Spinning the Slot Machine!

Level 0… 

1 year and 30 days of lifespan… 

And on top of that, stuck in this stinking underground garage! 

What the hell is this?!

Jexon's hands trembled slightly as he realized— 

He had been **reborn**! 

He had come back to the time, just one month into the apocalypse, when he was on the verge of starving to death in the Backstabber Club's underground garage!

Damn it!

Upon realizing this, the newly awakened Jexon almost fainted again out of frustration. 

Is being reborn a good thing? Of course, it's an incredible opportunity! 

But being reborn at **this** moment was utterly inconvenient!

Couldn't he have been reborn before the apocalypse started? 

If that had happened, he could have stockpiled resources like crazy! 

Even if he had been reborn right at the moment the apocalypse began, he could have seized the opportunity to change his fate! 

Or, if only he had been reborn before Bethany stole the recipe for the *Longevity Elixir*, he could have used the formula himself to thrive! 

And if nothing else, he could have been reborn before saving that ungrateful bastard Kerr, so he could at least have gotten revenge for that betrayal!

But no… 

He had been reborn at this moment—a month into the apocalypse! 

The *Longevity Elixir* formula had already been stolen by Bethany. 

His treacherous roommate, Kerr, had already been saved by him. 

And both of those ingrates were now doing exceptionally well!

As for him, Jexon? 

At this point in time, he had not only fallen to the lowest rank as a Life Cacher, but he was also starving, weak, and half-dead. 

To make matters worse, after all his early efforts, he was left with only a year of lifespan!

What can you do with a year of lifespan? 

Barely enough to spin the lowest-tier white Slot Machine **once**! 

And forget about that year—at this rate, he'd starve to death in a single day!

What kind of hellish start was this?! 

This kind of rebirth might as well not have happened! 

At least in his previous life, he had started turning things around. 

Though he hadn't yet gotten his revenge, he hadn't done too badly for himself. 

But now?

What? You think he could just retrace his steps from his past life? 

Who knows how difficult and painful that path had been!

It was a path where he'd had to gamble with his life, hanging by a thread every step of the way, with death looming over him at all times!

So, how had Jexon managed to turn the tide at this point in his previous life, when he was lying half-dead in the underground garage?

In truth, at this point in his past life, he had been completely desperate. 

There was no way he was going to gnaw on the dog bone that Walter had given him. 

For Life Cachers like them, as long as they were willing to sacrifice their lifespan to spin the Slot Machine, they would receive a minimum reward from the club, no matter what they pulled. 

In his previous life, starving and at his wits' end, Jexon had used his final year of lifespan to apply for a Slot Machine spin from the club.

Even if he was going to die, at least he could die with a full stomach.


Whether his luck was good or bad was up for debate. 

In that spin, just like Walter, he had drawn a *Longevity Elixir*!

However, as a Life Cacher, the *Longevity Elixir* didn't belong to him. 

Just like Walter, the club had taken it from him on the spot. 

According to the club's rules, drawing such a valuable prize should have earned him a boost in benefits. 

But Hunter, the one overseeing the Life Cacher spins, noticed that Jexon only had 30 days of lifespan left after the draw.

So Hunter decided that it wasn't worth upgrading the benefits for someone who was basically a dead man. 

After all, a person with only 30 days of lifespan left had no value anymore!

Jexon, in his previous life, had sensed Hunter's intentions. 

In his growing despair, he made a bold decision! 

He decided to join the club's death squad!

With the arrival of the apocalypse game, all kinds of factions and groups had emerged. 

The Backstabber Club, within the vast Cedar City, was only a third-rate power. 

But even as a third-rate power, it was quite established. 

Within the club, members were ranked clearly.

At the top of the pyramid were the core members, possessing powerful combat abilities. 

In the middle were the official members, who had some degree of combat capability and value. 

At the bottom of the pyramid were those willing to fight, though not necessarily equipped for it: the death squad members, commonly known as cannon fodder.

But not just anyone could become cannon fodder. 

Some people, who had been completely abandoned by the world, were so useless that even the death squad didn't want them dragging everyone down!

When Jexon expressed his desire to join the death squad in his previous life, Hunter had simply mocked him, saying:

"If you want to die, I can send you off right now! The death squad isn't just for anyone who feels like joining!"

Jexon's fate should have been sealed right then and there. 

But fate loves to play tricks.

At that moment, George happened to pass by. 

He stopped, sized Jexon up, and then said to him: 

"I'm in charge of a death squad. If you want to join, come with me."

And just like that, Jexon joined George's death squad. 

George had been just like Jexon before—one of the lowest-ranking Life Cachers. 

But he had insane luck and pulled a +1 to all attributes from the Slot Machine!

Other Life Cachers thought George had changed his fate and become an official club member. 

But the reality was that, despite the +1 to all attributes, George had no combat experience and wasn't strong enough to become a full member.

None of the teams wanted him, and so he was made the captain of a death squad.

However, even in the death squad, many members had real combat experience, having survived bloody battles. 

When George first joined the death squad, he had neither combat skills nor the leadership aura expected of a captain. 

As a result, he didn't do very well in the squad, and few people were willing to follow him.

Following George into the death squad really was "courting death" for Jexon. 

He couldn't even remember how many times he'd come face-to-face with death! 

Nor could he recall how many times the blood of beasts and his comrades had splattered across his face.

And yet, he had grown numb to it all. 

His expression, his mind—everything had become numb.

Those grim days… Later, Jexon would barely dare to recall how he survived them.

But in the end, he had made it through. 

He had endured long enough to rise above it all!

In his previous life, he had spent an entire month struggling to accumulate lifespan coins and club points. 

And finally, just before his life ran out, he had exchanged them for a white-quality *Longevity Elixir* from the club. 

After taking it, his lifespan increased by two years.

But all along, he knew… 

The *Longevity Elixir* he had purchased from the club… 

Was made by **Bethany**!

How ironic! 

He had fallen so low that he had to buy a *Longevity Elixir* crafted by his enemy!

But no matter how humiliating or frustrating it was, what choice did he have? 

He had to survive!

And now, in this life…

Was he really going to relive all the suffering and humiliation of his previous life? 

Even if he were willing to go through it again, could he still draw a *Longevity Elixir* this time when he spun the Slot Machine? Would George still invite him to join the death squad? 

And if he did join, would he still be lucky enough to survive?

It was like the butterfly effect. 

A tiny change could lead to drastically different outcomes. 

Even though he had been reborn…

Any small misstep could lead to complete disaster!

He might not even live as long as he had in his previous life!

Realizing this, Jexon felt nothing but sorrow. 

He cursed the terrible timing of his rebirth!

But what could he do? 

Since he was already here, he had to make the best of it.

Taking a deep breath, Jexon suddenly forced himself to rise from his straw mat.

Walter and his cronies frowned. "What are you doing?!"

Jexon ignored Walter and turned his gaze toward a middle-aged woman standing just outside the garage. Straining his voice, he called out:

"I want to apply for a Slot Machine spin!"