The Golden Fruit.

The Golden Fruit.

As Rudra, Pepper nd Kylie reached the marketplace, the saw the source of the commotion – a group of about twenty men, all dressed in martial arts uniforms, standing in a circle around the tree. It wasn't just any tree through. Rudra immediately recognized it as the Same tree from last night, the one where his blood had dropped during his moment of weakness. His eyes narrowed in suspicion as he watched the men, their eyes fixed on the golden fruits that hung from the tree's branches, each one glowing with a faint blue hue.

Ten fruits, glowing with a n otherworldly light, were tied to the tree, their aura pulsating in a rhythm that Rudra was all too familiar with. It was his aura – his power. The fruits were nourished by his blood, each one radiating vitality and strength. Anyone who consumed even one of them would gain immense power, something Rudra had unintentionally provided through his blood.

A surge of anger welled up inside him as he realized what was happening. These people… he thought, his fists clenching at his sides. They are trying to take what's mine. He watched with cold eyes as the men in martial arts uniforms huddled together, discussing how to retrieve the fruits. Yet, despite their best efforts, not a single one had dared to get close enough to pluck the fruit the fruits from the tree. Every time one of them tried, they were repelled by an invisible force, thrown back as if the tree itself was defending the fruits. Rudra felt a slight ease in his chest. At least they haven't been able to touch it, he thought. The fruit are protected by my aura. But that comfort did little to quell the burning frustration inside him. These fruits were a part of him, nourished by his blood, and these people had no right to them. He stood at a distance, watching the scene unfold, his mind racing. How do I retrieve these fruits? He could feel the power emanating from them, and he knew that consuming them himself would restore much of his strength, rebuilding the fragile body he was trapped in. but before he could think of a plan, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of engines approaching.

Five black XUVs rumbled into the marketplace of the slum, their engines roaring as the crowd quickly parted to make way. The martial artist stepped back, allowing the vehicles to drive right up to the base of the tree. The air was thick with tension as the XUVs came to a stop, their doors opening in unison. From each vehicle, four men emerged, dressed in matching combat uniforms, their expressions hard and focused. They wear clearly more disciplined than the first group, their movements sharp and coordinated.

Rudra's eyes narrowed as he observed them. Twenty more men. But it wasn't just the men who caught his attention. Among them was a young man who stood out from the rest. His presence was regal and commanding, his unusual brown hair slicked back, and his skin dark, giving him an imposing, almost wild appearance. His black eyes gleamed with the intelligence and danger, making it clear he wasn't just any ordinary man.

As soon as the young man steeped out of the car, all the martial artist in the area straightened up and saluted him, their respect evident. It was clear that this man was someone of great importance, someone they feared and followed without questions.

The young man walked forward with an air of authority, his eyes scanning the golden fruits tied to the tree. His lips curled into the faint sneer as he turned toward the men who had failed to retrieved the fruits.

"What the hell are you idiots doing till now?" the young man shouted, his voice filled with disdain. "You've been here all morning and you still haven't retrieved the fruits? Useless, all of you are useless!"

One of the martial artists, an older man with greying hair, stepped forward hesitantly said, "Sir, we've tried. But every time we get close to the tree, we're repelled by some kind of force. We can't ––"

'Enough!' the young man snapped, cutting him off mid – sentence. His eyes blazed with anger. "I don't want to hear your excuses. I want results! If you can't do the job, I'll find someone who can."

The men shuffled nervously, glancing at each other, but no one dared speak up again. The young man's fury was palpable, and the air around him seemed to crackle with tension. His eyes flicked back to the tree; his brow furrowed in frustration. It was clear he wasn't used to failure, and the fact that the fruit remained out of reach only fuelled his anger.

Rudra watched the scene unfold, his mind working quickly. This man… he thought, his gaze narrowing on the young leader. He's after the fruit, just like the others. But he's look and voice said he is no ordinary person.

Rudra knew that he needed to act fast. The fruits were still safe for now, protected by the residual power of his aura, but it wouldn't last forever. Sooner or later, someone would the barrier become less powerful and then someone take what was rightfully mine.

He clenched his fists, determination settling in his chest. I have to retrieve those fruits before they do. He couldn't afford to let these men – especially not the young leader – gain the power of the fruits. They didn't understand the force they were dealing with, the divine nature of the power that coursed through those golden fruits. But Rudra did. He knew what they were capable of, and he wouldn't let that power fall into the wrong hand.

As they young man continued to berate his men, Rudra took a step back, retreating into the shadows with Pepper and Kylie by his side. He needed a plan. And he needed it quietly. The commotio around the tree continued but Rudra's mind was already racing ahead, calculating this next move. The fruits are mine, he thought, his resolve hardening. And I'll make sure they stay that way.