
Severus laid on his bed for almost the remainder of the day, staring up at the ceiling of the dormitory. He was thinking about skipping dinner in the Great Hall after what had happened earlier. He wanted nothing more than to sink into his bed and disappear from the face of the Earth. But he knew that sooner or later he would have to face the consequences of his actions, and he hated prolonging the inevitable. It was in his nature to find a solution to the problem that was placed before him.

Sighing to himself, Severus got up from his bed and showered before redressing in his old Hogwarts uniform and left the Common Room.

As he walked to the Great Hall, he noticed how other Slytherins glared at him as he passed them. Some with expressions of hatred, confusion, sympathy, or a combination of some sort of the three. He instantly knew that news had spread quickly about what had happened with Jax and him. The Gryffindors might have had a part in helping the word spread, but even if the two girls had kept their mouths shut, which would be a cold day in hell if that ever happened, Jax and his gang would have definitely made sure to tell all the right people.

And the weird part was that he didn't even blame the Gryffindors this time. Maybe the first few hours he did, but after cooling himself down with some alone-time he came to the conclusion that this was all on him. Yes, the two Gryffindors were there when it happened and witnessed everything, but it was he who interfered when his subconscious told him not to. It was he who broke Jax's nose and helped the two girls on his own free-will. He also didn't even blame Jax or his gang either. They were accountable for bullying the girls, but they never provoked him into interfering in the first place.

Severus understood and accepted that everything he had done was of his own doing.

Just as he was about to enter the Great Hall a voice stopped him.

"Severus Snape!"

Closing his eyes and silently sighing, he turned towards Potions Professor Horace Slughorn, Head of House Slytherin. He met his eyes and nodded.


Nodding back, Slughhorn moved slightly to the side and moved his left arm towards the hallway behind him.

"Professor Dumbledore, McGonagall and I would like to see you for a moment. It is rather urgent. About a certain incident that needs explaining on your behalf, seeing how you were involved. Shall we?"

It didn't surprise Severus that Slughorn wasn't mad about his violent behavior towards Jax. It was no secret that the Head of Slytherin disapproved of almost all of the members of the House. One of the great many rumors of Hogwarts was that all of Slytherin were destined to become Death Eaters one day, and it was almost a fact in the last few years, since He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named started gaining power.

While Slughhorn maybe a pureblood, he had sympathy, and a huge fascination, towards muggles and muggleborns. He didn't believe in the pureblood beliefs and made sure to let everyone know about it.

Despite his bumbling, jovial personality, Slughorn did have a good heart.

Severus nodded and followed the Professor up to Headmaster Dumbledore's office. The walk was silent and a little unnerving. He really didn't want to be in this situation, but he at least felt a little glad for having a reason to skip dinner. He wasn't feeling hungry anyway. And as much as he hated to admit it, he didn't want to be sitting across from the Gryffindor table, where Lily would be. Just knowing she would be there spent spikes at his heart and he wanted nothing more than to just drop dead in the hallway. Anything would be a blessing than living.

A funny line popped into his head from a book he once read a few years back.

'Death is easy, living is hard.'

Whoever the author was, Snape was definitely one hundred percent in full agreement.

As they arrived at the large stone gargoyle of the entrance to the office, Slughorn said the password and it opened for them, revealing a sparling, stone staircase that led up. Once arriving at the top, they walked on through the doorway and arrived in a circular room, where more people were waiting for them.

He saw Dumbledore and McGonagall, who were standing in front of the headmaster's desk. He quickly saw that the two Gryffindor girls were there too, both of whom looked nervous and on the verge of crying.

But the last person he was dreading to see was Jax Cronch, who was standing on the opposite side of the girls. Studying him over, he realized that his nose was fixed and had a smile on his face that completely spelled out vengeance.

Anger rose in him as he looked at the Slytherin. He questioned himself on why he felt this anger towards someone he barely knew. James and the Marauders were different, as they earned his hatred over the years of bullying him

"Ah, you've found him," Dumbledore smiled as soon as he saw them enter. "Mr. Snape, I believe you know why you are here."

Severus nodded, keeping his expression blank.

"Mr. Cronch, here, arrived at the infirmary earlier today with a broken nose and some cracked ribs, which thankfully were not broken."

Severus almost snorted but withheld it, not wanting to upset the Headmaster or the two Professors in the room.

"After being healed by Madam Pomfrey, he quickly informed Professor Slughorn about you attacking him, unprovoked, and using muggle violence against him. He says that he was going about his day with his friends and was, in his own words, ambushed." He paused for a second. "He claims that you didn't act alone in the assault. That Miss Fortescue and Miss Jayden helped you." He then turned his attention to the girls. "But they claim that Jax was bullying them and that you intervened and attacked him on your own account. And now, with such information, I wish to get your side of the story, Mr. Snape."

Everyone's attention was now on him.

Meeting Jax's eyes, Severus saw the expression on his face. One that threatened to make him pay if he didn't go along with his story instead of the girls. The anger doubled itself as he realized this and he wanted nothing more than to see his lies fall apart. Looking back at the Headmaster, Severus began.

"Earlier today I met with Professor Roland Vector in his office, talk to him if you need to, he'll confirm it, and I was heading back to the Slytherin Common Room after I was done there. However, while on my way back, I saw Jax Cronch and his friends bullying Miss Fortescue and Miss Jayden in the hallways-"

"That's not what happened!" Jax interrupted, his face turning red.

"Quiet, Mr. Cronch," Dumbledore spoke in a calm, but serious voice. "You may speak once Mr. Snape is done." He nodded for him to continue.

"He called Miss Fortescue a Mudblood-lover and said she was a traitor. I..." His next words failed to leave his mouth. He honestly didn't know exactly what to say next. "... and I intervened. I broke his nose out of anger and told him never to do it again. Afterwards I went straight to my dormitory."

Dumbledore watched him, using his skills in Legilimency to read his mind.

Even though Severus had begun teaching himself Occlumency, he dared not to raise his shields against the Headmaster. There was no reason to resist him and he knew that the old man already used it on both Jax and the girls. Letting him into his mind would allow for his story to match up with the Gryffindor girls and turn the tables on Jax.

But even then he knew there would still be a price to pay. His violent actions against Jax would earn him detention. And as for Jax, he would lose House Slytherin a large number of points and be given a much bigger amount of detentions than him.

But the one thing that surprisingly was fine in all of this was that the two girls would be safe from any punishment. Just knowing that Jax's stupid attempt to strike back against the girls would backfire on him made Severus smile. He may hold a great grudge against Gryffindors, but he hated liars and bullies almost as much as he hated James Potter and Sirius Black.

Dumbledore nodded.

"I believe you, Mr. Snape. I admire your willingness to help these two girls when they needed it and also for telling the truth, but your violent actions towards Mr. Cronch must require some punishment. You above all should know better than to let your emotions control you. I think a couple of days of detention will do. Professor Slughorn will determine how many and oversee that you stay for these detentions in his office. And as for you, Mr. Cronch..."

He then turned to the shocked Slytherin, who's face was turning more red by the second.

"Professor Dumbledore, you can't listen to them! They're lying!"

Dumbledore held up his hand to silence him.

"It seems to me that you are the one who is lying, Mr. Cronch. I expected more from you. As such, because of your actions here today, I am taking away one hundred points from House Slytherin and giving you detention through the rest of the year, which will be done under the supervision of Professor McGonagall in her office. Every time you fail to arrive for each detention, ten points will be taken from Slytherin."

"But... sir... you can't do this!"

"I am doing this, Mr. Cronch. No one is above the rules or laws of the Wizarding World, especially purebloods." He clapped his hands together and turned towards everyone else. "Professor McGonagall, Professor Slughorn, I trust that you are aware of the detentions I have set?"

Both McGonagall and Slughorn nodded.

"Splendid. Now, run along, my young students. Enjoy the night while it is still young."

As everyone was exiting the room, except Dumbledore, Severus caught Alice and Rachel for a second, seeing the shocked expressions on their faces before they quickly made way for the Great Hall.

He saw Jax was glaring at him with an angry expression. He quickly walked in the opposite direction of the Great Hall, deciding to skip dinner and wait in the Common Room.

Every time he took a step, he could feel a sense of dread rising in his stomach. He knew the night was far from over and he was going to be the center of attention for the rest of it.


The Gryffindor table watched with anticipation as Alice and Rachel walked into the Great Hall, taking their seats as everyone started throwing questions and demands at them.

"What happened?!"

"Did Jax and Snape get you in trouble?!"

"Please tell me that Snape didn't throw you under the bus to save his sorry arse!"

"Tell us what happened!"

"I'm dying to know!"

As everyone started to calm down, Rachel and Alice leaned towards each other, covering their mouths so no one could hear them.

"Should we tell them everything?" Alice whispered.

"Well, seeing how you already spoiled what happened earlier today, I see no reason in not telling them."

Nodding, they sat straight up and turned to their fellow Gryffindors in front of them.

Filled with excitement, Alice began.

"Okay, so Dumbledore called us to his office along with Jax, while Professor Slughorn went to find Snape. McGonagall was also there as well."

"Get to the parts we don't know!" complained a third-year boy.

"Shut up, Edward!" a fourth-year girl shoot back. "You're ruining the story."

Alice continued without acknowledging the interruption.

"Anyway, Dumbledore got Jax's pathetic side of the story and then got ours, just as Slughorn came back with Snape in tow."

"And?" someone asked.

Alice and Rachel simultaneously turned to one another, trying to process what they had witnessed just earlier ago. A part of them wondered if anyone at the table would believe it or not. Even they were still having a hard time believing it.

Alice swallowed.

"Snape... told Dumbledore what happened and was given two days' worth of detention for breaking Jax's nose. While Jax on the other hand got detention for the rest of the year and lost Slytherin a hundred points for what he and his friends did."

An awkward silence filled the Gryffindor table.

Despite the fact that she had said Slytherin was now behind a hundred points, she could tell that the information was still being processed into their heads. Some stared in awe at her, while others just had a shocked expression.

Looking around, both Alice and Rachel met the eyes Lily Evans, who immediately turned away, hiding her face behind her red hair.

Right then they both felt regret in mentioning Snape with her present. While they had tried to make sure the news of what happened earlier that day didn't reach her ears, it was a failed attempt from the very beginning. Whenever a piece of news or rumor was in the air, it was destined to find its way to every corner of Hogwarts. And it was obvious she knew everything now.

Both Alice and Rachel had continued their argument over Severus Snape's strange behavior since the incident. While Alice was sure that this was a new turnover, Rachel on the other hand thought the opposite. She saw his behavior as a way of trying to win back Lily, and that he would continue to act like all sad and sorry until he had her forgiveness and friendship back.

But after what happened in Dumbledore's office, they both knew that something else was going on. Whatever triggered his response to help them, not once but twice, was due to something else. Was what happened with Lily part of it? They suspected so. But there was something else that they couldn't explain that was behind it all.

"So, wait..." someone broke the silence. "Severus Snape, as in 'the Severus Snape', actually told the truth and landed himself detention, when he had the perfect opportunity to save himself by landing the blame on you?"

Alice nodded.

"I don't buy it!" Sirius Black hit the table with his fist. "Snivellus Snape definitely has something up his sleeve! Just you wait, he will make sure there is hell to pay when the time is right!"

On his right, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew nodded in agreement, while Remus Lupin was indifferent about the whole thing. Other Gryffindors either nodded as well or remained in doubt.

"Wait, you said the Slytherin who attacked you two was Jax Cronch, right?" a fifth year boy asked.

"That's right," Rachel answered.

"I didn't know that Bartemius Crouch had another family member, other than his own son, in Slytherin. Makes me feel even more sorry for him, despite that the man maybe a little too hardcore for my taste."

"No, you idiot!" the same fourth year girl from earlier hit him on the head.

"Ow!" the boy rubbed the spot she smacked him on.

"Bartemius comes from the Crouch family, with a U. Jax's family name has an N. Seriously, get your spelling and history right!"

The boy glared at her.

"Well, excuse me, Miss Party-Pooper! Not everyone's life is a book you know!"

Some of the students laughed.

"Getting off track here guys!" another fifth year yelled out.

"But seriously, what is going on with Snape recently?" Mary McDonald spoke up, getting the attention of every Gryffindor at the table. "Through the whole week, until today, he has been more quiet than usual. Even the Slytherins seem to be wondering the same thing. Why would he suddenly turn on one his own house members to defend two Gryffindors? No offense guys."

"None taken," Alice and Rachel smiled.

"The point is this," came the voice of James Potter. "Snivellus Snape is still the creepy, disgusting, Death-Eater-wanna-be Slytherin since the day he stepped foot onto Hogwarts. And besides, he just turned on one of his own. That alone should tell you the kind of person he is. So, what is there to question? Mock my words, he will be back to normal before we all know it."

Many heads around the table, including Sirius, nodded in agreement.

However, both Alice and Rachel couldn't help but question his logic. Which isn't saying much, considering when it comes to James Potter there was very little logic with him to begin with. Sure, Severus was a Slytherin and it was no secret he was into the Dark Arts, but nothing James had said explained his actions of today. Why would he give a damn about two Gryffindors? A house that was his sworn enemy. Why would he allow himself to get detention when he could have easily blamed them and saved himself?

None of it made sense.

It wasn't long before the conversation was lost, and everything returned to normal as everyone began to eat.


Sitting near the edge of the couch, Severus had his hands folded and his heart was beating in his chest. A small chill ran down his spine, making him shiver.

He knew that there would be fallout from this. Jax would have already told Avery, Mulciber, Nott, Rosier, Wilkes, and the Lestrange Brothers about what he did. There was no doubt that there would be vengeance tonight. Even if he managed to avoid it, which was highly less likely, there would always be the morning and every other day after that.

He knew he was going to have to face the consequences.

He began to question himself of what he had done and what it truly meant for everything in his life. Would this ruin his chance of becoming a Death Eater? Would his attempt to get accepted by his house be destroyed because of him helping two blood-traitor Gryffindors?

The moment he thought of that word he immediately felt regret and hatred towards himself. Every time he found himself thinking the words mudblood or blood-traitor he would become irritated with himself. And even though he knew the reason why he felt this way, he couldn't help but wonder why it never worn off. Lily definitely had ways of making him feel terrible for using such words, but he would always find himself reverting back to his usual Slytherin self once he was out of her presence. Now that he was constantly out of her presence, the same method wasn't working. In fact, he couldn't stand hearing those words whenever he heard a Slytherin use them to describe a person.

What did those words even mean anyway? Why should they suddenly make someone terrible because of something so stupid as what kind of blood they have?

The more and more he questioned himself of these things he suddenly began to find himself not wanting to be a Death Eater. If anything, he would be okay if everyone who was involved with Death Eaters or the Dark Lord himself suddenly left him alone. His 'so-called' friends never offered him support or comfort after what happened with Lily. Even before that they never really cared about what was happening with him.

The anger was back again, and he began to blame Slytherin for losing Lily. They had drilled the whole pureblood rule and mudblood stuff into his head, making it sound all noble. And it had cost him his relationship with the only person in the entire world who cared about him.

But he quickly found himself accepting the fact that all of the fault was on him. In the end, it was him who allowed his mouth to run free and hurt her. It was him who allowed himself to become brainwashed by his own house.

Lost in his thoughts, he was suddenly brought back to reality when he heard the doorway opening up in the Common Room.

Slytherins appeared and immediately took notice of him sitting there. He dared not to look up, worried he would be met with anger or sympathy from some of them. He didn't want to be reminded of what was coming for him.

A small group of Slytherins walked in front of the crowd. They stared at him with great hatred in their eyes, wands drawn. A few looked towards the crowd and waved their wands at them, signaling them to return to their rooms.

Even the perfects didn't object as everyone left the room.

As silence settled, Severus could feel the eyes of the small group of Slytherins burning holes right through him. Even for him the silence was too much and made everything feel eerie.

Sighing to himself, he looked up and met the eyes of the very people he didn't want to see.

Avery, Mulciber, Nott, Rosier, Wilkes, the Lestrange Brothers, Jax Cronch and also Regulus Black all stood before him. Their faces were red with anger.

He studied each person and knew that there was no way he could win this fight against ten people. He'd be lucky to take out three of them before they dropped him and took away his wand.

While he maybe more experienced, he knew he was out of his league with all of them combined. They were feared in House Slytherin for a reason. They had others in their group, but they were the main players. The real masterminds who kept the group functioning and powerful.

The only other group who could challenge them, outside of the teachers and the headmaster, were the Marauders.

The two leaders of the group, Avery and Mulciber, stepped forward.

"So, Snape," Avery spoke. "Care to explain what Jax has been telling us?"

Looking into his eyes, he carefully moved his hand into his robes and took his wand in his hand, keeping it covered with the fabric.

"I'm not sure what you mean."

Mulciber snorted and pointed his wand at him.

"Don't play innocent with us, Snape. Jax told us what you did."

Avery nodded in acknowledge with his friend and continued to glare at Severus.

"You attacked him when he was putting a couple of blood-traitors in their place. And then you proceeded to break his nose and threaten him not to do it again. But the worst part was that you had a chance to redeem yourself in our eyes by blaming those two Gryffindors and clearing Jax. Have you forgotten what the Slytherin name stands for?!"

"And what does it stand for? Please, enlighten me!" Snape grew angry with each passing second. Memories of all the times he was bullied by James Potter and never once received helped by any of them.

"It represents the pureblood society of those who are better than muggles and lowborns of the Wizarding World! It represents that we are destined to rule overall, because we are better than everyone else!"

Avery and the others nodded, smiling.

"And how are any of you better than others?" Snape questioned him.

Mulciber's expression changed to anger, and he stepped forward, almost pressing the wand into Severus's face.

"Don't test me, Snape! You maybe not be a mudblood, but you are a half-blood, and the fact that the pureblood society is tolerating your kind should make you be grateful to us. You shouldn't even be allowed to speak to me without bowing or addressing me in a fashion matter. I sometimes wonder if the Dark Lord should add you to the list of races that should be extinguished. Just like your little mudblood friend-"

Suddenly Severus was no longer sitting on the couch. The moment he heard the words leave Mulciber's mouth, he had leaped up from where he was sitting and sent a Stupefy spell directly at the others behind him and Avery. Thanks to them all being so close together, the spell managed to knock all of them down at once.

Bringing his fist into Avery's mouth, he could hear the impact of the punch as it sent the boy falling to ground with a thud.

Turning his attention back to Mulciber, who was frozen with shock by how fast Severus was, sent another Stupefy spell directly him. He watched with a smile on his face as the Slytherin was thrown backwards and had slid across the floor, almost hitting the other couch on the other side of the Common Room.

However, his victory was short lived as the other Slytherins he had sent the first Stupefy to were now getting up. Although he got lucky with being able to take them down with a single spell due to them being so close, the force of the spell wasn't enough to keep them down. The spell was great against one or two people, but not so great against eight. They had retrieved their wands and sent curses at him.

He immediately threw himself over the couch and took cover against the back of it, letting the front take the impact. He thought about using some of his invented spells to defend himself, but worried that they would use 'em against him later on in the future. He instead decided to use defensive spells for the moment, just in case Slughorn or another teacher got involved.

He quickly stood up to cast a couple of spells towards his attackers when he found an opening. However, before could he cast the first spell, he immediately felt something hit him in the back. He fell against the couch and made contact with the ground on his back. His wand flew across the floor, losing his best weapon of defense. He cursed at himself a couple of times for not paying attention to what was going on behind him. He was so focused on what was going on in front of him that he never considered the possibility of someone getting the drop on him from anywhere else.

Unable to move, he could only watch from the corner of his eyes as his enemies gathered around him. He tried whispering Accio for his wand, but his mouth betrayed him. He found he couldn't speak or even move any part of his body. His eyes widened as he realized that the mysterious person who got him from behind had also casted the Petrificus Totalus.

Damn it, Snape! You're supposed to be better than this!

He heard laughing and knew that both Mulciber and Avery had recovered from his attack, walking towards where he was laying. He could only watch from the corner of his eyes as they looked down towards him, smiling.

"Oh, we forgot to mention something," Mulciber pretended to slap himself on the forehead. "Earlier tonight, just before the feast, we've welcomed a new member to our group. Someone who has proven himself to be worthy of us and also the Dark Lord. We were going to tell you, but after what Jax has told us about what you did..." His expression turned to hatred. "... we figured we would save it as a surprise."

A dark shadow appeared behind Mulciber, who moved out of the way so Severus could see who it was. Standing up above him was none other than Bartemius 'Barty' Crouch Jr., who was smiling down to him.

For some reason, this didn't surprise Severus. He knew that Barty was a rebel of his father and wished to join the ranks of the Death Eaters in order to get revenge against his family. But what did surprise him was the fact that the group would accept him so early, being a third year. Not to mention the confusion some will have between both his and Jax's last names. The very thought almost made him chuckle, if he wasn't body-binded at the moment.

"You've made a terrible mistake, Snape," said Barty Jr.

"And now, you're going to pay for it," Avery smiled.

Mulciber nodded to Wilkes and Rosier, who grabbed Severus by his shoulders and began to drag him to the showers of the boys' dormitory. They threw him across the hard, concrete floor, almost sliding to the middle. He could feel his body ache from the pain of being thrown with such force, wishing the impact had knocked him out for what was about to happen next. He knew the exact reason for why they had brought him here.

"Perfect place for torture, don't you think, Severus," Mulciber asked, although it sounded more like a statement. "The evidence can be washed away with just a turn of a couple knobs. And no need to worry about the wards... we have someone taking care of that for this special occasion."

"Which is a waste," someone said.

"Oh, shut it!" Mulciber glared at the boy before turning back to Severus. He lifted his wand and removed the body-binding curse from him.

Once in control of his eye lids and body again, he closed his eyes and prepared himself through the use of Occlumency, closing himself off from his physical self. He tried as hard as he could to hide within the dark corners of his mind. He wasn't going to give them the pleasure of hearing him scream or beg for mercy.

If there was one advantage that the Marauders and his father had given him, it was making him used to pain and humiliation.

The others gathered behind Mulciber, watching with excitement for what was about to happen next.

"Crucio!" Mulciber shouted and from the tip of his wand came a red light, hitting Severus.

Even with the help of Occlumency, Severus could feel every bit of the pain that was being inflicted upon him. His eyes widened and tightened, his hands formed fists, and his mouth closed shut, daring not to open for anything. His body felt like it was on fire, with thousands of spikes driving right through his skin. His body was twitching and jerking. He fought for control over his mouth, not wanting to set free his agony or cries of pain. He began to bash his head against the floor, hoping it would lessen the pain somehow.

It wasn't long before he became disorientated and had lost track of everything. Sense of time, place and thinking clearly was gone. Each passing second felt like an eternity to him. But, somehow, through it all, he managed to keep himself intact through his mind.

Though his walls of Occlumency were weakened, they still managed to hold together.

He could hear someone yelling in anger and something hitting the left side of his ribs.

"Why - won't - you - break?!" the words came to him slowly.

He thought he could see Mulciber kicking him, while the others behind him looked on. They all had smiles of enjoyment at what was happening to him. However, he thought he saw Regulus looking away in shame and guilt.

Severus's eyes began to slowly close, and the darkness started to overtake him.

Even when Mulciber resumed to using the Cruciatus Curse again, he found himself slipping into unconsciousness and he hoped that Death had come to take him away.

He wanted nothing more than to be free of this life. To be free of his pain. To be free of the Wizarding World. To be free of his father. To be free of Slytherin and the Death Eaters. But most of all, to be free of Lily.

The very last thought that entered his mind was a memory of when he had first met Lily at the age of nine. His lips formed a smile before he felt the darkness finally take him.