The Calm Before Storm.

The Calm Before Storm.

The morning sunlight streamed through the window, casting a soft golden glow across the small room. Rudra slowly opened his eyes, blinking away the remnants of sleep. The memory of the night before – the rain, his reunion with his sister's, and the strange feeling of inhabiting a body that felt so foreign – flooded his mind. He sat up, feeling the weight of his body settle in. the rain had stopped, leaving the world outside in a stillness that felt almost eerie after the storm. Rudra flexed his fingers, teasing his limbs. I'm still not used to this body, he thought, frowning slightly. It was mortal, fragile, and weak compared to the divine form he had lived in for millions of years.

He stood, wobbling slightly on his feet. After a few tries, he manged to balance himself. His body was learning, slowly adjusting to the new found movement, but it was frustrating. My soul is divine, but this body… he thought, shaking his head. It's mortal. He could still feel the damage of the soul from the attack that had do by his godfather and his soul escaped from his body, but deep within him, the divine power of his soul remained, though weakened.

With a sigh, he stepped out of the room, entering the narrow hallway of the small house. The smell of food wafted toward him, and his stomach growled in response. As he approached the kitchen, he saw his two sisters, Pepper and Kylie, moving around with a lightness he hadn't seen the night before. Both had changed into fresh clothes, their face brighter and free of worry – at least for the movement.

Pepper, the older sister, was dressed in jeans and a simple shirt, her long black hair ties into a loose braid that fell over her shoulder. She moved with confidence; her green eyes focused as she chopped vegetable on the counter. Kylie, the younger sister wore a skirt and a t-shirt, her brown eyes sparkling with energy. Her haor was tied into a high ponytail that bounced as she moved, her face lit with a smile as she stirred something on the stove.

When Kylie noticed Rudra standing in the doorway, her eyes lit up, and she smiled warmly. "Brother! You are up!" she said cheerfully, wiping her hands on a cloth before walking over to him. "You should go take a shower and freshen up. Me and big sis. Are almost done to preparing breakfast for you."

Rudra couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "Alright, I'll do that," he replied, nodding.

As he walked toward the small bathroom, he could hear the light – hearted chater of his sister in the kitchen. It was comforting a sense of normalcy in the midst of the strange situation he found himself in. the hot water of the shower washed away the stiffness in his limbs, and as he stood under the stream, his mind wanders back to his past. My soul may still be divine, he thought, but this body… this body needs to be strengthened. I can't remain this week.

Once he had finishing showering, he changed into fresh clothes a simple pants and a shirt, the fabric is rough but clean. As he stepped into the living room, he felt a wave of warmth as the smell of freshly cooked food greeted him. The table was set and Pepper and Kylie were already is sitting, waiting for him.

"Come on, brother!" Kylie called out, waving him over with grin. "We made your favourite."

Rudra sat down at the small tables, feeling the weight of his sister's affection surround him. Pepper smiled softly as she handed him a plate, her green eyes watching him closely as if still processing that he was truly awake and with them again. For a while, the three of them ate in peaceful; silence, the sound of breakfast – spoons clinking against plates, the soft rustle of the clothes – filling the room. There was sense of happiness, a quite joy in being together after so long apart. But Rudra couldn't shake the nagging question that had haunted him since he woke. He looked up from his plate, his brow furrowed in thought. "Where is father?" he finally asked, his voice cutting through the quiet.

Pepper and Kylie both froze, their graces immediately clouded with worry. The atmosphere shifted, the lightness that had filled room moment ago vanishing as heavy tension settled over them.

Before either of them could answered, a sudden commotion from outside broke the silence. The sound of shouting and hurried footstep echoed through the slum, an all three of them turned their heads toward the window, where they could see people running outside. "What's happening?" Rudra asked his sense immediately on alert.

"I didn't know," Pepper said, standing up quickly. She exchanged a glance with Kylie, worry flashing in her yes. "Let's go check."

The three of them rushed out of the house, stepping into the narrow alleyways that wound through the slum. the early morning light cast long shadows across the damp ground, and the air thick with tension. People were gathering in small cluster, their voices raised in confusion and fear. Rudra, Pepper and Kylie pushed their way to the centre of the commotion. As they reached the edge of the slum's marketplace, Rudra's eyes widened in shock. A group of men was gathered around something – or more proper – the old tree. Ther were murmured of the disbelief, panic in the air.

"What's going on?" Pepper asked one of the men nearby, her voice steady but tinged with fears.

"There's been… an incident," the man replied, his voice shaky. "Something strange happened last night… some say the saw a giant serpent spirit… others say there's dark magic at play…"

Rudra's heat skipped a beat. A serpent spirit? His mind raced back to the events of the previous night, the vision of yesterday nigh, how he his serpent soul appeared in the tree, how he roared in ager then vanish in air.

"Let's get closer," Rudra said, his voice firm.

The three of them pushed forward, their curiosity mixed with growing concern. Whatever was happening, it was clear that the peace that had felt that morning was fragile and problem was not far from them.