The Trap.

Aurthor's Note: guys if you like my book doante power stone and if i need improvement so comment down brother.


The Trap.

The knife gang leader, with his entourage of three boys and three girls, made their way upstairs to their usual private cabin at the top floor of the dimly lit bar. The stairwell echoed with their footsteps as the rowdy group pushed past patrons, laughing and joking amongst themselves. They reached the wooden door that led to their seclude corner, the place reserved for those with power and influence.

The cabin was lavish for an out-of- city bar, furnished with deep velvet couches, a polished glass table, and dimmed lights that provides an air of exclusively. Everyone settled into their usual spots. The leader sat in the middle, his sharp gaze flickering toward the door, already distracted.

One of the boy, a scruffy guy with tattoos snaking up his arms, leaned back lazily and said, "Boss, this is yours fourth time here in this week. What's up with this bar, man?"

Another man, this one shorter and stockier, chuckled and responded lightly, "you idiot. You don't know? Boss only comes here to meet that girl."

A woman, dress in a sleek, black dress, trolled her eyes. "Yeah, the one who catches his eye his eye every time. I get jealous just thinking about it." She cast a glance toward their leader, whose face softened into a slight smile. "She's different from you," the boss said calmly, through his eyes burned with intent.

The tattooed man snorted. "Boss, she reject you every time. Why not just use force? Make she's yours." The leader's expression darkened moment, before he shook his head. "I don't want that. I want her to accept me."

Before the conversation could continue, the door opened, and the owner of the nightclub walked in, his steps careful, his face tense a she greeted the leaders and the gang. "Good evening, everyone. I hope you are enjoying yourselves," he said politely, but the nervousness in his voice was unmistakable.

The leader gave a curt nod, motioning for him to speak.

"Sir," the owner continued hesitantly, "Pepper… she's requested to quit her job."

At these words, the leader's expression shifted, his calm demeanour cracking into a flash of anger. His fingers tightened around the glass he was hold holding. "She wants to quit, does she?" his voice was low but brimming with fury. "Fine. Send her to me. I'll deal with her myself."

The owner quickly bowed and left, while the leader's gang exchanged glance. One of the boys leaned forward with a smirk. "Boss, I told you. You should have forced her long ago. She wouldn't be trying to leave if you had."

The leader's eyes narrowed with irritation. "Today, I'll make her mine," he growled.

A knock come at the door, and all eyes turned toward it. The door creaked open, and Pepper entered, her steps slow have and hesitant. She carried a tray expression unsure. As she placed at the tray on the table, and she glanced at the leader, who eyed her from head to toe, his gaze predatory.

"I want to quite this job," she finally said, her voice soft and uncertain. The leader leaned back, his eyes never leaving her. "Why don't you want to work here anymore. Pepper?" his voice was deceptively sweet, like a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Pepper swallowed hard, knowing full well what kind of man he was beneath the charming exterior. "I… I have personal reason," she stammered. His face twisted slightly, but there was a calculate look in his eyes, like he was already planning something. Then, he smiled. "Alight, you can leave."

Pepper's heart skipped a beat, relief washing over her for a moment. But than his next words shattered that hope.

"But," he added smoothly, "Before you go, I wanted to have one last drink with you. To say goodbye."

Her face tensed and she hesitated. "I don't really—"

"Oh, come on, Pepper. I am granting your wish. Can't you grant me one little request in return?" his voice was oily, Pushing her into compliance.

She glanced around nervously, weight her option. One drink, she thought. One drink and I am free. She finally nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Okay. Jus one."

The leader smirked and motioned to one his men, who quickly understood the signal. He grabbed two glasses and poured wine, but with swift, hidden movement, he added something extra to Pepper's glass. The leader handed her to drink, and she accepted it, her hands shaking. She took a small sip. Forcing herself to swallow as he watched her closely. After finished her wine she said, "I need to go now," she finishes her words, but before she could step away, the leaders voice stopped her. "Wait a little, Pepper. I wanted to talk an about something."

Ger head felt light, and the room suddenly seemed warmer. Her vision blurred slightly as she looked around, confused. "I… I should leave," she said her face flushing unnaturally. The temperature of the room felt like it had spiked, and a dizzy sensation began to cloud her thoughts. The leader stood up slowly, a smug smirk stretching across his face. "What's wrong, Pepper? Are you feeling alright?" his voice was thick with false concern.

She shook her head. "Nothing," she muttered, though she could feel something was very wrong. She took step back toward door. But leader also take a step toward her, with big grin on his face.


Meanwhile, downstair, Rudra had been waiting long enough. His instincts, honed through years of living on the edge, were screaming at him. Something was off. His eyes flickered up to the private cabins where Pepper had gone, and a sense of foreboding settled in his guts.

Aurora, who had been watching him, noticed the shift in his demeanour. "If you want to check on your big sis, go ahead," she said softly. "I'll wait here."

Rudra nodded, his jaw clenched without wasting another second, he headed wasting another second, he headed upstairs, his footstep firm as he climbed toward the cabins. The sounds of the bar seemed to fade into the background as his focus narrowed.

Something was wrong, and he wasn't going to sit by and let it happen.

He reached the top of the stairs just as he saw the door to the knife Gang's private cabin. His senses were on high alert, and deep down, he knew that whatever was going on inside, it wasn't good.