Lottery? Choose Your Reward!

As Hunter spoke, he waved his hand, and two bags of bread and two boxes of milk suddenly appeared on the table in the security room.

The bread was expired, and the milk was close to expiring as well. But in the apocalypse, no one cared about that.

Jexon was starving. He quickly devoured his share of bread and milk, but it barely made a dent in his hunger. His body still felt weak.


In his previous life, he hadn't exactly lived luxuriously, but at least he no longer had to worry about food and drink. Yet now, after being reborn, not only was he starving again, but he also had to face the same perilous, life-threatening struggles he had endured before.

*This is so frustrating!*

Jexon thought bitterly to himself. Why couldn't such an incredible opportunity like rebirth be given to someone who truly needed it?

He felt no joy in his rebirth—only endless frustration and resentment.

But soon, his attitude would change...

After the basic formalities, Hunter led Jexon and Spencer to a grassy lawn outside the villa area.

This was the white Slot Machine zone.

All members of the Backstabber Club who wanted to spin the white Slot Machine would come here. With a wave of his hand, Hunter summoned a cardboard box out of thin air onto the lawn.

Inside the box were more than fifty small white Slot Machines, each about the size of a bowl!

These machines, collectively known as *Fate Slot Machines*, were rare items dropped by monsters. Each Fate Slot Machine could only be used once. After it was spun, regardless of what it produced, the machine would be discarded.

Every Slot Machine had ten different possible outcomes, and due to the wide range of rewards, machines were not only classified by color but also by **quality**.

In general, regardless of the color, each machine was categorized into six tiers: [Perfect], [Supreme], [High], [Medium], [Low], and [Trash].

A [Perfect] Slot Machine was one where all ten options were high-quality, positive effects. In Jexon's previous life, he had only ever heard of a [Perfect] Slot Machine once.

A [Supreme] Slot Machine had at least eight positive effects, six of which were considered "high-quality."

So, what exactly was a high-quality positive effect?

Basic items like a loaf of bread or a carton of milk were technically positive effects, but to the big players, those were worthless! Attributes, skills, talents, and powerful tools were the true high-quality rewards.

The more high-quality effects a Slot Machine contained, the better its overall quality. Conversely, the fewer good effects, the worse the machine.

Most people would keep any high-quality Slot Machine for themselves, and the best machines could fetch high prices if sold. So, the machines given to Life Cachers were always the ones nobody wanted—[Low] or [Trash] quality. Even [Low] quality machines were rare. The majority were [Trash].

"Pick one yourself, fill out the option form, and then you can spin it," Hunter yawned, continuing with the routine.

Spencer's eyes lit up as he began meticulously searching through the box. Eventually, he picked one with a "+1 to all attributes" option.

However, the chance of landing on that "+1 to all attributes" was less than one in ten thousand, with the slot being just a tiny sliver on the machine.

The other nine options were nearly all negative—monsters, diseases, curses, and the like. Still, the negative effects on white Slot Machines weren't too severe.

Spencer spat into his hands twice, rubbing them together to clean off a month's worth of accumulated dirt. Then, with the reverence of a devout believer, he carefully cradled the Slot Machine he had chosen.

It was clear that in his heart, he was desperately praying to the god of fate, begging for mercy just this once.

"Please, just let me get the '+1 to all attributes'! Just this once!"

Spencer clenched his eyes shut, silently swearing to the heavens:

If you give me this "+1 to all attributes," I swear… 

I'll be your most loyal follower forever! 

I'll stay single for the rest of my life! 

I'll do **anything**!

Just let me have it! The "+1 to all attributes"!

Spencer screamed internally, and when he opened his eyes again, they were bloodshot.

His trembling hand shot forward, pressing the center of the white Slot Machine.

With a loud shout, he yelled, "Spin! Give me the '+1 to all attributes'!"


The Slot Machine made a sound.

**Congratulations, you've won: a pile of poop!**


The familiar notification rang out, and Spencer's face turned red with anger. He flung the "reward" that had appeared in his hand as far away as he could.

Then, the white Slot Machine he had just treated like a precious treasure was thrown to the ground, stomped on repeatedly, as he cursed and swore, "Damn it! Damn it all!"

"Why?! Why?!"

Spencer's roars were filled with frustration and resentment.

Hunter had seen this scene countless times. Rolling his eyes, he snapped at Spencer, "Enough! You've spun your prize, now get lost! Stop acting crazy!"

Despite his anger, Spencer didn't dare argue with Hunter, so he swallowed his frustration.

However, he didn't leave right away. Muttering under his breath, he said, "I want to see what this kid pulls."

The "kid" he referred to was, of course, Jexon.

Jexon wasn't expecting much from the spin. After all, even if he drew a *Longevity Elixir*, it would belong to the club, not him. 

In his previous life, he had spun countless Slot Machines and faced disappointment just as many times. His heart had long since grown numb to the process.

After all, if you don't have any expectations, you won't be disappointed.

Still, even though he didn't hold out hope, Jexon decided to carefully pick one from the fifty or so Slot Machines in the box.

But then—

The moment his hand touched the first white Slot Machine in the box…

A voice suddenly echoed in his mind:

**Please select your desired Slot Machine reward:**

**1. Foot odor** 

**2. Mouth ulcer** 

**3. Weakness for three days** 

**4. Crocodile stench** 

**5. …**



What was going on?

Select… a reward?

What kind of reward?

Could it be… Could it possibly mean what he thought it did?

Could he… **actually** choose the reward from the Slot Machine?

No way! It couldn't be true… He must be so hungry that he was hallucinating!

Before he could believe it, Jexon needed to test this out.

But… this didn't stop him from cautiously entertaining a glimmer of hope.

If he could really **choose** his reward…

Then these trash-quality white Slot Machines would suddenly become worth something.

He immediately eliminated the *Longevity Elixir* and other material items from consideration. According to the club's rules, any tangible items he won would belong to them, not to him.

On the other hand, something like the "+1 to all attributes" Spencer so desperately wanted—that was a reward that could directly benefit the person who spun the machine!

Rewards that had a direct impact on the person spinning the Slot Machine were the only real chance for Life Cachers to change their fate!

But that chance was slim, nearly impossible.

"Hurry up!"

"No matter how much you think about it, dreaming of pulling something good from a trash Slot Machine is a waste of time!"

Hunter, growing impatient with how long Jexon was taking to pick, snapped at him. In his mind, it was pointless to expect anything good from these trash Slot Machines.

Surprisingly, Spencer didn't seem as annoyed. Watching Jexon carefully select a machine, he even felt a bit of camaraderie with him.

"Kid, you're hoping to change your fate with this spin too, huh?"

"I heard you've only got a little over a year of lifespan left. If you don't get something good this time, you won't have many days left, will you?"

Hunter's expression grew more disdainful upon hearing Spencer mention that Jexon had so little time left.

He was about to urge Jexon again when Jexon finally pulled a Slot Machine from the box.

"I've made my choice. This one," Jexon said.