The Big Boss Wants to Spin the Purple Slot Machine!

The middle-aged woman standing in front of Jexon didn't possess any real power, but she wasn't a Life Cacher either. This was because she was a relative of one of the core members of the Backstabber Club.

With that status, her complexion was naturally much healthier than that of the Life Cachers living in the underground garage. Her voice was strong, and her attitude brimming with confidence.

She gave Jexon a condescending glance, then asked impatiently, "How much lifespan do you have left? Are you spinning the white Slot Machine or the green one?"

Spinning the white Slot Machine costs one year of lifespan, while the green Slot Machine requires ten years. Beyond that, there were even higher-tier Slot Machines, such as the blue and purple ones. And the rewards from the different tiers varied greatly.

For instance, a *Longevity Elixir* from the white Slot Machine would only extend one's life by a few dozen years. But the same item from the green Slot Machine could increase lifespan by several hundred years!

Jexon, with only a year of lifespan left, naturally couldn't spin the green Slot Machine.

He stepped forward slowly, his voice calm, "I'll spin the white Slot Machine."

The woman, seeing his determined expression, didn't ask any further questions. She spat out a sunflower seed shell and nodded, raising her chin. "Alright, if you're sure, follow me."

She turned and started walking away.

Just then, another voice rang out from the underground garage.

"Stanley, I want to spin, too!"

It was the tattooed man who had earlier declared that being a Life Cacher was pointless. He, too, had stepped out of the garage.

Stanley glanced at him with the same indifferent attitude and asked the same question.

"I have 12 years left," the tattooed man replied, "but I'll also spin the white Slot Machine."

Stanley nodded, and without another word, led Jexon and the tattooed man out of the garage.

As they left, the remaining Life Cachers in the garage began to whisper amongst themselves.

"Didn't Spencer just eat Walter's leftovers? Why is he spinning now? He's not starving anymore!"

"Hmph, didn't you hear him earlier? He thinks being a Life Cacher leads to nothing good! He's probably hoping to change his fate with a Slot Machine spin!"

"Ha, how many Life Cachers have actually changed their fate through the Slot Machine?"

"Hmph! I think he's just bitter. Seeing George before and Walter today must've gotten under his skin!"

"Some people take themselves way too seriously! They think they're the protagonist of the world, destined to stand at the top! But in reality? They're nothing!"

Clearly, these Life Cachers, who had resigned themselves to their fate, didn't believe that Spencer could change anything through the Slot Machine. They thought he was simply delusional.

As for Jexon... they didn't even bother mocking him. In their eyes, he was already a dead man walking, and wasting breath on him wasn't worth it.

A few minutes later, Jexon and Spencer arrived at the Slot Machine area, a special zone set up by the club.

A month ago, when the apocalypse game had invaded, the entire world had been transformed into a game-like system. The original landmasses were shattered into countless fragments and scattered across a vast, endless ocean. Cedar City, where Jexon was, was just one of these fragmented pieces.

"Cedar City" was the name given to the city before the apocalypse. About a year later, this region would be renamed **SC Base**. The other fragmented regions would also be renamed as bases. Eventually, these bases would begin trading resources and people with each other on a massive scale.

At that point, the apocalypse wouldn't be purely about survival anymore. It would become more like a world of *spiritual rejuvenation*, where a new order would emerge.

Under this new system, welfare institutions, schools, hospitals, transportation—all the social functions—would be rebuilt. New laws would be established. However, in this world of the strong preying on the weak, laws were meant only to restrain the powerless. The strong would always have control over the fate of the world.

Of course, that was the development trajectory from Jexon's previous life.

For now, at the beginning of the apocalypse, **SC Base** was still called **Cedar City**, and many people still didn't understand the global situation. The fragmented regions scattered across the endless sea had yet to start communicating with one another.

At this moment, Cedar City was nothing more than a *beginner's village* in the vast game world.

The future big shots, who would later become legendary, were currently just trying to adapt to the new world, killing monsters, drawing from Slot Machines, gaining power, and building their forces.

After a month of development, various factions had already begun to emerge in the Cedar City area. These factions were much like guilds in a game, each growing in size and influence. As they expanded, most of them set up dedicated Slot Machine zones.

The things drawn from the *Fate Slot Machine* were unpredictable. You might pull a *Longevity Elixir*, or you might unleash a deadly beast. There was even the chance of triggering a terrifying beast tide or a natural disaster!

To minimize the risks associated with spinning the Slot Machines, it made sense to create a designated area for such activities. And based on the Slot Machine's tier, these zones were divided into white, green, and blue sections.

Of course, the apocalypse game had only been around for a month, and the Backstabber Club was just a small, third-rate faction. For now, they had only set up white, green, and blue Slot Machine zones. The higher-tier purple zone had been created in cooperation with two other nearby factions.

It was nearing sunset, and the sky was ablaze with a blood-red hue.

At the edge of Cedar City, the Backstabber Club, MJ Club, and Blood Butterfly Club had set up a joint purple Slot Machine zone, forming a triangle around the area. These three factions were also loosely allied.

The leaders of all three factions had gathered at the purple zone.

Harrison, the leader of the Backstabber Club, was a towering man who had been a security guard at a mansion before the apocalypse. After the world fell apart, his luck skyrocketed as he pulled powerful abilities from various Slot Machines, leading him to establish the Backstabber Club, using the mansion district where he had worked as his base of operations.

Yuri, the leader of the MJ Club, was a thin and wiry guy who had been a high school senior before the apocalypse. Naturally, his club's base was set up in a school.

As for Xiomara, the leader of the Blood Butterfly Club, she had been a university student from out of town, studying in Cedar City. Now, she was one of the rare female powerhouses in the apocalypse.

Before the apocalypse, Xiomara's appearance could barely be rated a 5 out of 10. But after the fall of the world, with the scarcity of resources and the even harsher conditions for women, things like makeup and beauty filters were long gone. Most women, after enduring hunger and going unwashed for a month, looked far worse than they had before.

In comparison, Xiomara, with her strength and access to resources, could afford to apply a little makeup. In this post-apocalyptic world, her previously average appearance now stood out, pushing her looks up to an 8 out of 10!

Unfortunately, while makeup could work wonders on her face, it couldn't do anything for her figure. Xiomara's physique was almost as muscular as Harrison's. From behind, you might mistake her for a burly man with long hair.

At this moment, these three leaders had gathered at the purple Slot Machine zone because of an agreement they had made when forming their alliance. Whenever anyone wanted to spin the purple Slot Machine, all three parties had to be present to provide protection.

After all, the effects of the purple Slot Machine could be terrifying. If someone pulled a beast tide or a natural disaster, the entire region would be affected!

Joint protection was not only a way to minimize the risks, but also a means of sharing information between the three groups.

This time, it was Xiomara from the Blood Butterfly Club who had requested to spin the purple Slot Machine.

Yuri, who was around the same age as Xiomara, exhaled a smoke ring and teased, "Xiomara, your strength keeps growing! How long has it been since your last spin, and you're already back to pull the purple Slot Machine again?"