The study group grew more laid back as the evening wore on, with everyone joking and laughing in between periods of intense work. Hannah and Evan were busy quizzing each other while Mia and Steve debated a challenging arithmetic topic. Lia, however, sat quietly in the midst of the bustling scene, leafing through her notes without actually noticing what was written. Her attention was diverted by Jake's previous phone call, and she continued to look at him.

Jay observed Lia's strange stillness across the room. Throughout the night, she had remained silent, her typically upbeat spirit having been replaced by a more reserved one. Her eyes were distant, but he could tell she was making an effort to concentrate on her studies.

Jay stayed quiet, not wanting to call attention to her mood in front of everyone. Instead, he continued observing her from time to time, wondering what was going through her mind. He wasn't the type to push someone to talk if they didn't want to, but it bothered him to see her out of place.

As the night wore on and the others were caught up in their own conversations, Jay caught Lia's eye. He gave her a small, understanding smile, hoping to reassure her without saying anything. Lia returned the smile, but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

For now, Jay chose to let it go, figuring he could check in on her later when they weren't surrounded by the group. Something was clearly bothering her, and though he didn't know what it was yet, he made a mental note to keep an eye on her.

The group continued studying, but Jay kept glancing in Lia's direction, quietly watching as she seemed to drift further away from the lively mood around them.

"Oh my god. Take a look at the time; we'd better leave." Jay looked at his watch and remarked, "It's getting late." Everyone became aware of how late it was, and the room fell silent. Although it had taken longer than anybody had expected, the study session had been fruitful.

Hannah said, "You're right," as she began to collect her belongings. "I was completely unaware of the late hour!"

Steve yawned and extended his arms above his head. The same thing here. When you're cramming, time flies.

Still feeling a little strange from earlier, Lia packed her bag silently. As everyone got ready to leave, Jay continued to look in her direction after observing her silence once again but remained silent.

Jake got to his feet and picked up his phone off the table. "I need to go in a different way. Meeting up with Emily," he added nonchalantly, waving at the group. "I'll see you all tomorrow."

"See you, Jake!" As Jake started to move away from the group and toward the door, Evan yelled at him.

Thoughts still jumbled, Lia watched him go. Jay, who was standing beside her, saw and gently nudged her arm. "All set to go?" He inquired quietly.

"Yes," Lia said in a steady but quiet voice.

After spending hours indoors studying, the rest of the group—Jay, Lia, Hannah, Steve, and Evan—went out together, the cold night air a welcome change. Steve and Evan led most of the informal chat on the trip back, making jokes about how little they had learned from the seminar.

Steve laughed and shook his head, saying, "To be honest, I think my brain stopped working an hour ago. Tomorrow, I'll be lucky if I remember anything."

Hannah grinned despite rolling her eyes. The same. Before the tests, we ought to repeat this.

Evan nudged Hannah, who giggled, and taunted, "Just without the distractions."

Lia felt Jay at her side as she moved slightly behind the others. Although he didn't say much, his quiet demeanor was consoling. Although she was aware that he had observed her mood earlier, she was grateful that he wasn't pressuring her to speak.

When Jay did speak, it was in a quiet whisper that only Lia could hear while they were walking. "Are you alright? You haven't said much tonight."

After a moment of hesitation, Lia nodded. "Yes, simply... I have a lot on my mind. But I'm all right."

Jay gave a nod, his face showing comprehension. "You know where to find me if you need to talk."

The classroom was bustling with the typical excitement the following morning, but something didn't feel quite right. Jake and Lia were both missing, and it was noted.

"Where is Jake?" Steve asked as he placed his bag on his desk and looked around.

Steve was seated next to Avery, who smiled knowingly as he leaned back in his chair. "Yes, he most likely still spends time with Emily. She arrived yesterday, correct? Most likely, they are spending more time together."

Evan's eyebrows went up. "That makes sense. She's his girlfriend, after all, and they must be enjoying themselves if she traveled this far."

Jay shrugged, who had been listening quietly. "Yes, perhaps. He only mentioned that he was meeting up with her last night."

Avery laughed. "Jake is fortunate to be able to skip class and spend time with his girlfriend. It must be pleasant."

Steve grinned. "Yes, but Lia's absence seems strange. She has never skipped a class in her life."

With a somewhat more serious expression, Jay nodded. "Exactly. Lia is the one who always makes sure we stay on top of everything. She wouldn't simply skip class without cause."

Evan turned to look at Jay. "You suspect a problem?"

Jay paused. "I'm not sure. After Jake took that call last night, she was somewhat silent. All I can hope is that everything is good."

Hannah and Mia, on the other side of the room, were seated together and had the same worry.

"Has Lia gotten back to you?" As she browsed through her phone, Mia inquired. "She didn't respond when I texted her this morning."

Hannah shook her head, her voice beginning to sound worried. "No, and that's the peculiar thing. Lia never skips a lesson. She is not like this."

Mia nibbled on her lip. "Perhaps she is simply ill? However, except from being a little quiet, she didn't appear strange last night."

Hannah let out a sigh. "I'm not sure. I just feel like she's bothered by something, and it's not just school. After class, should we see how she's doing?"

Mia gave a brief nod. "Certainly. The thought of her going through something by herself bothers me."

Both the males and the girls were left wondering what was actually happening with their missing friends as the morning wore on. Both Lia and Jake's absence obviously weighed heavily on their thoughts, and the class's normal vitality appeared a bit diminished.

As the day wore on, their friends' interest was piqued by the fact that neither Lia nor Jake were present. The groups ended up seated close to one another in the cafeteria for lunch, and the talks from both sides merged.

Jay looked at Mia and Hannah, who were still discussing Lia. "Has she given us any updates yet?" He inquired in the hopes that they might know more.

Mia shook her head, her eyes full of worry. "No, nothing. After class, we could visit her home to see how she's doing. Lia is never like way, so it's simply strange."

Steve slumped back in his chair, sensing the strain. Perhaps she's simply anxious about everything. Exams are approaching, and the study session last night was rather demanding.

"Yes, but Lia does well under duress," Hannah remarked, unconvinced. "When things get hard, she doesn't just skip class."

Always the joker, Avery grinned. "Or perhaps, like Jake, she has finally been let go. Perhaps they are both traveling together."

Jay gave him a glance. "Avery, that's not funny."

Avery shrugged and said, "Just saying, we don't really know what's going on."

Evan, who had mostly been silent, added his voice. "As Avery mentioned, Jake is most likely with his girlfriend. It seems reasonable that he would want to spend time with Emily because he indicated that she was in town. However, Lia? There's a problem."

Hannah's voice was forceful as she consented. "Exactly. After school, we must see how she is doing."

Jay's uneasiness grew as he nodded in accord. "I'll accompany you all. Despite appearing to be incoherent last night, Lia remained silent."

Mia smiled appreciatively at him. "Thank you, Jay. I believe she will value that."

The discomfort at Lia's absence persisted even when the conversation turned back to more lighthearted subjects. Hannah, Mia, and Jay decided to go to Lia's house when the day's classes concluded.

The streets were calm in the late afternoon when the three of them traveled to Lia's house after school. After they arrived at the front door, Mia paused and then knocked.

Lia's mother responded a short while later, astonished to see them. "Oh, hi. Are you visiting Lia?"

"Yes," Hannah said in a kind tone. "We were concerned for her. We wanted to inquire as to why she did not attend school today."

Although a trace of worry appeared on her face, Lia's mother's countenance relaxed. "Today, Lia hasn't been feeling well. She's sleeping upstairs. I'll inform her of your presence."

The group looked at each other anxiously as she made her way upstairs. Lia's mother came back a few minutes later and invited them inside.

She responded, "If you want, you can come up and see her. I believe she will be delighted to see her friends."

After nodding, the three of them headed to Lia's room. She was laying on her bed when they came in, appearing attentive but pale.

"Hey," Lia replied quietly, grinning a little. "I didn't think you guys would be here."

Mia approached first and took a seat on the bed's edge. "We were concerned for you. You failed to respond to any of our texts."

Lia brushed a lock of hair behind her ear and apologized. "I didn't feel well today. All it took was a little time".

Jay watched her intently from the doorway. "You didn't seem quite right last night. Is that all there is to it?"

After a little pause, Lia let out a sigh. "I suppose... It goes beyond that. After Jake's call with Emily, I started to feel strange. I simply became affected by it. For some reason, that made me uneasy, and I wanted time to reflect."

Hannah nodded in understanding. "Lia, it makes sense. You do not need to exert yourself if you are depressed."

"We're just glad you're okay," Mia said. "You know you don't have to face this alone."

Lia grinned, clearly moved by their encouragement. "Thank you, everyone. Thank you very much. I simply needed a day to get my thoughts straight, and I'll be all right."

Jay's voice was quiet when he eventually spoke. "Lia, take as much time as you require. When you're ready, we'll be here."

As they sat together for a time, reassuring their buddy and letting her know she wasn't alone, the mood in the room became more relaxed. As long as Lia knew she had friends who cared, the rest of the world could wait.

Mia and Hannah got up and gathered their belongings after spending an hour with Lia. In order to prevent Lia from falling behind, they gave her the notes they had gathered during today's classes.

Mia smiled and continued, "We copied everything down for you here. So you won't have missed anything when you're ready."

With a nice sensation in her chest, Lia answered, "Thanks, guys. Thank you so much for this."

Hannah embraced her briefly. "Please get some sleep. We will re-connect tomorrow."

They walked to the door, and Lia nodded. "Yes, I will. Again, thank you for visiting."

Lia watched from her window as Hannah and Mia waved good-bye and left, feeling a little better. She was thankful for their companionship and felt better after their visit.

After an hour and a half, Lia was lying on her bed, reading the messages left by her pals. Though her thoughts kept returning to Jake and how difficult everything had been, the home was silent and she was beginning to feel more at peace.

She was surprised by a knock on her door. She looked at the clock in confusion—it was late for guests. Wondering whether Hannah or Mia had forgotten something, she went downstairs. She was surprised, however, when she opened the door.

Neither Hannah nor Mia were there. Jake was the one.

With his hands in his pockets, he murmured gently, "Hey. May I enter?"

For a time, Lia stood motionless, not anticipating seeing him, not tonight. She blinked, taking in his presence, then moved out of the way. "Yes, indeed. Yes."

As Jake entered, he looked about the place he knew before focusing on Lia. Although her appearance had improved, a hint of melancholy remained in her face.

Rubbing the back of his neck, Jake remarked, "I heard from Mia that you weren't feeling well. I simply... I wanted to see how you were doing."

Lia smiled slightly in surprise. "You traveled this far to see how I was doing?"

Jake gave her a little grin in reply and shrugged. "Yes, without a doubt. I didn't want you to believe I wasn't worried since I know we've been having some awkward moments recently."

Lia felt her heartbeat speed as she gulped. Of all people, she hadn't anticipated his being the one to arrive. "Thank you," she muttered. "I suppose I didn't anticipate your visit."

Jake briefly glanced down before turning back to her. "I am aware that everything with Emily has likely been making you feel strange. and I apologize if that caused any discomfort. However, I don't want that to alter our current situation. Lia, you are vital to me. You shouldn't feel alienated, in my opinion."

She wasn't prepared for the force of his comments. Assuming she was the only one experiencing the change in their connection, she had spent a great deal of time overanalyzing everything.

With no idea what to say, Lia inhaled deeply. "I suppose... I've been experiencing a sense of exclusion. However, you are not to blame. I simply didn't know how to handle it."

Jake gave a nod, his eyes kind. "I understand. Furthermore, I'm not flawless at managing everything. However, you don't have to face challenges alone. It will not change that we are still friends."

His words lifted a burden from Lia's chest. She came to the realization that she might not need to overthink everything and that the gap she had felt wasn't as great as she had thought.

She said, "Thanks for coming," with a sincere grin. "I didn't think you would be the one concerned about me."

Jake laughed. "Well, I'm a surprise person."

After standing in pleasant stillness for a while, Lia pointed to the living room. "Would you want to have a seat for a while? I need a vacation from thinking too much."

Jake smiled. "Yes, that would be nice."

As they sat together, their relationship seemed normal for the first time in what seemed like a long time.

"I know we're just friends, but I can't hide the fact that I'm jealous and a little bit heartbroken even though I don't have the right to be because you have a girlfriend, and of course as a friend, I get that you need some space from me since your girlfriend will get jealous, and I know how very loyal you are to her," Lia said, keeping her distance while sitting next to Jake on the sofa.

Jake leaned back slightly, letting out a deep breath. His eyes softened as he listened to Lia, her words hanging in the air between them. He could tell how hard it was for her to say it, and it took him a moment to respond.

"Lia..." he started slowly, "I didn't know you were feeling this way, and I hate that it's been so tough for you." He paused, running a hand through his hair as he searched for the right words. "I get why you might feel that way, and I'm sorry if I've made things awkward by being... well, caught up with Emily."

Lia kept her gaze lowered, her fingers fiddling with the hem of her shirt. "It's not your fault. I know I don't have the right to feel like this because you're loyal to her, and that's how it should be. I just can't help it sometimes."

Jake shifted closer, though he respected the space Lia was trying to keep. "Look, Emily means a lot to me, and yeah, I want to make sure she feels secure in our relationship. But that doesn't mean I want space from you, Lia. I don't want to lose our friendship, and I don't want you to feel like you're being pushed aside."

Lia glanced at him, uncertainty still lingering in her eyes. "But don't you think she'll get jealous? I mean, I've seen how close we are, and I wouldn't blame her if she felt uncomfortable."

Jake sighed. "I've talked to Emily about it, and yeah, she knows we're close. But I've been clear with her that you're my friend, and that's it. I'm not gonna stop being friends with you just because I'm in a relationship."

Lia stayed quiet for a moment, her thoughts racing. She wanted to believe him, but she couldn't shake the feeling that her presence might complicate things. "I guess I just don't want to be the reason for any issues between you two. I care about you both, and I don't want to cause any tension."

Jake leaned in a little closer, his tone reassuring. "You're not. You don't have to worry about that. I'm loyal to Emily, yes, but that doesn't mean I can't have friendships outside of that. You're important to me, Lia. I don't want you to feel like you need to step back or keep your distance."

Lia bit her lip, her heart a little lighter but still cautious. "I just don't want to be the girl who gets in the way, you know?"

Jake shook his head firmly. "You're not in the way. And if there ever was an issue, I'd handle it. But I promise you, that's not happening. We'll find a way to make this work."

Lia finally met his eyes, a small, tentative smile playing at her lips. "Thanks, Jake. I guess I just needed to hear that."

Jake smiled back, his expression warm. "Anytime. I'm always here for you, no matter what."

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of the conversation slowly lifting as they both relaxed. It wasn't an easy conversation, but it felt like a step in the right direction—one that would help them navigate the new dynamics of their friendship while respecting the boundaries of Jake's relationship with Emily.

"Oh, how I wish to have a relationship like yours. You're very loyal to your girlfriend and know boundaries, and here I am getting in between someone's relationship. How pathetic," Lia said.

Jake frowned slightly, his brows knitting together as he listened to Lia's words. He shook his head, clearly not agreeing with her self-assessment.

"Hey, don't say that," he said, his voice gentle but firm. "You're not pathetic, Lia. And you're not getting in between anything. You're my friend, and that's it. Emily knows that, and you should, too."

Lia sighed, still feeling the weight of her emotions. "But I can't help feeling like I'm intruding... You're loyal to her, and that's how it should be. I just... I don't know. Maybe I should take a step back. Let you focus on your relationship without me being around so much."

Jake shook his head again, more determined this time. "That's not necessary. Trust me, Lia, you're not the problem." He hesitated for a moment, his eyes flicking away briefly as if he were considering something. Then he sighed and looked back at her, a small smile playing on his lips. "Actually, there's something you don't know."

Lia raised an eyebrow, curious but wary. "What do you mean?"

Jake leaned back a little, his expression thoughtful. "There's someone... someone in our friend group, who likes you. But they haven't told you because they're afraid of messing things up or making it awkward."

Lia blinked, completely caught off guard. "Wait... what? Someone likes me?" She sat up straighter, her heart racing slightly. "Who?"

Jake gave her a teasing smile. "I'm not gonna just tell you who it is—that's not my place. But yeah, there's definitely someone who's got feelings for you. They just haven't figured out how to say it yet."

Lia's mind raced as she tried to think of who it could be. She went through a mental list of their friends, but no one seemed obvious. "Are you serious? I had no idea."

Jake chuckled softly. "Yeah, I'm serious. And the reason I'm telling you this is because you're sitting here beating yourself up about something that isn't even an issue. You think you're the one causing problems, but in reality, someone out there is nervous because they don't know how to tell you how they feel."

Lia stared at Jake, processing his words. "But... why wouldn't they just say something? I mean, we're all friends, right?"

Jake shrugged. "Sometimes it's not that easy. They probably don't want to risk ruining the friendship. Sound familiar?"

Lia's face softened as she realized what Jake meant. She knew exactly how hard it could be to navigate feelings when you're close with someone. "Yeah... I guess that does sound familiar."

Jake smiled, leaning forward slightly. "So, don't be too hard on yourself, Lia. You're not the only one struggling with this stuff."

Lia felt a strange mix of emotions—surprise, curiosity, and maybe a little bit of hope. "I wonder who it could be..." she said, more to herself than to Jake.

Jake just smiled mysteriously. "Well, I guess you'll find out when they're ready to tell you."

Lia couldn't help but smile back, her earlier worries starting to fade. It felt good to know that maybe things weren't as complicated as she'd thought. And the idea that someone liked her, even if she didn't know who it was, made her feel a little lighter.

"Thanks for telling me, Jake," she said softly, feeling a sense of warmth and relief.

"Anytime," Jake replied, his voice genuine. "And remember, you're not getting in the way of anything. You're allowed to have your own feelings, too."

"Jake, can I ask you a favor just this once before you know we limit ourselves from messaging and seeing each other? I know it's not my place to request this, but just this once, I would like to feel that warmth from you when you're with Emily," Lia said.

"Okay, what's that?" Jake asked.

Lia whispered, "Can I kiss you just on the cheeks?"

Jake looked at Lia, surprised by her request. He could see the vulnerability in her eyes, and for a moment, he hesitated, unsure of what to say. He knew how much this meant to her, even if it was something small, something that felt more symbolic than anything else.

"Lia..." he began softly, his tone careful. He didn't want to hurt her, but he also didn't want to cross any lines that could make things more complicated. He glanced away for a moment, collecting his thoughts, then looked back at her with a serious expression.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" he asked gently, his voice low. "I don't want to give you the wrong idea, and I don't want you to feel worse later on."

Lia nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I just need this, Jake. Just once, and then I'll be able to let go. I know it's silly, and I know you're with Emily, but this... this is just for me."

Jake sighed quietly, feeling conflicted. He didn't want to make things harder for her, but he also understood that sometimes, people needed closure in their own way. After a brief pause, he nodded, giving her a small, understanding smile. "Okay, just this once."

Lia's heart fluttered as she leaned closer to him, her nerves making her hands tremble slightly. She hesitated for a moment before gently pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, her eyes closing as she allowed herself to feel that fleeting moment of warmth she had been longing for.

When she pulled back, her eyes met his, and there was a silent understanding between them. It wasn't romantic, but it was bittersweet—a moment that was shared but would never be repeated.

"Thank you," Lia whispered, her voice barely audible.

Jake gave her a soft smile, his eyes kind but distant. "I hope this helps, Lia. And I really do wish you the best. You deserve to find someone who'll give you that warmth every day."

Lia nodded, knowing this was goodbye in more ways than one. "I will. I'll be okay."

Jake stood up, giving her one last look before heading for the door. "Take care, Lia."

As the door closed behind him, Lia sat there for a moment, feeling a strange mix of sadness and relief. She knew that from this point on, things would be different, and maybe that was exactly what she needed to finally move forward.

Though tonight was a bittersweet moment, Jake suddenly went back to kiss Lia on the cheeks and whispered. As Lia sat quietly, trying to process everything, she suddenly heard the soft sound of the door creaking open again.

Her heart skipped a beat as she looked up and saw Jake standing there, his eyes locked on hers. Before she could even react, he walked back into the room, closing the distance between them in just a few steps.

Without a word, Jake leaned down and gently kissed her on the cheek, the warmth of his lips lingering longer than she expected. Her breath hitched in surprise, and for a moment, the world seemed to stop. He then leaned in closer, his breath soft against her ear as he whispered, "This is our little secret."

Lia's heart raced, her mind swirling with emotions she couldn't quite place. She felt the tenderness of the moment, but also the weight of the words he had just said. Her lips parted as if to say something, but before she could speak, Jake straightened up, giving her one last look—his expression soft but unreadable.

And then, without another word, he turned and left, the door clicking softly behind him.

Lia sat there, frozen in place, her cheek still tingling from the unexpected kiss. She touched the spot where his lips had been, trying to make sense of it all. It was a bittersweet moment, one that left her both confused and comforted. The warmth of his kiss lingered, but so did the uncertainty of what it all meant.

"What did he mean by "our little secret"?" she wondered, her mind replaying the moment over and over again.

As the silence of the room settled around her, Lia realized that this secret kiss would stay with her, a memory both cherished and complicated. She knew things between them would never be simple again, but for tonight, she allowed herself to hold onto that brief moment of warmth, even if it was fleeting.