Chapter 11: The Learning Curve

March 30, 2024

The hum of the ship's engines was a constant backdrop, but my mind didn't slow down. I had been with Naari and her team for less than a day, but I already felt myself adapting to their rhythm. Every word, every action, every piece of tech I saw, I absorbed. I wasn't overwhelmed by the complexity of it all, far from it. My brain was working faster than ever before, making sense of everything around me.

I was still processing the incredible amount of credits in my account and the fact that I now had a legal identity, something I hadn't thought possible just days ago. But even that wasn't what drove me. I wasn't thinking about the wealth or even the clean slate. No, my mind was focused on one thing: learning.

This squad was more than just an elite group. They were the key to unlocking new skills, new ways to survive and thrive in this universe. And I wasn't planning on wasting any time.

As we finished lunch, I found myself glancing at Luke. He was chatting with Rina, though his sharp eyes occasionally flicked toward me, sizing me up, like a predator assessing whether its prey was worth the effort. I had no doubt about his strength, his build alone told me that, but I had a gut feeling that I could learn a lot from him.

Naari had mentioned that Luke handled the close combat on the team. I wasn't delusional enough to think I could match him right now, but the only way to push myself was to challenge him head-on.

"Luke," I said, catching his attention as the conversation at the table died down. "How about a spar?"

He raised an eyebrow, surprised but not taken aback. "A spar?" His gaze narrowed slightly, his curiosity piqued. "You just got out of medical, and you're already looking for a fight?"

I shrugged, keeping my tone casual. "Nothing too serious. I want to see what I can learn."

Luke smirked, clearly amused by my boldness. "You've got guts, I'll give you that." He stood up, stretching his broad shoulders as he did. "Alright, if you're sure you're up for it, let's go."

The rest of the crew exchanged glances but said nothing. Naari watched with her usual amused smile, and Rina leaned back, arms crossed, as if this was a show worth watching.

Luke led me to the ship's training area, a spacious room lined with sleek panels and equipment I couldn't begin to name. The floor was padded, clearly designed for the kind of hand-to-hand combat I was about to engage in. Luke stepped into the center of the room, rolling his neck from side to side.

I followed, my senses heightening as I positioned myself opposite him. My body was still sore from the fight with Zane, but something had changed in me. The pain was there, but it didn't hold me back like it should have. My body was stronger than before, that much I knew.

"Don't expect me to go easy on you," Luke said, cracking his knuckles. His smirk was playful, but his stance was anything but that. "You asked for this."

I didn't respond. Instead, I watched his every move, how his weight shifted, how his muscles tensed before he attacked.

Luke lunged first, closing the distance between us faster than I expected. His right fist came in with precision, aimed at my ribs. I barely had time to react, twisting my body to avoid the full brunt of the hit. Still, the blow connected, sending a shockwave through my side.

He didn't let up. His movements were calculated, fluid, like he'd fought a thousand battles. I was forced to stay on the defensive, dodging and blocking as best as I could, but it wasn't enough. He was faster, stronger, more experienced.

But I was learning.

Every time Luke swung, every time he shifted his stance, I absorbed the information. My brain was firing on all cylinders, processing his movements like a code to be cracked. His attacks became clearer, his rhythm more predictable. And with each punch he threw, I adapted.

I ducked under his next strike, sidestepping his follow-up kick. This time, I countered, driving my fist toward his midsection. It wasn't a perfect hit, he blocked it easily, but I saw the brief flicker of surprise in his eyes. I was catching on.

Luke grinned, clearly enjoying the challenge. "Not bad," he muttered, stepping back to reassess. "But you're still too slow."

He came at me again, faster than before. His strikes were sharper, more aggressive, and this time, I struggled to keep up. He was pushing me to my limits, testing my endurance. A punch caught me in the shoulder, sending me stumbling back, but I didn't falter. I couldn't.

Each hit was a lesson. I could feel my body adjusting, learning how to take the blows, how to move faster, how to avoid the same mistakes. My muscles responded with an efficiency I hadn't experienced before, and slowly, I started to gain ground.

Luke swung wide with a left hook, and this time, I saw the opening. I ducked under the punch and drove my elbow into his ribs. He grunted, but before he could recover, I followed up with a quick jab to his chest. The impact was solid, enough to make him stagger slightly.

"You're a fast learner," Luke admitted, wiping a trickle of sweat from his brow. "But let's see if you can handle this."

He shifted his stance, and I could feel the intensity rise. Luke wasn't holding back anymore. His fists became blurs as he unleashed a barrage of attacks. I dodged as best I could, but his strikes were relentless. A punch caught me in the ribs, another clipped my jaw. Pain flared, but I gritted my teeth, refusing to back down.

And then it happened.

I saw his pattern, the rhythm of his strikes, the way he left himself open for just a split second after each punch. My mind clicked into place, and I knew what to do.

The next time Luke lunged, I didn't dodge. I stepped forward, catching his arm mid-swing. His eyes widened in surprise as I twisted his arm behind him, using his momentum against him. Before he could react, I swept his legs out from under him, sending him crashing to the mat.

I stood over him, breathing hard but victorious.

Luke blinked up at me, his expression a mix of surprise and amusement. "Well, damn. Didn't expect that."

I offered him a hand, and he took it, pulling himself up with a grin. "You're something else, Kane. No one's ever picked up on my moves that fast."

I shrugged, though I couldn't hide the small smile tugging at my lips. "I learn quickly."

He chuckled, rubbing his ribs. "Yeah, no kidding. But don't get cocky. I wasn't going all out."

I raised an eyebrow. "And what happens if you do?"

Luke's grin widened. "Let's just say you won't be standing."