A Gamble of Power.

A Gamble of Power.

The commotion around the tree was growing louder, but Rudra's focused remained unshaken. His mind calculated quickly each thoughts sharper than the last. The fruits are mine, he reaffirmed to himself, his eyes narrowing as he watched the men stumble helplessly, unable to claim what belonged to him.

The he heard a voice of leader of martial artists he said to man who stand his behind. "Go retrieve those fruits," leader ordered, his voice calm yet filled with an undeniable command. The man without hesitation for a moment, he quickly bowed and responded. "Yes, Master." The man began his ascents up the tree, determined to succeed where others had failed. But just as his hand reached one of the olden fruits, the Same invisible force knocked him back. He tumbled to go the ground several feet away, gasping in surprise.

"What… what is this?" the martial artist muttered, his voice shaking with frustration. The guard around him rushed forward, helping him to his feet, but all of them were equally baffled. One of the guards turned toward the young leader standing nearby.

"Master, what do we do now?" he asked, his voice tight with unease. The young man, didn't reply immediately. His dark eye was locked on the tree, his brow furrowed as he studied the strange barriers around the fruits. Finally, with an irritated sigh, he gave a sharp command. "Call uncle khan. Tell him we need his help to retrieve this fruit. A hurry we don't have time to waste."

The guard nodded and pulled out his phone, but the young man wasn't willing to wait of backup. He turned toward the gathered crowed, his sharp gaze scanning their faces. "I am Sam Malik," he announced loudly, his voice Cutting through the murmurs. "The Malik family is well known in the area, the respected and the feared." The crowed stirred at his words, whisper braking to in the among of them.

"They say the Malik Family is involved in some… darker dealing," one man whispered.

"I've heard they are tied to the underworld and mafia," another murmured his eyes wide with both fear and curiosity. Longing the whips, Sam Malik continued. "I'll make the simple. Anyone who help me retrieved these fruits will be awarded with one million. That's right, one million."

As this, the crowd's murmurs turned to a buzz of excitement. People began looking at each other, calculating their chance. But Rudra's thoughts were moving in a different direction. One million… that could help me search for the key element, he thought, his mind immediately jumping to the rare fruit he needed to recreate his Body. The fruit he sought was known as the "Eternal Ember," a rare fruit said to grow in the most dangerous and volatile atmosphere. It thrived in the atmosphere with intense pressure, heavy and energy, and finding it would be a nearly impossible task. But with enough funds, he could gather the resource and information what he needed about fruits.

I'll give him one fruit, Rudra decided, his mind clear. I have ten, and keeping nine for myself will be more than enough.

Turning to his sister, he spoke in a low voice. "Both of you go back home. I'll return in about an hour. Don't worry about me."

Pepper's eyes widened with concern. She grabbed his hand, her voice trembling. "Rudra, what are you planning? don't interfere with them. These people are dangerous."

Rudra met gaze, his expression calm and resolute. "Big sis, we need funds for better living, believe me I handle this with ease." He smiled softly, gently pulling his hand away from hers. "I'll be fine." With that, he stepped away from the crowd. His siters watching him with a mix of fear and uncertainty. Rudra walked toward Sam Malik, who looked him uo and down, clearly unimpressed by Rudra's sickly appearance. Despite his frail – looking his body, Rudra's sickly appearance. Despite his frail- looking body, his eyes gleamed wit an inner strength that Sam Malik couldn't quite place.

I'll help you retrieve ed the fruit, Rudra said calmly, stopping in front of the imposing figure. "But I want your word. One million, like what you promised for this fruit," Sam malik raise an eyebrow intrigued but still spectral. "You? You look like like you can barely stand and you think you can retrieve the fruits?" he chuckled, glancing at his men, whip stared his disbelief. But seeing the determination in Rudra's eyes, Malik relented. "Fine. If you retrieve the fruit, I'll give you a million. And," he added, "If you can get all of them, I'll take only one. The other nine are yours." Then, He asked "So, Are you in or not?"

"OK Deal," Rudra replied without hesitation. Malik stepped back, folding his arms as Rudra turned toward the tree. The crowd fell in silent, curious to see how this seemingly frail young man would succeed where trained martial artist had failed.

Rudra approached the tree slowly, felling the familiar hum of his own aura surrounding the fruit and tree. His connection to them was undeniable – after all, they were nourished by his blood. He stretched out his hand, feeling the pulse of energy that had repelled everyone else.

It's my power. My blood, he reminded himself. This fruit belonged to me. He placed his hand gently on the tree, and unlike the others, He wasn't pushed back. Instead, the aura surrounding the fruits seemed to respond to him, recognized him as its source. The barrier that had thrown the other men away allowed him to pass through easily. One by one, Rudra reached up and plucked the golden fruit from the branches, their glow filling his palm.

The crowd grasped in astonishment. Sam malik eyes widened his earlier scepticism replaced by a grudging tension. He thinks why he said him he take other nine fruits. "Impossible…" one of the martial artists whispered, watching in disbelief as Rudra calmly gathered the fruits.

After retrieving nine fruits in own pocket, Rudra turned to malik, holding out the last one. "Here one fruit, a promised." Malik stared at him for a moment, clearly shaken by what he had just witnessed. Then, wait a slow nod, he took the fruit from the Rudra's hand. "You've earned a million," malik said, his voice low but serious. "I'll make sure the payment reaches you soon as possible." Rudra gave a short nod, pocketing the remaining fruits. Without another words, he turned and walked away. But he stops by the voice.