Chapter 12: Building the Foundation

March 31, 2024

The sparring session with Luke replayed in my mind as I moved through the ship's corridors. My body still ached from the punches he landed, but there was something more than just the physical toll. I had learned. Every strike, every movement had been a lesson. Luke may have held back, but I hadn't. And I knew that the next time, I'd be even better.

The ship, Arcanum, hummed quietly around me, a sleek piece of engineering. Its halls were polished metal, with strips of blue light running along the floor to guide the way. I could feel the soft vibrations under my boots as I walked, and the subtle changes in gravity told me we were moving faster than it seemed.

But there was something else I needed to focus on now. My newfound wealth.

I lifted my wrist, activating the holo bracelet Naari had given me. The sleek, silver device projected a glowing screen in the air, showing my current account balance in crisp numbers:

3,289,400 credits.

The number still felt surreal. On Earth, that kind of money would have made me a millionaire, but here? I needed perspective. I hadn't been on this planet long enough to understand the economy, but I knew that credits were the universal currency across the galaxy.

I scrolled through the interface, pulling up recent purchases to get an idea of the prices in this universe. The list was extensive, and I could feel the complexity of the galaxy's financial system unfolding in front of me.


Common Items on Planet Nexus-9 

- Basic meal: 10 credits 

- Advanced meal: 50 credits 

- Holo-device (outdated): 500 credits 

- Holo-device (latest model): 2,500 credits 

- Personal transportation (Hoverbike): 8,000 credits 

- Mid-tier apartment rent (one month): 1,000 credits



My 3,289,400 credits were enough to set me up comfortably for a while, but in the grand scheme of things, it wasn't an infinite supply. I'd have to be careful and strategic. If I was planning to stay with this squad and learn everything they had to offer, I needed to play my cards right.

As I scrolled through the holo bracelet, I found myself standing in front of one of the ship's many observation windows. Outside, stars zipped by in long streaks, blending into the darkness of space. We were no longer near the planet Nexus-9. This was another reminder of just how far I had come, and how far I still had to go.


I made my way toward the ship's main hall, where I knew Naari and the others would be. The crew had been oddly welcoming, considering I was a stranger who had just been dropped into their midst. But I had a feeling that wasn't by chance.

As I stepped through the sliding doors, I found the entire squad gathered around the central table, reviewing data on the holographic display. The table projected a three-dimensional map of what looked like a massive planet, likely the base of operations Naari had mentioned earlier. It was labeled in bold letters: Arkria Prime.

Naari spotted me and waved me over. "Kane, come here. We were just discussing our next stop."

I approached, glancing at the map. "Arkria Prime?"

Naari nodded, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "It's the headquarters of our organization, the Sentinels. We're heading there now. Once we arrive, you'll have a chance to get more familiar with how we operate."

The name sounded fitting. From what I had seen, they were more than just bounty hunters. They hunted down criminals and shut down organizations like the Ascendants, but they were clearly a force to be reckoned with.

I leaned closer to the map, studying the layout of Arkria Prime. It was massive, a sprawling cityscape surrounded by mountainous terrain. But what caught my attention were the zones marked on the map, indicating areas by rank.

Naari must've seen my curiosity. "Arkria Prime is ranked all the way up to S-tier," she explained, tapping the hologram. "Most of the people who operate there are C to B rank, like us. S-rankers are rare, and they usually stay behind the scenes."

I nodded, absorbing the information. So, this planet was a hub for high-ranking individuals, people with power, influence, and skill. And if I wanted to reach that level, I had to start from where I was.

"How does ranking work in this system?" I asked, wanting to fill in the gaps in my knowledge.

Kraven, the leader, glanced up from the display. "It's based on your overall capabilities. Your combat skill, intelligence, tactics, influence, everything is weighed. We're all C-rank, except Rina, who's pushing the upper end of B."

Rina smirked at the comment but didn't say anything.

"And the highest rank is S," Kraven continued. "Though very few reach that level. You can rise through missions, accomplishments, and recognition from the organization."

I considered his words. The ranks here weren't based solely on raw strength or gifts. Strategy, skill, and influence were just as important, which meant I had a real shot at climbing the ranks.

Naari glanced at me with a knowing smile. "We can train you. You've already proven you can learn fast. Stick with us, and you'll get the hang of it."

I nodded. "That's the plan."

Luke, who had been leaning against the wall, cracked his knuckles. "Speaking of training, how's your body holding up after that spar?"

I rolled my shoulder, feeling the soreness still lingering from our match. "Could be worse," I admitted.

He grinned. "Good. Because that was nothing. I want to see what you're really made of."

His words carried a challenge, but there was no malice behind them. He wanted to push me, to test me, and I was ready for it.

"I'm in" I said, meeting his gaze. "Let's see if you can keep up."

Naari laughed, shaking her head. "You boys don't waste time, do you?"

Kraven nodded toward Luke. "Take it easy on him, Luke. We still need him in one piece."

Luke just smirked. "No promises."


An hour later, we were back in the training area. The room was bright, spacious, and filled with all kinds of equipment. Luke stood in the center, his stance relaxed, but I knew better than to think he'd take it easy on me.

"You ready for round two?" he asked, rolling his shoulders.

I stepped onto the mat, feeling my muscles tense in anticipation. "Ready when you are."

Luke didn't waste time. He launched forward with a speed that i could follow now, his fists a blur as they came toward me. I ducked under his first strike, but his knee followed quickly, slamming into my side. Pain shot through my ribs, but I smiled, already adapting to his rhythm.

His strikes were sharper, faster this time. He wasn't holding back like he did in our first spar. Each punch came with more precision, more force, but I was learning. I blocked a right hook, then spun away from a kick, my body reacting faster as I anticipated his movements.

"You're faster than before," Luke commented, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

I didn't respond. Instead, I stepped in, aiming a jab at his ribs. He blocked it with ease, but I followed up with a swift kick to his shin, forcing him to shift his stance. He recovered quickly, countering with a brutal punch to my chest that knocked the air from my lungs.

But even as the pain surged through me, I felt my body adjusting, adapting. I wasn't going to fall for the same moves again. My vision narrowed, focusing on the openings in his defense.

The next time Luke swung, I sidestepped, catching his arm and twisting it behind him. His eyes widened in surprise, but before he could counter, I swept his legs out from under him, sending him crashing to the mat.

He lay there for a moment, staring up at the ceiling, before letting out a low chuckle. "Damn. You really do learn fast."