Spencer’s “Opportunity” in the Past Life!

Yuri's teasing tone was not just for fun; he was subtly probing Xiomara's strength.

Naturally, Xiomara wasn't about to reveal anything. She shifted slightly, her voice turning soft and sweet as she replied, "It's not for me this time… It's for Zane."

A handsome young man stepped forward. His name was Zane, and before the apocalypse, he had been a top-tier idol in the entertainment industry! Xiomara had been one of his most obsessive fangirls.

In a peaceful world, with Xiomara's looks and background, she would never have had a chance with her beloved idol. But now, in the apocalypse, Xiomara possessed incredible power!

Zane, the once blazing-hot celebrity, had now become her boyfriend. Of course, calling him "fallen" wouldn't be fair, considering this was the apocalypse where people were dying left and right every day! In this kind of world, countless people would kill for the chance to "live off" Xiomara.

Zane, with nothing more than his good looks, naturally became the target of envy and jealousy from those around him.

Logically, someone like Zane, who lived off a powerful woman, should have been humble in front of his "sugar mama." But Xiomara was deeply infatuated with him, to the point where Zane showed no inferiority at all. Instead, it seemed like he was the one in charge, and Xiomara had to cater to his every need.

As Zane stepped forward now, even when facing powerhouses like Harrison and Yuri, his demeanor was not the least bit humble. In fact, continuing from where Xiomara left off, he boldly declared:

"I'm the one who's going to spin the purple Slot Machine this time."

Harrison and Yuri were dumbfounded, instinctively questioning:

"You? Spinning the purple Slot Machine? Do you even have 1,000 years of lifespan?"

Zane hated the condescending looks these so-called "big shots" gave him. He lifted his chin and arrogantly responded, "Of course."

Xiomara, utterly mesmerized by his rebellious attitude, looked at him with starry eyes, her face full of pride as she chimed in:

"I've already used my accumulated *Longevity Elixirs* to boost Zane's lifespan to over 1,000 years!"

"He's more than qualified to spin the purple Slot Machine now!"

"And on the purple Slot Machine, there's even a chance to win a *Longevity Elixir* formula!"

"That's a **purple** *Longevity Elixir* formula! It's even more powerful than Bethany's green one!"

"Zane was always called a lucky star in the entertainment world! He'll definitely draw the *Longevity Elixir* formula this time!"

Her expression was that of a crazed fangirl, which made Yuri and Harrison both wince.

Harrison, always the straightforward type, rolled his eyes in disbelief and grumbled:

"You seemed pretty normal before. How come you go nuts the moment this pretty boy comes up?"

"That purple Slot Machine… and 1,000 years of lifespan!"

"You're just going to waste all that on a pretty boy?!"

"This is some serious brain-dead simping."

"And you dare mention Bethany? Don't you know that Bethany's *Longevity Elixir* formula was a gift from one of her simps who lost his mind?"

"And now, Bethany's thriving while that poor simp? Who knows which corner of the world he's already died in!"

Harrison, being blunt, was just trying to knock some sense into Xiomara.

"This kind of pretty boy? It's fine to pamper and play around with him. But you're really going to spend resources on him? Aren't you afraid it'll backfire?"

Right now, Zane was willing to be Xiomara's boyfriend only because he lacked strength and had no choice but to depend on her. But if he really managed to draw a purple *Longevity Elixir* formula… wouldn't he just kick Xiomara to the curb?

Bethany's simp was a perfect example of this!

If Jexon were here and heard Harrison's words, he would probably be furious and curse out loud:

Who the hell was Bethany's simp?! 

Who the hell gave the *Longevity Elixir* formula to Bethany?!

Bethany **stole** it from him! **Stole it!** Not a gift!!

But unfortunately, in this world, only the strong had the right to speak. People like Jexon were nothing more than ants, and Harrison didn't even know his name. He simply referred to him as "Bethany's simp" and brushed it off.

In a world where the strong ruled, no one cared about the truth. Harrison's only aim was to warn Xiomara not to get blinded by love.

But if a love-struck fool could be awakened by a few words, they wouldn't be called fools.

Xiomara didn't take Harrison's well-meaning advice to heart at all.

Instead, when she saw Zane's expression darken after Harrison's words, she immediately turned to Harrison with a cold glare.

"Harrison, what do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean by 'pretty boy' and 'play around'?"

"I'm serious about Zane! I love him with all my heart!"

"How dare you insult my feelings for him?!"

As she spoke, she even began swearing her love to Zane, afraid that he might doubt her sincerity because of Harrison's words.

Zane, having seen all kinds of beautiful women in the entertainment world, naturally didn't truly love Xiomara, who looked more like a "muscular man." But circumstances being what they were, he gently stroked her head and said tenderly, "Don't worry, Xiomara. I won't let a few petty words from a small-minded person shake my trust in you…"

Hearing that, Xiomara was instantly overwhelmed with emotion.

Meanwhile, Harrison was grinding his teeth in frustration!

As one of the top fighters in the area, how could he stand being called a "small-minded person" by a weak pretty boy living off a woman's support?

Zane was getting way too bold!

For a moment, Harrison even had a fleeting urge to just kill him on the spot and send him to meet his maker!

But as soon as that thought crossed his mind, Xiomara, with her sharp instincts, sensed the murderous intent and immediately stood in front of Zane, glaring at Harrison with hostility.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

The tension in the purple Slot Machine area was palpable, as if a fight could break out at any moment.

Fortunately, Yuri, ever the smooth talker, stepped in.

Unlike Harrison, Yuri had no moral qualms and didn't care whether Zane was using Xiomara or not. He just wanted to keep the peace, so he played the peacemaker, offering kind words to calm both sides down.

Finally, the three of them resumed preparing for the purple Slot Machine spin.

Meanwhile, Jexon, who had just arrived at the white Slot Machine area of the Backstabber Club, was completely unaware of the drama unfolding at the purple Slot Machine.

However, he did remember that in his past life, tonight, a beast tide had erupted from the purple Slot Machine area, directly impacting the territories of all three factions involved!

In his past life, Jexon had just been invited into George's death squad and hadn't even had time to settle in before he was sent on a mission to fend off the beast tide.

Compared to the life-or-death situations Jexon would face later in his past life, that mission to fight off the beast tide was child's play.

So, in this life, he had decided to stick to the same path as before: join the death squad, go on the beast tide mission, and earn his first big reward!

He also remembered that during tonight's beast tide mission, there was an "opportunity."

Although, in his past life, that opportunity hadn't belonged to him—it had gone to Spencer.

Before the apocalypse, Spencer was an aimless slacker who spent all his time in internet cafes playing video games. He was a failure in real life, but a top player in the gaming world.

When the apocalypse came, Spencer didn't see it as a disaster but rather as an exciting new game. He believed this was his chance to turn his life around.

Unfortunately, things didn't go his way. 

The apocalypse wasn't a place where good gaming skills could change your fate. 

In this world, more important than talent or hard work was…


If you were lucky, you could pull something good from the Slot Machine and gain strength. 

Otherwise, no matter how hard you worked, you'd just die faster.

Spencer's luck wasn't great, so he didn't do well.

At this exact moment in Jexon's past life, Spencer, like him, had applied to Stanley for a Slot Machine spin. But he hadn't pulled anything good.

Later, when Jexon joined George's death squad, Spencer gritted his teeth and joined as well.

However, during that night's beast tide mission, Spencer accidentally saved Zane!

After the crisis was over, Xiomara personally came to thank Spencer.

Seizing the opportunity, Spencer asked Xiomara for a job as Zane's assistant.

What happened after that, Jexon didn't know for sure.

He had only heard, much later, that after joining the Blood Butterfly Club, Spencer had always wanted to live off Xiomara. But instead of getting what he wanted, Zane ended up resenting him, and Spencer ultimately lost his assistant job and

 died quietly.

In his past life, Jexon had never had much interaction with either Spencer or Zane.

But if he took Spencer's opportunity this time…

He might actually be saving Spencer's life in a roundabout way.

That said, Jexon had no intention of becoming Zane's assistant. 

Being a celebrity assistant before the apocalypse was bad enough in terms of dignity. In this apocalyptic world, who knew how Zane would treat him?

Still, he might be able to ask Xiomara for something else instead.

Xiomara, being so obsessed with Zane, would go out of her way to reward anyone who saved him.

As Jexon considered his plans for the future, he suddenly heard Stanley's obsequious voice:

"Hunter, I've brought two Life Cachers here to spin the white Slot Machine…"

In the security room of the villa area, Hunter lazily glanced at Jexon and Spencer.

Then he looked at Stanley and confirmed, "Both of them for the white Slot Machine?"

Stanley nodded eagerly. "Yes! Both for the white Slot Machine!"

Hunter yawned and addressed Jexon and Spencer in a bored tone:

"You know the rules, right? Before you spin the white Slot Machine, you get a bag of bread and a box of milk. But whatever you pull belongs to the club."

"If you pull something valuable, there will be an additional reward."