anyone outside the Round Table or the Supreme Grand Master himself. Yet, the prestige of the Ultramarines was undeniable. As a First Founding chapter and the progenitors of countless successor chapters, their mere name often placed them in command by default during campaigns, just like the other First Founding chapters.
"With how the Orks are moving, we don't have much times to sit here any longer." Captain Marcus said. His hand point at the Vaeros and Theros Systems. "We will send reinforcement to both of the systems at the same times. Saving times that are precious for us."
Seeing that no people have any words to add or reject his plan, which Sevran doubt those officers will have the guts or reasons to reject it, the sector governor give Captain Marcus command for the sector armed forces, PDF, Feeros Guard regiment and the Sector Battlefleet.
At the end of the council, a decision was made. Captain Marcus will lead the Doom Eagles, 35 Feeros Guard regiments and the main force of the Sector Battlefleet to reinforce Theros System. Sevran will lead the reinforcements in the Vaeros System, comprising the Dark Knights, 20 Feeros Guard regiments, 15 Feeros PDF regiments, and a small detachment from the Sector Battlefleet. A decision that goes unopposed, even when the Braethon System won't receive any reinforcement, is due to the feudal world's lack of a large population and significant economic prospects.
As all the people started to exit the chamber, Marcus suddenly called out.
"Grand Master Sevran." He said, stopping the Dark Knights in his path.
Sevran turned to face him, offering a slight nod and a polite, warm tone. "Captain Marcus," he said. "What can I do for you?"
"I hope that we can have a conversation." Marcus continue, gesturing to a grand window that offered a sweeping view of the sector's capital city below. "As we will be fighting side by side, I hope we can know each other better." Beside him, Captain Trajan also nodded toward Sevran.
Sevran nodded, suppressing his initial reluctance. He reminded himself of your order to improve relations with the Ultramarines and the other Astartes chapters involved in the campaign. Building alliances, however tentative, could only serve the Dark Knights in the long run.
"Of course," Sevran replied, his tone measured yet cordial. "A conversation would be most welcome."
Beyond duty, a spark of curiosity flickered within him. While he already remembered all the detailed information about the Ultramarines and their many successor chapters, there was something intriguing about meeting them in person, seeing how reality matched the written records and legends he had studied.
"Lead the way," Sevran said, gesturing toward the grand window. He allowed a faint smile, adding, "I, too, am curious to know more about both you and your chapter."
As the commanding officers move towards the window, the honor guards stay behind, forming their own group. The honor guards of Dark Knights stood apart from each other and from the Ultramarine and Doom Eagles, more like a statue than a living being.
In contrast, the Ultramarine and Doom Eagles' honor guards gathered in a loose circle, their conversation in low voice but lively tone. Though restrained, their camaraderie was evident in the subtle shifts of their stances and the occasional nods exchanged. However, every so often, their gazes drifted toward the Dark Knights' honor guards, curious about their enigmatic brothers.
While the atmosphere surrounding the honor guards is not that great, the same could not be said for the officers. The mood was noticeably lighter in comparison, as the five of them engaged in conversation. Unsurprisingly, it was Marcus who took the lead, initiating most of the discussion, a trait typical of an Ultramarine.
Sevran listened intently, offering occasional nods and brief responses. Like all Dark Knights, he preferred to observe rather than participate in a conversation. But, the curiosity and order from you, compelled him to engage more than he might normally.
Despite his best efforts, his reserved nature still came through. He spoke sparingly, only offering words when directly asked a question or for his opinion. At the very least, he was trying, even if it felt unfamiliar and strange for him. The same couldn't be said for Delros and Valerio, who stood silently behind him like statues. Neither contributed to the discussion, and their stoic presence made them appear more like honor guards for Sevran, if not for the distinctive decorations on their armor that marked them as officers.
After a few minutes, the conversation fell into a brief silence. Marcus nodded towards Sevran, said in a warm tone. "Grand Master Sevran, I look forward to see the Dark Knights perform in battle."
Sevran inclined his head slightly in response, his voice calm and measured. "I, too, look forward to fighting alongside the Ultramarines and..." He paused, briefly glancing at Trajan before returning his gaze to Marcus. "...the Doom Eagles."
Trajan acknowledged the remark with a subtle nod. "I'm also wish to see how the Dark Knights perform on the battle myself. After all, we have hear some rumors about your chapter efficiency in battle."
"I hope the rumors shed a good light use then, Captain." Sevran replied, trying to make a small jest, which prove successful.
Trajan's expression softened slightly at Sevran's jest, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I'm sure they do, Grand Master," he replied, his tone light but with a hint of respect. "We'll see for ourselves soon enough."
As Sevran departed with the rest of the Dark Knights, their footsteps echoing down the chamber, Marcus kept his eyes fixed on their retreating forms. His gaze was thoughtful, noticing that the behaviour of the commanding officers and the normal Astartes are not the same as sons of Guilliman.
A shadow of doubt crept into Marcus's thoughts. 'Could the records be falsified? Or perhaps there is more to their founding than what is officially acknowledged?'
Trajan's voice broke his concentration. "They're... unusual, aren't they?"
Marcus glanced at him, noting the same cautious curiosity reflected in his eyes. "Indeed. They're disciplined, but not in the way we are. Something about them feels... off."
Trajan nodded, his expression contemplative. "Off is one way to put it. It's as though they're hiding in plain sight, even from us."
Marcus crossed his arms, his gaze lingering on the empty corridor where the Dark Knights had vanished. "Their secrecy raises questions. And their demeanor doesn't align with Guilliman's teachings, at least not entirely. If their gene-seed is Ultramarines, it's been shaped by something, or someone else."
Trajan's lips tightened into a thin line. "What do you propose we do?"
"For now, we observe," Marcus replied. "They'll reveal their nature on the battlefield, whether they intend to or not. War has a way of stripping away masks."
"And if the truth proves...disturbing?"
"Then we act accordingly," Marcus said, his voice lowering. "But until then, we keep our suspicions to ourselves. We need to unite so that the campaign can be won. Divided minds lead to failure, and failure is not an option in this war."
After five days of meticulous preparation, the Dark Knights and their assigned forces departed Feerus Magna, leaving the planet behind as they embarked on their mission to reinforce the Vaeros System.
Eight days later, the Ultramarines and their forces followed suit, departed Feerus Magna to reinforce the Theros System. Another small detachment move to relief Braethon System after a debate that happen after Sevran departed.
Vaeros System - Feerus Subsector - Feerus Sector
Iron Oath
"My lord, the Eternal Judgment reports that they being board!" The lieutenant scream from his station, his voice cutting through the alarms and cogitator clatter that filled the bridge.
Before Sevran could reply, the Iron Oath shuddered violently, nearly throwing the crew off balance as it rammed into an Ork escort vessel that had ventured too close. After stabilizing himself, Sevran shouted an order toward the Vox-Master.
"Vox-Master!" Sevran barked. "Order Valerio to board the Eternal Judgment and reclaim it. We cannot lose that cruiser!"
The Vox-Master immediately nodded, his hands moving with practiced efficiency as he activated the ship's communication systems.
A brief pause followed before Valerio's cold sound came through the vox. "Understood Grand Master, I will personally board the Eternal Judgment and reclaim it."
Sevran turned his gaze toward the hololithic display, which projected the battlefield before them. The Eternal Judgment's silhouette flickered with warning signals as it's being boarded and surrounding the cruiser is the Ork's vessels. He also sees that Vindicator, the Strike Cruiser assigned to the 9th company, leaves the battleline and is approaching the Eternal Judgment.
The void battle raged on, each passing moment filled with the roar of weapons fire and the silent violence of the cold vacuum. Yet Sevran's thoughts drifted, his gaze hardening as he stared at the display.
According to all the reports, there are no Ork void elements. No ships, no debris, not even a faint energy signature suggesting their presence near or in this system.
And yet, when the fleet entered the system, an Ork fleet can be seen surrounding the hive world. Using the auspex, Sevran decided to engage them now, as their ships are not in formation and most importantly, they are sending more Orks onto the surface.
After battling for half an hour, this was where he found himself. While the early engagement have went well, destroying many of the Ork ships, the sheer number of their vessels was beginning to overwhelm the fleet.
Sevran had already lost two squadrons of Sword-class frigates in the first fifteen minutes, casualties of the Orks' chaotic but relentless counterattack. The Eternal Judgment, a Lunar-class cruiser important for the fleet's formation and firepower, was under assault. Nearby, one of the two Endeavour-class light cruisers from the Sector Battlefleet had already sustained heavy damage and was forced to withdraw from the battleline, its weapons falling silent as it limped toward the safety of the rear.
"Have you located where the Ork's flagship is?" Sevran ask the Librarian that have been assigned to him. "We are losing time."
"Grand Master," The Librarian's voice come from Sevran's personal vox. "We have confirmed that he is aboard the Kill Kroozer on the left flank."
Hearing this, Sevran quickly turned to the hololithic display, his eyes scanning the battlefield illuminated on the holo table. His brow furrowed as he identified three Kill Kroozers in the left flank.
"Three Kill Kroozers," he muttered under his breath, frustration tightening his features. "Which one holds the Warboss? Can you pinpoint it?"
The vox is quiet for a moment as the Librarian reaches out into the turbulent warp to try and find where the Warboss is. "I have identify where the Warboss is." He finally said. "He is aboard the center Kroozer."
"The center one," Sevran repeated under his breath, his sharp eyes narrowing on the center Kill Kroozer on the holo table.
With the 9th company have send to save the Eternal Judgement and 8th company is battling the Ork on the fronts, the choices are limited, or in another ways, only Sevran's 5th company can go and kill the Warboss.
"Captain," Sevran turn towards the captain of the Iron Oath. "bring us closer to the center Kill Kroozer on the left flank and prepare the Caestus Assault Rams."
"Your will, my Lord." The captain bow slightly before giving out orders to the crews.
As Sevran leaving the bridge, Sevran talk into the company personal vox-channel.
"Ready up," Sevran said in a cold tone. "We are ending this battle."