Congratulations, You Drew the Reward: Beast Tide!

+5 to all attributes! 

What kind of concept was this?! 

With Spencer's limited knowledge, he didn't fully grasp the significance of it… but he did know one thing— 

Even the best white Slot Machines could never have an option as powerful as "All Attributes +5"! 

In fact, forget +5 to all attributes, even a +2 to all attributes would never appear on a white Slot Machine!


Spencer reasonably deduced that even on the rarer green Slot Machines, an option for "All Attributes +5" must be incredibly rare! 

In other words... 

Something that others might not get even after spending ten years of lifespan to spin for a chance… 

Jexon had created just like that, without breaking a sweat!

This… this… this was insane! 

Spencer felt like his brain was about to shut down, unable to process what was happening! 

But soon, Jexon's words hit him like a bucket of cold water, bringing him back to reality— 

"Calm down. The effect of +5 to all attributes is only temporary."


Spencer took a deep breath to calm himself, swallowed hard, and asked in a complicated tone, "How long is the duration?"

Jexon replied, "About a day."

"A day? That's still super strong!" Spencer's excitement returned. "From what I saw, the process of making this black liquid isn't even that complicated. We could just make more after the effect wears off and keep using it!"

Jexon shot him a sideways glance. "You're dreaming."

"There's no such thing as a free lunch in this world."

"That black liquid is called a **Strengthening Potion**."

"This version of the Strengthening Potion is simple to make, but it comes with significant drawbacks."

"Essentially, the first time you use it, you get +5 to all attributes, and it lasts for a day." 

"The second time, you get +2 to all attributes, and it lasts for half a day." 

"The third time, it's only +1 to all attributes, and it lasts for three hours." 

"After the fourth use, your body develops resistance, and the potion becomes completely ineffective."

"Also…" Jexon looked at him sharply. "Do you really think making this potion is easy?"

"Glow bugs are everywhere, yes. But **Phantom Butterflies** are a rare species, hard to come by."

"And as for the **Bloodthirsty Gu Swarm**, it's even rarer! On average, only one in ten thousand white Slot Machines has the option to draw a Bloodthirsty Gu Swarm!"

"Not to mention, the odds of actually drawing it are about as slim as pulling a +1 to all attributes from a white Slot Machine!"

In fact, after the market stabilized, **Bloodthirsty Gu Swarm**, a material obtained from a white Slot Machine, was priced higher than even some green-tier materials!

Jexon had been surprised to find a white Slot Machine with the Bloodthirsty Gu Swarm option in Hunter's box of Slot Machines.

But without his "Designate Slot Machine Reward" ability, it would have been nearly impossible to actually pull it, even if the option was there!

Spencer, unaware of Jexon's secret, just found the whole situation... too absurd!

The Bloodthirsty Gu Swarm was harder to pull than the +1 to all attributes option, and yet Jexon had managed to draw it? 

This… this…

Spencer suddenly gave Jexon a strange look. "You didn't just pick that Slot Machine because of the Bloodthirsty Gu Swarm option, did you?"

Jexon stayed calm and lied effortlessly, "I picked it because, honestly, all the other Slot Machines were garbage!"

"That one had both the **Longevity Elixir** and the **Bloodthirsty Gu Swarm** options."

"So to me, it had two high-quality positive effects. Naturally, I chose it."

"As for drawing the Bloodthirsty Gu Swarm, that was a complete surprise."

Jexon's skill at lying was seamless.

Spencer didn't suspect a thing. 

After all, who would ever believe that someone could *designate* Slot Machine rewards?

After giving a brief explanation to Spencer, Jexon began applying the remaining Strengthening Potion to himself.

At first, Spencer didn't think much of it. After all, it made sense for Jexon to use such a valuable potion on himself.

But a moment later, Spencer frowned. "According to George, our mission doesn't start until 9 AM tomorrow."

"So wouldn't it make more sense to apply the Strengthening Potion tomorrow morning, to make the most of its one-day duration?"

"Using it now means you're wasting all that +5 to all attributes during the night!"

Spencer sounded genuinely regretful.

Jexon nodded and half-heartedly replied, "You've got a point. My bad for not thinking it through."

Meanwhile, back at the purple Slot Machine area where the three major clubs were gathered, the atmosphere was tense.

**Harrison**, **Yuri**, and **Xiomara** all wore serious expressions.

But **Zane**? He was growing impatient and kept complaining, 

"This is ridiculous! The *Beast Tide* option takes up less than 10% of the entire purple Slot Machine."

"And yet we've been preparing for two hours for something with such a low chance of happening!"

"If I don't end up drawing the *Beast Tide*, these two hours will have been a complete waste!"

Harrison, who had never liked Zane, rolled his eyes and snapped back, "Yeah, if you don't draw the *Beast Tide*, we'll have wasted two hours."

"But do you even realize what would happen if we didn't prepare, and you *did* draw the *Beast Tide*?!"

"You've heard about the *Beast Tide* that nearly wiped out Burlington Duke University on day seven of the apocalypse, haven't you?"

"That was a *Beast Tide* drawn from a blue Slot Machine, and it was already terrifying enough!"

"And now you're drawing from a purple Slot Machine, which is much more dangerous."

"One costs 100 years of lifespan, the other costs 1,000 years…"

"So if you really draw the *Beast Tide*, it'll be ten times more destructive than what hit Burlington Duke University!"

"If we aren't fully prepared, all three of our clubs could be wiped out!"

Harrison's words were heavy with caution, but Zane waved them off impatiently. "I never said the *Beast Tide* isn't dangerous, I'm just saying the odds are low. I'm not that unlucky. I won't pull the worst outcome!"

Harrison was left speechless and simply rolled his eyes again, too annoyed to argue with this fool any further.

Yuri stepped in to smooth things over before Xiomara could get angry. 

"No one here actually wants the *Beast Tide* to happen."

"All these preparations are just in case, for peace of mind."

"And besides, this is part of the agreement our three clubs made long ago."

"Now that everything is ready, there's no point in debating anymore."

"The moon is bright tonight, so we might as well get started."

Despite the fact that only a month had passed since the apocalypse began, many players believed that spinning Slot Machines under the light of the full moon increased the chances of drawing positive rewards.

No one knew if there was any truth to this, but players preferred to err on the side of caution, believing in the superstition.

In fact, Xiomara had even hired a feng shui master to determine the best spot in the purple Slot Machine area for the draw.

She waved toward the "optimal spot," and a pedestal, half as tall as a person, appeared out of thin air.

Resting on the pedestal was a purple Slot Machine, about the size of a dinner plate.

The exterior of the purple Slot Machine was far more elaborate than that of a white Slot Machine. Even Harrison and Yuri, who were both powerful in their own right, couldn't help but feel envious.

The more they admired it, the more they despised Zane!

How could this freeloader, living off a woman, have the right to spin such a valuable purple Slot Machine? 

Xiomara must have lost her mind!

Zane, however, was practically glowing as he gazed at the purple Slot Machine, especially when he saw the option for the **Longevity Elixir Recipe**.

His heart raced with excitement!

A purple-tier **Longevity Elixir Recipe**!

Currently, the only person in Cedar City who could refine Longevity Elixirs was Bethany, but she only had the green-tier recipe.

If Zane got his hands on the purple-tier recipe…

He wouldn't need to care about the Blood Butterfly Club anymore! 

At that point, the four major powers of Cedar City would fight over him! 

He wouldn't be a kept man anymore—he would be Zane, the top-tier star who Xiomara couldn't even dream of reaching!

Just imagining the moment when he drew the recipe made Zane's blood boil with excitement!

But before the draw, Xiomara had to give him a series of nagging warnings: 

"Remember, Zane, if the Slot Machine indicates you've drawn the *Beast Tide*, use the teleportation stone I gave you right away! It'll take you to a safe place."

"And don't lose the locator compass either! If a purple-tier *Beast Tide* does break out, even with all the preparations, things will get chaotic. Stay safe!"

Xiomara's long list of precautions made Zane roll his

 eyes internally. 

Everyone's acting like I'm really going to draw the *Beast Tide*! 

If I actually do, it's because all these people jinxed it!

Finally, after what felt like forever, Xiomara finished her warnings.

She cast a blessing spell over Zane and said, "Alright, Zane, you can begin now."

Zane had been waiting for this moment! 

After silently praying to various gods, he placed his well-manicured hands on the purple Slot Machine and shouted, "Spin!"

In that instant, Harrison, Yuri, and Xiomara all held their breath, fully prepared for the possibility of a *Beast Tide*.

Though, deep down, none of them truly believed it would happen.


Murphy's Law struck again!

With a crisp "ding," the purple Slot Machine chimed—

[Congratulations, You Drew the Reward: Beast Tide!]