The Reunion.

The Reunion.

Rudra's body hit the cold, hard floor with a dull thud. the impact sent a jolt of pain through him, but instead mind was too disoriented to focus on it. His breaths come out in shallow gasps, each inhale feeling like a struggle against an invisible force. His body felt heavy, foreign, as if he had been trapped in shell that wasn't entirely his own. As he lay there, staring up at the ceiling, the world around him seemed distant. The faint flicker of light in the room created eerie shadows on the walls. The air smelled damp, like the room hadn't been aired out in the days. Somewhere outside, the storm still rumbled, but it seemed to be fading, leaving behind only the steady patter of rain against the window.

Suddenly the door cracked open, breaking the stillness. It was a slow, hesitate sound, as through whoever was on the other side wasn't sure what they were about to find. Two figures stepped into the room; their outline illuminated by the dim light spilling in from the hallway. The first girl was tall and graceful, her slender frame wrapped in a pale blue nightgown that clung to her like a second skin. Her long, black hair cascade in loose waves down her wave her back, reaching past her waist. Her eyes, a striking shade of green, widened in the shock as they landed on Rudra's crumpled from on the floor. Behind her, smaller in stature but with the Same graceful presence. She had brown hair; her hair was stied loosely over one shoulder. She wore a simple pink nightdress, and her wide brown eyes were filled with concerns as they scanned.

"Rudra!" the older girl – Pepper – gasped, her voice trembling as her eyes looked on her brother, panic and disbelief flooded her features and without a second thought she rushed toward him, her bare feet's softly padding across the cold floor. The younger girl, Kylie quickly followed her breath catching in her throat as her hands trembled.

"Is he…?" Kylie's voice was barely a whisper, filled with the dread. She couldn't finish the question, the fear of what she might find too overwhelming. For a moment both girls stood frozen their eyes wide and filled with disbeliefs after all these years, an after everything they had been through, they had almost given up hope that their brother would ever wake up. But now, here he was, lying on the floor before them, breathing in conscious. It felt surreal, like a dream they didn't dare believe.

Pepper knelt down beside Rudra, her hands hovering over him, too afraid to touch, as though he might vanish if she did. Her green eyes brimmed with tears that threatened to spill over as she took in the sight of her brother afters even long years he wakes up.

"Rudra…" she whispered; her voice barely audible. "It's really you."

Kylie knelt down beside her, her hands shaking as she reached out to touch her brother's arm. "Brother… please say something," she pleaded her voice crackling. "Please wake up." Panic surged through the, and without thinking they both grabbed him, their hands pulling him up from the floor. Rudra groaned as they struggled to lift him. His muscles felt weak, his body foreign, but he slowly began to regain his sense of self. "Come on, we've got you," Pepper murmured, her voice soft yet filled with determination. She pulled him toward the bed, her long black hair falling over her shoulder as she supported him. Kylie, despite her petite frame, grabbed his other arm and helped hoist him up.

Finally, they managed to get him seated on the edge of the bed. Rudra's breaths were still shallow, his head spinning as he tried to focus. He blinked, his vision blurry at first, but then it sharpened as he looked up at the two faces before him.

"Pepper? Kylie?" he rasped; his voice weak from years of despite.

Both sisters froze, tears welling in their eyes. It had been so long since they had heard his voice, so long since they had seen him like this – awake alive. They had spent years witing, praying for a miracle, and now, here he was, speaking their names.

Pepper nodded, tears slipping down her cheeks as he reached out and gently cupped his face. "Yes, Rudra," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "It's us. We are here" Kylie let out choked sob as she flung herself at Rudra, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his chest. "We thought we lost you," she cried her words muffled against his skin. "We thought you were never coming back."

Rudra felt the warmth of her tears socking into his shirt, and his heart ached. He had missed them so much – missed their voices, their laughter, their presence. The weight of his absence settled heavily on him, but for now, all he could do was hold them both close.

"I'm here now," he whispered, his voice still rough but steady. His arms wrapped around Kylie and Pepper leaned in, resting her heads against his shoulder. "I'm not going anywhere."

The three of them sat there, tangled in a mess of limbs and tears, as the reality of the moment sank in. after seven long years, they were finally together again. For Pepper and Kylie the relief was overwhelmed, their brother was back and that was all that mattered.

Pepper pulled back slightly, her green eyes still glistering with unshed tears as he looked at him, "you know, we never gave up on you, Rudra. We knew you'd wake up, someday and somehow."