Entering The Lion’s Den.

Entering The Lion's Den.

Rudra gave a short nod, pocketing the remaining fruits. Without another word, he turned to leave, his mind already planning his next steps. He wanted to distance himself from this place, Sam Malik's voice cut through air.

"Wait," Sam called out, his tone commanding. Rudra stopped his step and turned around meeting the man's intense gaze. "I want you to come with me to my home. I want to introduced to my father and I give million what I promised you to my house."

Rudra's instinct was to refuse immediately. He had no desire to get tangled up with this man a of the malik family any further. But he needs that money. Then he heard his voice he continues his word said, "I'll give you the million at my house what I promised and also, I'll drop you back here afterward."

Rudra's eyes flickered toward the crowd, scanning for his siters. When he spotted them, on Pepper and Kylie were staring at him, awe in their eyes from his earlier actions. But as soon as they heard Sam's invitation, the awe turned into worry. Their face tightened with concern, but Rudra gave them a reassuring look, hoping to ease their anxiety. Hi silent message was clear: I'll be fine. Trust me.

Pepper's lips pressed into a thin line, but she nodded. Kylie through younger, gave a braver nod of understand. Rudra turned back to Sam, finally relenting. "Okay, I'll come with you."

Sam gave a satisfied smirk, then Sam barked orders at his men. "Retrieved the fruit and load them safely in car." His voice left no room for argument. The men quickly moved to follow his instruction, while Sam signalled Rudra to follow him.

Together, they walked toward one of the black XUVs that had arrived earlier. Rudra, silent but observant, boarded the car with one of the Sam's guards. The car's engine roared in life, and they sped off, leaving the crowd behind. As they drove away, Rudra cast one last glance at his sisters. Kylie turned to Pepper, her voice is low, soft but filled with assurance. "Big sis, everting will be fine. Rudra knows what he's doing. Don't worry, he'll be okay."

Pepper didn't respond immediately. Her eyes were locked on the fading car, worry still flickering in their depths. She finally sighed; her concern clear. "I hope so, Kylie. I really hope so."

With that, both sisters turned and heeded home, their hearts still heavy with uncertainty what will happen to Rudra.


Meanwhile, Rudra sat quietly in the car as it speeds toward Sam Malik's house. The guard beside him was silent, and Rudra used the time to reflect on his situation. He had obtained nine fruits, powerful enough to enhance own vitality and strength to some level if I consumed after making the pill, but what at what cost? He had willingly walked into the den of one of the most dangerous familied in the cities, and there was no telling what awaited him next.

After what felt like an hour of driving the car start slowed to a stop in front of an enormous mansion. Rudra stepped out of the car, his eyes taking in the grand, opulent building before him. The mansion was surrounding by tall, ornate gates, withs several guards stationed at every entrance, each armed with guns. Some of the men, Rudra noticed, were not just ordinary guards – they had a certain air about them, a dangerous martial aura that marked them as skilled fighter's. Sam stepped out of the car and gestured for Rudra to follow him. "Come," he said. "We'll go inside." Rudra walked behind the Sam, entering the mansion through its grand, double doors. The interior was just as luxurious as the exterior, with polished marble floors, chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and expensive artwork decoration the walls. The air smelled faintly of sandal wood, giving the place a regal and almost intimidating atmosphere. As they moved deeper into the mansion, Rudra felt the weight of several eyes on him. Guards, servants and other members of the Malik family watched him with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. Clearly, outsider wasn't common visitor in this place.

Sam led him sown a long corridor before stopping in front of large ornament door. Sam turned and said,