Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Chains of Revenge

The days dragged on like shadows stretching across Deen's heart, each moment heavier than the last. Lila's attempts to help him reconcile with Thai felt like a desperate grasp at hope, yet Deen couldn't shake the feeling that he was fighting an uphill battle. Thai's indifference cut deep, and with every passing day, the chasm between them widened.

"Let's plan something special," Lila suggested, her voice bright with optimism. "Maybe a surprise dinner? We can invite Thai and see if we can bring back the spark."

Deen forced a smile, trying to match her enthusiasm. "Yeah, sounds good," he replied, but in his heart, the knot of anxiety twisted tighter. He didn't know if he could face Thai, especially now that he was with Eric. The thought gnawed at him, turning over and over like a dark cloud.

Meanwhile, Thai was moving forward, or so he thought. The sting of betrayal had ignited a fire within him, prompting him to reclaim his life in a way he never imagined. When he and Eric started dating, it felt like a rush of liberation—something to mask the pain and embarrassment of his broken heart.

Eric, with his easy laughter and carefree spirit, was the perfect distraction. As they strolled through the bustling streets together, Thai felt a flicker of happiness that had long eluded him. But beneath that joy simmered a plan for revenge—a way to show Deen what it felt like to lose someone.

At the dinner that Lila organized, the atmosphere was tense. Deen sat at the table, nervously fiddling with his fork, glancing around for a sign of Thai. When he finally arrived with Eric, the energy in the room shifted dramatically. Lila greeted them, her excitement almost palpable, while Deen's heart raced at the sight of Thai.

"Hey, everyone!" Thai said, trying to sound cheerful, but his eyes flickered to Deen with a mix of defiance and pain.

"Glad you could make it," Lila beamed, oblivious to the silent battle brewing between the two men.

As the dinner progressed, Deen felt like a ghost at his own gathering. Thai and Eric were inseparable, their chemistry so apparent it burned like a flame. Thai would occasionally catch Deen's eye, and each glance felt like a dagger, cutting deeper into the already raw wounds.

"Eric, can you pass the salt?" Thai asked, leaning closer to Eric, their arms brushing. The casual intimacy sent a wave of nausea through Deen.

"Sure thing, babe," Eric replied, grinning.

The pet name hit Deen like a punch to the gut. He couldn't breathe as memories of Thai and the life they once shared flooded his mind—moments filled with laughter, love, and now an insufferable void.

Lila, noticing Deen's discomfort, leaned in. "Hey, are you okay?" she whispered.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Deen lied, forcing a smile. But inside, he was spiraling.

As the evening wore on, the tension reached a boiling point. Thai and Eric were sharing stories, laughing loudly, and each laugh felt like a chisel carving away at Deen's resolve. Finally, he couldn't take it any longer.

"Thai, can we talk?" Deen blurted, standing up abruptly. The room fell silent as all eyes turned toward him.

"Now?" Thai asked, eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Yeah, now," Deen replied, his voice shaky but determined.

They stepped outside, the cool night air wrapping around them like a shroud. Deen struggled to find his words, his heart pounding in his chest.

"What's going on, Thai?" Deen asked, trying to keep his voice steady. "Are you really happy with Eric? Is this your way of getting back at me?"

Thai's expression hardened, a mix of anger and hurt flashing across his face. "You think this is about you? I'm tired of waiting for you to figure things out. I deserve to be happy, and Eric makes me feel that way."

"Happy? Is this how you show it? By flaunting it in front of me?" Deen shot back, frustration boiling over.

"Maybe it's what you deserve," Thai spat, his eyes narrowing. "You pushed me away, Deen. This is what you wanted."

The two stood in the darkness, emotions swirling like a tempest. Deen felt the weight of the world crashing down on him as Thai's words sunk in. The realization that he had lost not just Thai, but also the chance to mend their relationship felt like a crushing blow.

"Why can't you see how much I care about you?" Deen pleaded, desperation creeping into his voice. "I'm trying to make things right."

"Right?" Thai laughed bitterly. "You don't get it, do you? You think you can just decide when to be interested in me? I'm not a backup plan, Deen!"

With that, Thai turned to leave, but Deen reached out, grabbing his arm. "Please don't go. We can talk this through."

Thai yanked his arm away, eyes blazing with hurt. "You're too late," he said, voice thick with emotion. "I'm done waiting. If you wanted me, you should have fought for me."

As Thai walked away, Deen felt the finality of their conversation hit him like a tidal wave. The pain of watching Thai move on with Eric consumed him, and he stumbled back inside, where the laughter felt hollow and suffocating.

"Deen, what happened?" Lila asked, concern etched on her face as she watched him re-enter the room.

"Nothing. Just… nothing," he muttered, his heart shattered.

But it wasn't nothing. It was everything—his love, his heart, and his friend—all slipping through his fingers like sand.

In the days that followed, the drama escalated. Deen's friends began to take sides, and he felt the painful divide grow. Thai's decision to date Eric sparked a wave of gossip and animosity, turning friends into strangers.

"Did you hear about Deen? He's still hung up on Thai," someone whispered at work, their voices echoing in his ears. Each whisper cut deeper, fueling his sense of isolation.

One evening, his friend confronted Thai after noticing how he had changed. "You're not the same person I used to know. This revenge thing isn't healthy, Thai."

"Maybe you're right," Thai admitted, the façade cracking slightly. "But I can't just let him walk away without feeling the pain I felt."

She shook her head, disappointment heavy in her voice. "You're hurting everyone in the process, including yourself. This isn't love; it's a war, and love should never feel like that."

As time went on, Deen found himself more alone than ever. The fallout from Thai's actions reverberated through his life, leaving behind wreckage where friendships once flourished. He lost Eric's trust, feeling the wedge of jealousy and betrayal push them apart.

One night, as Deen sat alone in his dim apartment, the weight of it all crashed down. He held his phone in his hands, scrolling through old photos of him and Thai—smiling faces, shared dreams, moments of love that felt like a distant memory. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he whispered into the silence, "What have we done?"

The heartbreak felt insurmountable, each breath a reminder of what was lost. As he lay in the dark, the shadows of regret engulfed him, and he realized that love could be both beautiful and brutal.

To Be Continued…