Eternal Vigilance
Inside one of the chambers of the vessel, a group of Astartes sat around a circular table, their forms illuminated by the dim glow of a holo-table at its center. Some were physically present, while others appeared as shimmering figures through hololithic projectors.
The holo-table displayed multiple star systems, most of them within Segmentum Tempestus, with a handful located in Segmentum Solar. Though the worlds varied in type and designation, they all shared one distinct commonality.
"How many are those things?" One Astarte said as he learned forward. "They don't usually appear in such large number."
"Who knows." One of the shimmering figure said. "The last time they appear in large number is about 72 years ago, which were defeated by 5th company."
As the discussion continue, the figure sitting on the throne, Atharion furrowed his brow. 'I don't remember such a large raid conducted during this time.'
He then turn his eye toward the holo-display. 'They already starting to even raid the worlds within Segmentum Solar, even the Battlefleet Solar have suffer minor losses. This is irregular of them to conduct such operation.'
"Is there any news of reinforcement that will join in the purge?" An Astarte with a silver skull emblazoned on the center of his armored collar, marking him as a sergeant.
"Reports indicate that a Great Company from the Space Wolves is en route." Another Astartes answered, inputting commands into the holo-table. New data flickered to life. "The Red Wolves have dispatched two companies, and there are rumors that the Red Talons have sent one as well."
"Hmph," Another sergeant, appearing as a hololithic projection, scoffed. "So, Terra didn't send any more Battlegroup to help us."
"Maybe they're afraid of losing more of their... precious ships." Another sergeant who also appearing as a hololithic projection added with a hint of disdain.
Atharion couldn't argue against that sentiment. After all, the 6th Company had been nearly annihilated during their joint operation with Battlefleet Solar's battlegroup in Segmentum Pacificus. When the battlegroup pulled back just as the decisive void battle began, the 6th Company's fleet suffered catastrophic losses, every escort vessel was destroyed, and their strike cruiser was left heavily damaged. Victory had only been secured due to a lucky shot crippling the heretic flagship, throwing the enemy into disarray.
"Enough," Atharion said, cutting off further discussion. "We need to think why the Drukhari suddenly launch such a large scale raid."
Hearing that Atharion speak, the chamber silence for a bit. Before murmurs can be hear as they starting to talk with each other.
"We can't truly understand how they think," One sergeant muttered. "The Drukhari raid for slaves, pain, and sport. Their motivations are not like the greenskins or the traitors."
"True," Another added. "But a raid of this scale suggests something more. A distraction? A message? Or are they hunting for something?"
Atharion narrowed his eyes, his mind working through possibilities. They're no any relic or artifact that the dark eldar want in the region that they currently raid. Maybe they just want slave, but even then they shouldn't launch this large scale raid in the core region of Imperium.
'Maybe for sport.'
Atharion mind suddenly become clearer. 'Yes, sport. This is the only logical explanation for their current behavior. Or a wager between multiple Archon.'
"They strike swiftly, avoiding prolonged engagements, as they always do." One of the Astartes noted. "Each raid occurs within a narrow window, then they vanish into the void before reinforcements can arrive."
Another sergeant studied the data closely. "But look here." He pointed to a section of the map. "There are gaps between their strikes, as if they are following a set path rather than random attacks. They're fast, but they're not unpredictable. There's a method to their madness."
Atharion leaned in, analyzing the patterns. "Cross-reference these points with their movement pattern. If we find where they regroup, we can set a trap."
"A trap?" one of the hololithic projections asked.
Atharion's eyes glowed with determination. "If they seek sport, then let's give them a hunt they'll never forget."
15-63-AW/UI47 system - U147 Sector
A strike cruiser is floating around the orbit of the Agri world.
"How's the situation, shipmaster?" Sergeant Lucio ask the shipmaster (captain).
"My lord," The shipmaster turn towards Lucio. "Tech-priests have reported that the engine still need some time before it's can operate."
The shipmaster then pass a datapad to Lucio. "They said the main engine coolant have broke. So, if we don't want the ship to lose power suddenly, or the engine explode. It need to be fix before we can continue our mission."
"How long is their estimation?" Lucio ask.
"Maximum, an hour." The shipmaster answer.
"Hmm, tell them to fix it as soon as possible." Lucio said as he handed back the datapad to the shipmaster. "I don't want to be hit by Dark Eldar with the engine gone."
"I'll ensure they learn of your wish, my lord." The shipmaster reply.
Lucio nodded to the shipmaster word. "Continue to monitor the surrounding. If there any disturbance, inform me."
"Your will."
Lucio then turn and leave the bridge. As he walking the corridor, two of his squad mates accompany him.
"So, how's it going?" One of the Astarte said.
"All according to plan, the bait have been cast. We only need to wait if they will take the bite." Lucio said.
"Hopefully they will come." Another Astarte said. "Or all that we have plan will go to waste."
"Look, there's the Mon-keigh ship." A dark eldar said as he pointed at the strike cruiser. "If we can kill them and have their heads, we can gain the favour the Kabal."
Another Dark Eldar, clad in finely decorated armor, lounged on his throne, his fingers idly tapping against the armrest. His crimson eyes gleamed with amusement as he studied the strike cruiser displayed before him.
"Indeed," He purred, a cruel smile forming on his lips. "Astartes trophies are highly prized. Their pain... even more so."
He leaned forward slightly, resting his chin on one hand. "But tell me, do you truly believe it will be that simple? These Mon-keigh are not mere cattle. Even wounded, they are dangerous prey."
The first Dark Eldar scoffed. "They are stranded, vulnerable. According to the the communication link that we intercept, they have suffer engine failure and can't move for hours. If we strike fast enough, they won't stand a chance."
The Dracon chuckled, his amusement deepening. "Oh, how delightfully naïve," he mused. "Have you learned nothing from the countless cycles of our hunts? The Mon-keigh Astartes are never so helpless as they seem. Even when bleeding, they lash out with a ferocity that has cost many of our kin their lives."
He stood from his throne, descending the steps with slow, deliberate grace. "Still… a wounded beast is a tempting lure. If their distress is genuine, then this is an opportunity we cannot ignore. If it is a trap…" He trailed off, a malicious glint in his eyes. "Then the game becomes all the more thrilling."
He turned to one of his subordinates. "Deploy the raiding parties. We shall test their defenses first, taste their response. If they break easily, we feast. If they resist…" His smile widened. "Then we make them suffer before they die."
The gathered Drukhari warriors let out low, eager laughs, their excitement palpable. They relished the anticipation of the coming slaughter.
With a flick of his wrist, the Dracon gave the order. "Begin the hunt."
Across multiple systems, similar scenes unfolded. Dark Eldar raiding parties, believing they had found isolated and vulnerable prey, closed in for the kill. Yet, unbeknownst to them, the hunters were about to become the hunted.
After failing to determine the Drukhari's regrouping points, Atharion knew he had to change tactics. Rather than chasing shadows, he would force the xenos into the open.
The plan was simple, bait them with seemingly crippled ships and defenseless colonies, drawing in as many raiding parties as possible before launching a simultaneous counterattack.
For this campaign, other than 2nd company, Atharion also brought the 4th and 8th companies for this. While he also wish to bring 5th company that have experience in dealing and most importantly, hunting the dark eldar. Unfortunately, Atharion have sent them to Ghoul Star after the news of the Night Lord warbands starting to appear in the region.
5th company after finishing the Ork threat, have spend almost a hundred years in hunting Dark Eldar, not only in Segmentum Tempestus, but also in other Segmentum too.
The 2nd Company, boasting the largest stockpile of Javelin Attack Speeders and Scimitar Jetbikes, was tasked with preparing the colonial trap sites and hunt all Dark Eldar that set foot on the colonies. Their mobility and rapid response capabilities would allow them to counter the Drukhari's infamous hit-and-run tactics.
The 4th Company, responsible for maintaining and garrisoning the chapter's fleet elements, was entrusted with setting the spaceborne traps. Using damaged-looking but fully armed ships as bait, they ensured that any Dark Eldar force attempting to strike would be lured into kill zones, where not only concealed warships and boarding parties would await, but those vessels are also full of Astarte and Auxilia force to ambush the Dark Eldar that board their assign vessels.
The 8th company will be sperated into squads and support the 2nd and 4th company. As the 8th company have become a more close-combat and agile element of the chapter, they might serve well as the shock troops.
The Auxilia force are formed from the PDF of the worlds in the same system and also the fail aspirants that survive the gene injection process. While the PDF form the backbone of the Auxilia with their large number, the aspirants form the more elite unit in the Auxilia.
The aspirants, while fail the gene injection process, they are still better than normal human with their enchance body and mind. They are clad in Solar pattern Void Armor, arms with mainly the Kalibrax V-I Pattern Lasrifle and Hot-shot lasgun. They also have access to plasma weapons, flamer, and meltagun.
269FRL - 269 system
"How's the plan going?" Atharion ask.
"It's working well, my lord." Lord sergeant Javier of the reconnaissance squad answer. "According to the reports, multiple Drukhari raiding parties have taken the bait. Six spaceborn traps and four colonies trap have sprung successfully. All the raiding parties have been dealt with, only having small number of Dark Eldar have been capture."
Atharion raised an eyebrow. Capturing Drukhari alive was no easy feat. Their warriors fought to the death rather than face capture, and even when subdued, they often found ways to end their own lives.
"How were they captured?" Atharion ask, genuinely curious.
Javier turn to the holo-table, inputting a set of command. "Most of the Dark Eldar capture are from the void traps. The boarding parties successful in destroying the Xenos engine, and after killing many of them, a numbers of the Dark Eldar surrender themselves."
Atharion can hear the voice of Javier become confused. After all, this isn't typical Dark Eldar behavior. "Those that capture on colonies can't escape because of their injuries. All of them have been scan and all of their suicide methods have been neutralize."
Atharion nodded. "Tell them to secure the captives in secure cells. I authorize the usage of static fields if needed. Especially for those that high rank members."
Javier nodded, and turn back to the holo-table to relay Atharion order. At the same time, the door of the chamber open, and Delros, Master of 8th company enter with his helmet on his hand. His whole armor is cover in blood and scar from encountering the Dark Eldar.
"Delros, have the Dark Eldar been dealt with?" Atharion ask as soon as Delros have finish his salute.
"Yes, my lord." Delros answer, but with a weird tone. "The Dark Eldar have been dealt with, and we have capture a large numbers of them." Delros stop, seemingly trying to form a sentences. "They surrendered, my lord. Before we even strike their main group."
Now, Atharion attention is fully on it. 'This is not normal. While the capturing of Dark Eldar on colonies can still be explained, those that capture in their vessels are not. This...this is more crazy.' Atharion sighs as the situation have become more complicated.
Before Atharion could ask further questions, Delros spoke again.
"My lord, the leader of the raiding party that attacked this world requests a meeting with you."
"A meeting with me?" Atharion said, puzzled why a Dark Eldar would want to meet him.
"Indeed, my lord. He want me to relay his word to you." Delros continue. "He said you will meet him when you hear it."
"What's is it?"