Unleashing The Storm.

Aurthor's Note: guys if you like my book doante power stone and if i need improvement so comment down brother.


Unleashing The Storm.

Inside the dimly lit cabin, the atmosphere grew tense as Pepper's body weakened under the influence of the drug. She struggled to keep her eyes open, but the room around her was spinning, her limbs heavy as if they weren't hers anymore. Every breadth become more laboured, and her hearty ponder in her chest as the effects of the drug took over. The leader, standing just a few feet away, stepped closer with a predatory smirk on his face.

"I think it's time we had that talk, Pepper," he whispered menacingly, his breadth hot against her face. Pepper tried to pull away, but her muscles refused to respond. Her body, betraying her, grew weaker as the drug's effect intensified, a making her dizzy and disoriented, making her dizzy and disoriented. The leader's arms moved forward, attempting to pull her into a forced embrace. Pepper weakly pushed against his chest, but her strength was rapidly fading. "Stop… please…" she manged to whisper, her voice barely audible. The leader chuckled darkly, his eyes glinting with malice. His grip tightened around her as he leaned in, intent on stealing a kiss, his face getting closer to hers. Pepper's, but suddenly the cabin door suddenly flew open with a very loud BANG! The entire room seemed to freeze for a second as all eyes turned toward the source if the noise.

A young man stood in the doorway, his face a mask of fury. His eyes burned with a raw, unbridled rage as they looked onto the scene in front of him – Pepper, is very uncomfortably trapped in leader's grip, her body is limp, her eyes glazed Rudra.

The leader's expression twisted into annoyance as he saw the intruder.

"Who the hell are you?" he spat, his voice full of anger and venom because this man… this man interpreted his moment with Pepper.

But Rudra wasn't listening. His entire focus was on his siter, her condition immediately clear to him. His knowledge in medicine kicked in; he could tell her symptom what happen her and by her flushed face and laboured breathing that Pepper had been drugged. Not just any drug – this was one that heightened sexual desire and make victim sexually arouse, this kind of drug turned victims into helpless puppets.

Rudra's blood boiled, his rage surging to an uncontrollable level. His eyes narrowed on the leader, and the air around him seemed to crackles with a deadly energy, his anger manifesting in s palpable force.

The leader's gang members shifted uneasily as they felt the tension in the room grow, but one of them, a tall man with a cocky grin, stood up and sneered at Rudra. "Get out of here, kid. This isn't your business."

Pepper, barely able to focus, saw Rudra through her blurred vision. She tried to speak, her voice weak, "Rudra…" the leader's eyes darkened at the mention of the name, his grip on Pepper tightening. "Rudra, Huh? So, who are you for her?" his voice dripped with disdain as he glared at Rudra. Rudra said nothing. His fists clenched as he walked toward the leader, his movement slow but slow. The leader The leader's smug grin faltered slightly as Rudra closed the distance. Without a word, Rudra grabbed the leader's arm – the one wrapped around Pepper – and in one swift motion, he twisted it with brutal force. The sound of the bone snapping echoed in the room. "AHHHH!" the leader screamed in pain, his body jerking backward as Rudra flung him away from Pepper. The leader clutched his broken arm, his face contorted in agony. Otherside with swift moment catch Pepper in his arm and gently help her sit on couch. Then,

The room erupted into the chaos as the other members of the gang jumped to their feet. Three of the men launched themselves at Rudra, their faces filled with anger.

The first man, a burly man with shaved hair, charged at Rudra with a wild swing. Rudra dodged effortlessly stepping to the side and delivering a swift, precise strike to the man's ribs.

The impact was like a sledgehammer, and the man crumpled to the ground, gasping for air.

The second attacker, a lanky man with a knife, slashed at Rudra's throat. But Rudra with lightning reflexes, sidestepped the blade and countered with a vicious palm strike to the man's face. Blood sprayed from the man's nose as he staggered back, dazed. The third attacker, seeing his comrades fall so quickly, hesitated for a split second. That was all the time Rudra needed. He spun on his heel, his leg sweeping out in a powerful roundhouse kick. His foot connected with a sickening thud. The remaining members of the gang froze, unsure whether to continue the fight or run. Amid the commotion, the bar owner papered in the doorways, with pale faced seeing the destruction and the furious leader clutching his broken arm, he quickly called for the club's guards. From the corner, Aurora also stood at the top of the stairs, watching the scene unfold with the calm, observant eyes. she didn't intervene, instead choosing to watch Rudra's every move. In her mind, she thought, shoe me, Rudra. Show me what you are truly capable for.

As the guards burst into the room, armed with batons and ready for a fight, Rudra squared his shoulders. His face was calm, but his eyes were alight with focused rage. One of the guards swung his baton at him, but Rudra ducked under the blow, countering with the quick, brutal elbow to the man's jaw. The guard dropped instantly.

Another guard lunged forward, but Rudra's footwork was swift and precise. He stepped inside the man's guard, grabbing him by the wrist and twisting, forcing the baton from his hand. Rudra follows with a knee to the stomach, folding the baton from his hand. Rudra followed with a knee to the stomach, folding the guard in half before finishing him with a sharp strike to the back of the neck. One by one, the guards fell. Rudar's movement were fluid, a deadly mix of martial arts styles. His form was reminiscent of kalarippayattu, the ancient martial art, combined with Modern Martial Art {MMA}. his strikes were lethal and efficient, each one delivered with precision.

Sarswati continued to watch from the sidelines, her inters piqued by his skill, he's more capable than I thought, she mused silently. The last guard, seeing his comrades taken down so easily. Hesitate for a moment before swinging wildly at Rudra. But Rudra was already two steps ahead. He parried the blow, disarming the guard with a smooth motion, and sent him crashing into the wall with a powerful back kick. The cabin was now filled with groans of pain. And the air was thick with the aftermath pf the brutal fight. Rudra stood tall, breathing steadily as he surveyed the damage. The leader, still clutching his broken arm, stared at Rudra with wide eyes, all trace of arrogance gone. He knew he had underestimated this young man – and now, he was paying the price.