The Element of Rebirth.

The Element of Rebirth.

Pepper pulled back slightly, her green eyes still glistering with unshed tears as she looked at Rudra. "We never gave up on you, Rudra, we knew you'd wake up some day and somehow." Her voice trembled with emotions, yet there was a fierce determination behind it. Rudra still reeling from the whirlwind of sensation and memories, searched her eyes for answer. "Where are we, now?" he asked, his voice hoarse and crackling like dried earth under the sun. "Where's father?"

Pepper's gaze faltered, her expression shifting to one of hesitation. she exchanged a quick glance with Kylie, whose brow furrowed with concern. They both avoided his gaze, unable to meet the intensity of his question. It was clear they had rehearsed this moment countless times in their minds but could never truly prepared for it. "Brother," Pepper finally said, forcing a calmness into her tone, "You are awake now. You shouldn't stress yourself out. The night is darker still, and you need to rest." She spoke as if to shield him from the harsh realities they faced, hoping to cocoon him in the warmth of family love rather than the bitterness of their situation.

Rudra felt a pit from in his stomach. There was more to their avoidance, something they were reluctant to share. "What happened after I… went into a coma? How did we and up like here?" the question spilled from his lips, laced with an urgency that filled the room.

"Let's talk about this tomorrow," Pepper urged softly, her voice a soothing balm against her ache in his chest. "You need to recover; we've missed you too much to burden you right now." Kylie nodded vigorously, her browneyes brimming with years again, pleading for him to accept their excuse. With a sigh, Rudra watched as both sister's exchanged worried glance, clearly wishing to say more but held back by an unspoken fear. As they left the room, he was left alone with his thoughts, the wight of his questions pressing down on him.

Once the door clicked shut, silence enveloping him, leaving Rudra to ponder the fragment of this memories. He turned his gaze to his frail body, feeling the stark contrast between his once- powerful self and the fragile state he now inhabits. How did it come to this? He wondered, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. The most feared emperor of the Naga's reduced to this… a weak shell of my formal self.

He thought back to the divine realm where he had spent millions of years – ruling over people wielding immense power living life as a true sovereign. His memories were vibrant and sharp, filled with vision of conquest and glory. How could I allow myself to become so weak? He despised this vulnerability the fragility that now defined him.

Rudra's mind raced as he recalled ancient technique he gets from some ancient ruin. The technique is about the recreate a body means "Rebirth" by helping of five elements: Fire, water, earth, air and nature. Each element possessed unique propertied, but they were also intertwined in the ways that could be harnessed to create and empower. If I could recreate my body, perhaps I could create new strong body not like a he has in divine realm but yes with time he become strong with how his cultivation is increase. He contemplates the technique he had master long ago, buried within depth of his memory. One in particular stood out, a method that allowed the manipulation of five elements to reconstruct one's physical form. But to execute this technique he needed to find one key ingredient – a rare fruit known to grow in an atmosphere rich with vitality, warmth and energy. Where could I find it? He pondered, frustration creeping back in. the fruit was said to bloom only in places untouched by human interference, thriving amidst ancient tree in dense forest. He could almost visualize the lush greenery and feel the air thick with the pulse of nature. Hopefully, I can find it on the Earth.

As the rain continued to pour outside each drop a reminder of his current limitation, Rudra closed his eyes and let the soothing sound of the storm wash over him. He knew he needed to rest if he was to recover and begin this daunting journey. The darkness of the night seemed to wrap around him like a comforting embrace, beckoning him to drift into slumber.

A few hours of rest, he though, letting himself succumb to the fatigue that clung to him like a shroud. As his mind began to wander, he envisioned the element swirling around him – fire element dancing like flickering flame, water cascading in a tranquil stream, earth solid beneath him, air whispering through leaves and nature breathing life into everything around him. His breathing slowed, and gradually, he fell into a deep sleep, the rain pattering soft against the roof – a lullaby for a restless soul.


Rudra's dreamed carried him away to the divine realm once more, where he roamed freely among his subjects, wielding power with grace and confidence. He could feel the energy of the elements surrounding him, vibrant and alive, waiting for him to return to that strength.

As dawn approached, the first light of morning broke through the storm clouds, illuminating the room with a soft glow. Rudra stirred, feeling a renewed determination coursing through his veins. He would reclaim his power, reconnect with his element, and protect his siter at any cost.

With a resolve that burned brighter than the sun rising outside, Rudra opened his eyes, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.