Chapter 22

Chapter 22: The Weight of Hatred

The air was thick with animosity, each encounter between Deen and Thai charged with an electric tension that threatened to boil over. It felt as though every time they crossed paths, the universe held its breath, waiting for the inevitable explosion.

Deen paced in his small apartment, his heart racing with frustration. It had been weeks since the dinner, yet the memories of Thai with Eric haunted him like a specter. The anger bubbled beneath the surface, a seething rage that refused to dissipate.

"Why can't he just stay away?" Deen muttered to himself, glaring at his phone as if it could somehow summon Thai. Each notification felt like a taunt, reminding him of the life he had lost.

Meanwhile, Thai was grappling with his own demons. The thrill of being with Eric had dulled into a bitter reminder of what he had given up. Each time he saw Deen, his heart twisted painfully, but instead of longing, it ignited an uncontrollable fury.

"You think you can just walk around like you've won something?" Thai snapped to himself, his reflection staring back at him in the mirror. He had spent too long feeling broken; now, he was ready to fight back.

At work, the tension was palpable. Deen and Thai's paths crossed frequently, the office chatter fading into a hush when they entered the same room. Their co-workers exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the animosity crackling in the air.

One afternoon, during a meeting, Thai arrived late, eyes scanning the room until they landed on Deen. The spark ignited instantly, a smoldering fire of resentment.

"Nice of you to join us, Thai," Deen said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Better late than never, Deen. Not all of us can be perfect little robots," Thai shot back, the tension escalating with each word.

As the meeting progressed, the hostility grew unbearable. Deen's fists clenched beneath the table, his mind racing with thoughts of how Thai had betrayed him, how he was flaunting his new relationship like a trophy.

"You really think this is about you?" Thai finally burst out, unable to contain his anger. "You think I'm here to ruin your day? You're the one who pushed me away!"

"Don't act like you're some victim, Thai. You made your choices," Deen retorted, his voice rising.

The meeting was forgotten, the room frozen in anticipation as the two men faced off, eyes blazing.

"Maybe I should have let you keep wallowing in your self-pity," Thai shot back, his words sharp enough to cut.

Just then, Lila entered, sensing the charged atmosphere. "Guys, can we calm down? This isn't the place—"

"Stay out of this, Lila," Deen snapped, the fire in his eyes directed at her for a moment before returning to Thai.

Thai crossed his arms, his expression a mix of defiance and hurt. "You think you can bully me into submission? I'm done letting you dictate how I feel."

"Good. Because I'm not going to sit back and watch you flaunt your happiness," Deen growled, a raw edge to his voice.

After the meeting, as the rest of the team filed out, Deen and Thai stood staring at each other, the world around them fading. Each moment felt like a battle, an unspoken challenge hanging in the air.

"Is this really what you want?" Deen asked, his voice low, almost pleading. "To be enemies?"

"Why not?" Thai replied, anger morphing into something darker. "You've made it clear that you don't care about what we had."

They left the conference room, the atmosphere still charged. Outside, they found themselves at a crossroads, where their paths collided yet again.

"Maybe we should settle this like adults," Thai suggested, fists clenched at his sides, a mix of fury and pain etched on his face.

"Or maybe we just keep pretending we don't care," Deen shot back, his heart racing, a surge of adrenaline coursing through him.

As they faced each other, the world faded away, leaving only the bitter taste of betrayal and hurt. With every passing moment, their unresolved feelings brewed like a storm on the horizon.

"Let's take this outside," Thai finally snapped, the challenge ringing in the air like a bell tolling.

"Fine. Let's settle this," Deen replied, his voice filled with resolve.

Outside, the sun dipped low in the sky, casting long shadows that mirrored their fractured relationship. They stepped onto the empty street, adrenaline coursing through their veins, fists ready for a fight that felt inevitable.

But deep down, beneath the layers of anger, both men felt the weight of their shared history, the love they had once cherished now twisted into something dark and unrecognizable.

As they squared off, the tension reached a fever pitch. Deen's heart pounded in his chest as he prepared for the confrontation, but a small voice inside him whispered of the love that had once been.

To Be Continued…