The next morning, Lia was able to go to attend her class, and so did Jake. Their friends were happy to see them, but Jake gave a slight smile to Lia and went to his seat after greeting their friends.

The next morning, Lia walked into class, feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation. She had replayed the events of the previous night in her mind countless times, and now seeing Jake again after their bittersweet moment filled her with uncertainty. As she entered the classroom, her eyes immediately scanned the room for him.

Mia and Hannah noticed her and waved excitedly. "Hey, Lia! Glad to see you're back!" Mia said, grinning. "We were worried about you yesterday."

"Yeah," Hannah chimed in, "good to have you back."

Lia smiled at her friends, grateful for their support. "I'm feeling better, thanks," she said, though her thoughts were elsewhere. Her eyes flicked over to where Jake had just walked in. He greeted the group with a quick nod and smile, but it wasn't the usual warm, easygoing grin Lia was used to. His gaze met hers briefly, but then he looked away and quietly headed to his seat without saying much more.

The interaction felt heavy, like there was something unspoken between them now—a shift in the air that only they seemed to feel.

As Lia made her way to her own seat, she couldn't help but wonder if things would ever go back to normal between them. Their friends, seemingly unaware of the tension, continued chatting around them. Steve and Jay were cracking jokes, and Mia and Hannah were discussing their weekend plans, but Lia found it hard to focus.

She glanced over at Jake a couple of times, noticing the way he seemed more reserved than usual. He caught her looking once, and for a split second, there was a flash of something in his eyes—something that reminded her of their shared secret. But just as quickly, it was gone, replaced by his usual calm expression.

As the class went on, Lia did her best to concentrate, but her mind kept drifting back to Jake. She wondered if he was thinking about last night too, or if he had already moved on. Either way, things felt different now, and she wasn't sure what the next step would be.

During a break, Mia nudged her gently. "You okay? You've been a little quiet this morning."

Lia forced a smile and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... a lot on my mind."

Mia gave her a concerned look but didn't press further. Meanwhile, Jake stayed at his desk, talking quietly with Steve and Jay, but never once glancing Lia's way again.

The tension between them was palpable, yet invisible to everyone else. Only they knew the weight of the secret that lingered between them, and for now, it seemed neither of them was ready to confront it head-on.

Lia quietly stood up as she headed out of the classroom while sighing. Her friends saw that as well as the guys, but none of them were willing to catch up with her because they thought she needed some space, but little did they know Lia would meet someone that she never imagined would talk to her, and that's Nicholas, another classmate of hers who seats in front of them.

Lia quietly stood up and slipped out of the classroom, her sigh barely audible over the hum of her classmates' chatter. As she made her way down the hallway, she tried to clear her mind, but the weight of everything from last night still pressed heavily on her. She thought she might need some air, some space away from all the complicated emotions swirling around her and Jake.

Her friends noticed her sudden departure but exchanged silent glances, deciding not to follow. They assumed she needed some time to herself and didn't want to push her.

As Lia walked down the empty corridor, lost in her thoughts, she almost didn't notice someone coming from the opposite direction. She looked up just in time to see Nicholas, one of her classmates, walking toward her. He usually sat near the front of the class, keeping mostly to himself. He wasn't the loudest or most outgoing person in their group, but there was something calm and collected about him. She had never really spoken to him much beyond small pleasantries, so she was surprised when he stopped in front of her.

"Hey, Lia," Nicholas said, his voice calm but with a hint of curiosity. "You okay?"

Lia blinked, a little caught off guard. She hadn't expected anyone to approach her, especially not Nicholas. "Oh, hi, Nicholas. I'm... fine, just needed to step out for a bit," she said, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, trying to sound casual.

He gave her a gentle smile, his eyes studying her face for a moment as if he could tell there was more to her quiet departure. "You don't look fine," he said, his tone kind rather than prying. "Sometimes it helps to talk about things, even if it's just with a classmate."

Lia hesitated, not sure how to respond. She hadn't expected this kind of attention from Nicholas, but there was something about his sincerity that put her at ease. "It's just... a lot on my mind, I guess. Stuff I don't really know how to talk about yet," she admitted, her voice soft.

Nicholas nodded thoughtfully, leaning against the wall beside her. "I get it. Sometimes things can pile up and make it hard to focus." He glanced down the hallway, as if giving her space to continue if she wanted. "If you ever feel like talking, I'm a good listener."

Lia felt a small wave of gratitude. She wasn't sure she was ready to spill everything to Nicholas, but it was comforting to know that someone else had noticed her struggle. "Thanks, Nicholas," she said quietly. "I appreciate that."

He smiled again, a little more warmly this time. "Anytime. You shouldn't have to carry everything by yourself."

With that, Nicholas gave her a small nod and headed back toward the classroom, leaving Lia standing there, a bit surprised by the unexpected conversation. It wasn't much, but in that brief exchange, she felt a little lighter, as if someone had seen her in a way she hadn't expected.

As she turned to head toward the campus garden for some quiet time, she couldn't help but think that maybe Nicholas wasn't as distant as she had thought.

"Everything seems complicated lately," Lia sighed, gently swinging back and forth, her feet barely brushing the ground. She was lost in her thoughts when suddenly a voice broke through her solitude.

"What seems complicated?" William asked, suddenly appearing in front of her. His face was so close that it startled her, making her heart skip a beat.

"William!" she gasped, gripping her chest tightly. "Do you want to give me a heart attack?" she shouted, trying to catch her breath.

William stepped back, hands raised in mock surrender, a sheepish grin on his face. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he said, laughing softly. "But seriously, what's been going on? You looked like you were deep in thought."

Lia shook her head, still trying to calm down. "You really have terrible timing, you know that?" she muttered, though her tone was less irritated and more playful.

William shrugged. "It's a talent," he joked. "But seriously, you seemed off. Want to talk about it?"

She sighed again, her gaze drifting back to the ground. "I don't know. It's just... everything feels messy right now. I've got all these feelings, and I don't know what to do with them."

William tilted his head, watching her curiously but with a gentleness in his eyes. "Is this about Jake?" he asked, his tone more serious now.

Lia blinked, surprised by his intuition, and nodded slowly. "Yeah, partly," she admitted. "But it's not just him. It's everything—friendships, feelings... It's all getting tangled up, and I don't know how to untangle it without making a bigger mess."

William nodded, taking a seat on the swing next to hers. "I get it. Things can feel pretty overwhelming when emotions and friendships start to mix." He gave her a thoughtful look. "But sometimes, talking it out can help. Maybe start with one thing at a time, you know?"

Lia glanced at him, feeling a bit lighter. "You make it sound simple," she said, smiling faintly.

"It's not simple," William corrected with a grin. "But you've got friends who care about you, so you don't have to figure it out alone."

She looked at him, feeling grateful. "Thanks, William. You're a good friend."

"Anytime," he replied, giving her a reassuring smile. "Now, maybe next time, don't sit on swings alone if you don't want people to sneak up on you."

Lia laughed, feeling a little better already.

"Now, let's head back to class. I don't want anyone to worry about you," William said, extending his hand toward her with a warm smile.

Lia looked up at him, feeling comforted by his presence. She hesitated for a moment, then reached out and took his hand, letting him pull her up from the swing. "You're right. I shouldn't keep running away from things," she said, dusting off her skirt.

William grinned. "Exactly. Plus, if we're late, I'm blaming you."

Lia chuckled, shaking her head. "Fine, fine. Let's go before they send a search party."

As they walked back toward the classroom, Lia felt a sense of relief. It wasn't that everything was magically fixed, but knowing that someone was there for her made the weight on her chest feel a little lighter. William chatted casually about random topics, keeping things light, and for the first time in a while, Lia felt herself genuinely smiling.

As Lia and William walked back into the classroom, they made it just in time for the next lesson. The moment they entered, all eyes seemed to shift toward them, especially from Lia's friends—Mia and Hannah—who exchanged curious glances. Mia raised an eyebrow, clearly wondering what had happened.

Lia gave them a small smile and a shrug, trying to brush it off casually. But her friends weren't the only ones noticing. Across the room, Jake and his group of friends, including Jay and Steve, also took note of the unusual pairing.

Jake's eyes narrowed slightly, watching as William pulled out a chair for Lia before taking his own seat. Jay leaned in and whispered something to Jake, but Jake only gave a short, distracted nod. His thoughts seemed elsewhere.

Hannah, who had been staring for a few seconds, finally leaned over to Mia and whispered, "Since when do William and Lia hang out like that?"

Mia shook her head, just as puzzled. "I have no idea, but I plan to find out."

The lecturer began the class, pulling everyone's attention back to their notebooks, but the air in the room felt different. As the lesson carried on, Jake couldn't help but steal a few glances at Lia and William, his mind swirling with questions he couldn't quite articulate.

Meanwhile, Lia tried to focus on the lesson, but she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. She knew her friends—and Jake—were curious, but for now, she was just grateful for William's kindness.

Evan leaned over to Jake, his voice low but filled with curiosity. "So, Lia and William... quite an odd pair, don't you think?"

Jake didn't look up from his notebook but his grip on the pen tightened slightly. "Yeah, a little," he muttered, pretending to be focused on his notes.

Evan chuckled softly, sensing Jake's disinterest but not letting the topic drop. "I mean, they've never really talked before, right? And now they show up together, looking all chummy."

Jay, sitting on the other side of Jake, chimed in. "Yeah, I noticed that too. Maybe something's going on? William's always been kinda quiet though. Didn't expect him to make a move like that."

Jake stayed quiet for a moment, trying to push the thoughts aside. "I don't think it's anything," he finally said, his tone dismissive. "Maybe they just ran into each other outside."

Evan smirked, clearly enjoying the gossip. "Sure, maybe. But I gotta say, it's kinda interesting. You know how things have been weird lately between you and Lia..."

Jake shot him a look, a silent warning to drop the subject. "It's nothing, man. Let's just focus on the lesson."

Evan raised his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. Just saying it's curious."

Across the room, Mia glanced back at Lia, catching a small exchange between her and William as they both took notes. She leaned toward Hannah, whispering, "Do you think there's something more going on with those two?"

Hannah shrugged. "Who knows? But it's definitely new. Lia's never mentioned hanging out with William before."

Mia nodded, still watching them with interest. "Yeah, something's up. We'll have to ask her about it later."

As the lesson continued, the quiet hum of curiosity buzzed throughout the classroom, but for now, everyone settled into their work, though the undercurrent of speculation still lingered.

As the lesson went on, Jake couldn't help but glance over at Lia, who was sitting with William and Nicholas. The sight of her laughing and chatting with them tugged at him, but he quickly looked back at his notes. Evan, noticing Jake's subtle distraction, leaned in again.

"See, man? Told you something's up. They look pretty comfortable together," Evan whispered, his voice laced with amusement.

Jake shrugged, keeping his tone casual. "They're just talking. Doesn't mean anything."

Jay, more observant, looked between Lia and Jake, sensing something unspoken. "You sure you're cool with this, Jake? I mean, with everything that happened recently, you've been a little off."

Jake's eyes flickered with a mix of frustration and something else he didn't want to admit. "It's fine. She can talk to whoever she wants. It's not a big deal."

Evan smirked, clearly entertained. "If you say so, man. But don't get too surprised if William suddenly asks her out. Dude's been low-key for a while, but maybe he's finally making his move."

Jake clenched his jaw but didn't respond, forcing himself to focus on his notes again.

Meanwhile, across the room, Hannah and Mia were having their own whispered conversation. Hannah kept stealing glances at Lia and William, raising an eyebrow.

"So, when did this happen?" Hannah asked, her curiosity piqued.

Mia shrugged, glancing over at them as well. "I have no idea. It's weird, though. Lia didn't say anything about William before. And now they're all buddy-buddy with Nicholas too?"

Hannah nodded, keeping her voice low. "Yeah, something's definitely changed. We should ask her after class. She was really out of it yesterday, and now she's hanging out with William?"

Mia's eyes narrowed in thought. "I wonder if it has anything to do with Jake. You know how awkward things have been between them."

Hannah gave a knowing nod. "That's possible. But Lia's usually pretty open with us. I wonder why she didn't say anything about this."

Both of them watched as Lia continued talking with William and Nicholas, the scene raising more questions in their minds. They exchanged looks, silently agreeing to get to the bottom of it after class.

In the meantime, Lia seemed completely absorbed in her conversation with William and Nicholas, unaware of the quiet speculations going on around her. Whatever was unfolding between her and William had stirred up curiosity, but for now, she was focused on the moment, oblivious to the eyes on her.

"So, your not concerned about Lia hanging out with other guys other than us?" Evan curiously asked.

"No, why would I? She can be friends with anyone, and besides, I've got other priorities, and that is Emily, my girlfriend, and besides, Lia and I are just friends," Jake said, still focusing on his notes.

Evan raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair. "Really? Because it kinda seems like you've been paying more attention to Lia than usual lately. I mean, I get that you're with Emily, but you two have been acting kinda... off."

Jake didn't look up from his notes, scribbling something in the margins. "I told you, man. Lia and I are just friends. I've got nothing to worry about. She's free to hang out with whoever she wants."

Steve, who had been listening quietly, chimed in, "Still, you can't deny things have been a little different lately. Lia's been hanging out with William and Nicholas a lot more, and it's not like she's ignoring us, but it feels like she's... distant."

Jake finally looked up, his expression calm but a little defensive. "Look, I care about Lia as a friend, but I've got other things to focus on—like my relationship with Emily. Lia knows that. If she wants to hang out with William and Nicholas, that's her choice. I'm not going to get in the middle of it."

Evan gave him a skeptical look. "Alright, man. If you say so. But don't be surprised if things keep changing between you two."

Jake sighed, clearly growing tired of the conversation. "Nothing's going to change. We're friends, that's it."

Steve and Evan exchanged glances, but dropped the subject, sensing that Jake wasn't in the mood to discuss it further. Still, the lingering tension between him and Lia wasn't lost on any of them. As much as Jake insisted everything was fine, it was clear to his friends that something between him and Lia wasn't quite the same anymore.

Evan let out a small chuckle, shaking his head as he leaned forward. "Alright, man. If you're cool with it, then I guess there's nothing to worry about." But there was a hint of doubt in his voice.

Meanwhile, across the cafeteria, Mia and Hannah had finally caught up with Lia at her table. William and Nicholas were still at the snack counter, giving them a moment to talk.

"Lia, hey," Mia said, pulling up a chair next to her. "You've been kinda MIA lately. What's up with you? We miss you."

Hannah nodded in agreement, sitting down on the other side of Lia. "Yeah, and we haven't had a proper catch-up in a while. You're hanging out with William and Nicholas a lot these days."

Lia looked up from the table, a little caught off guard by their sudden approach. She smiled softly, trying to ease the tension. "I know, I'm sorry. Things have just been... I don't know, different lately. I guess I've just been trying to clear my head."

Mia gave her a knowing look. "Does this have to do with Jake?"

Lia's smile faltered a bit, but she quickly shook her head. "No, not exactly. It's just... complicated. Jake's got Emily, and I've realized I need to give him space. Hanging out with William and Nicholas has just been a good distraction, you know?"

Hannah crossed her arms, leaning in. "Lia, we're your friends. You don't have to handle everything by yourself. If you're feeling weird about things with Jake, or anything else, you can talk to us."

Lia sighed, feeling both touched and a little overwhelmed. "I know. I appreciate that. I just... needed some time to figure things out. But I'm okay, really."

Before Mia or Hannah could say more, William and Nicholas returned with trays of snacks. They glanced at Mia and Hannah, a little unsure if they should stay or go.

William, ever observant, caught the look of concern in Lia's eyes and spoke up. "Hey, we don't want to steal her away from you guys. If you want to join us, there's plenty of space."

Nicholas nodded in agreement. "Yeah, the more, the merrier."

Mia exchanged a glance with Hannah, then turned to Lia. "What do you think? Should we all sit together?"

Lia smiled, a little relieved that the tension was finally easing. "Yeah, that sounds nice. Let's all sit together."

With that, everyone pulled their chairs closer, forming one large group. As the conversation flowed, things started to feel a little more normal, though there was still an unspoken understanding between them all.

Lia knew that her friendships were shifting, but at least for now, they were finding a way to make it work. Meanwhile, Jake occasionally glanced over from his table, his thoughts unreadable as he focused on his friends, but it was clear that Lia's new dynamic hadn't gone unnoticed.

From Jake's point of view, the cafeteria buzzed with its usual lunchtime energy, but his focus was on the conversation at his own table. He tried to stay engaged with Steve and Evan, but his eyes kept drifting toward the table where Lia was sitting with William, Nicholas, and now Mia and Hannah. The shift in Lia's group dynamic wasn't something he had been paying much attention to at first, but seeing her with those two guys lately had sparked something he wasn't quite ready to admit.

Evan's words from earlier echoed in his head. "You're not concerned about Lia hanging out with other guys other than us?" He had brushed it off, saying it didn't matter, but the more he saw them together, the more it ate at him.

He leaned back in his chair, trying to shake off the feeling. He knew he had no right to be jealous or concerned. He had Emily, after all. They had been together for over a year, and things were solid between them. Lia was just his friend, and he had made peace with that... or so he thought.

Still, as he glanced over again, seeing Lia laugh at something Nicholas said, a twinge of something unnameable twisted in his chest. He'd been loyal to Emily, kept his distance from Lia like they both had agreed, but seeing her get closer to other people—especially other guys—was harder than he'd anticipated.

Evan noticed Jake's gaze and gave him a nudge. "Dude, seriously. If you say you're not worried, then why do you keep staring?"

Jake snapped his attention back to his friends, feeling a little caught. He tried to shrug it off. "I'm not staring, man. I was just thinking about something."

Steve raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "Sure, thinking. Look, if you're having second thoughts about things with Lia, maybe you should talk to her instead of pretending you don't care."

Jake frowned, not wanting to admit that they might have a point. "There's nothing to talk about. I've got Emily, and I'm not going to mess that up. Lia and I are just friends, and that's how it should be."

Steve leaned forward. "I'm not saying you should mess things up with Emily, but you seem... distracted, man. And it's been that way ever since Lia started hanging with William and Nicholas."

Evan added, "Yeah, it's like you don't want to care, but you still do. Maybe it's time to be honest with yourself. You sure it's not bugging you seeing her with them?"

Jake took a deep breath, looking down at his notes to avoid meeting their eyes. "Look, I care about Lia, but not like that. I just... I guess it's weird seeing her move on. She's always been around us, you know?"

"Exactly," Evan said, lowering his voice. "That's the thing. You're not jealous because you want to be with her—you're just not used to her not being part of the group in the same way. It's like you're losing a friend."

Jake nodded slightly, realizing there was truth to what Evan said. Maybe it wasn't about him having feelings for Lia. Maybe it was more about losing the friendship they had before. But even so, seeing her grow closer to William and Nicholas still bothered him more than he wanted to admit.

He looked over again, and this time, Lia caught his gaze for a brief second before quickly turning back to her conversation with William. There was a moment of awkwardness, but Jake forced himself to focus on his friends. He had made his choice with Emily, and that's where his priorities needed to stay.

But even as they continued talking, Jake couldn't completely shake the feeling that things between him and Lia had changed in a way that couldn't easily be undone. And for the first time, he wasn't sure if he was okay with that.

Jake couldn't ignore the strange feeling creeping up on him. He didn't want to admit it, not to himself, and definitely not to his friends, but seeing Lia with William and Nicholas was... unsettling. He wasn't sure if it was because of what happened between them the night before, or if it was just the fact that things felt different now, more complicated.

Jake risked another glance across the cafeteria, catching a glimpse of Lia talking with William and Nicholas. They seemed comfortable, laughing and chatting like they'd known each other forever. It made something twist in his chest, and he couldn't explain why.

"It's nothing," he told himself, trying to push the thoughts away. "She's just a friend. That's all."

But the truth was, ever since that night at her house, things hadn't felt normal. The kiss on the cheek, the way she'd opened up to him, and the secret they now shared—it all lingered in his mind. He hadn't planned on things getting complicated, and he definitely didn't want to mess up his relationship with Emily. Yet here he was, unable to stop thinking about Lia.

Steve must have noticed the look on his face because he nudged him again, lowering his voice. "You sure everything's good, man? You seem distracted."

Jake nodded, not trusting himself to say more. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just got a lot on my mind."

In truth, he wasn't fine. Not with the way things were playing out. He wanted to believe that he could keep things simple, that he could balance his friendship with Lia and his relationship with Emily. But sitting here, watching Lia laugh with William and Nicholas, he realized that maybe things weren't as simple as he had hoped.

Suddenly, Evan's voice broke through his thoughts again. "Well, whatever's going on, you should figure it out. Because it looks like William and Nicholas are getting pretty close to her."

Jake looked up, narrowing his eyes slightly as he watched the three of them together. He didn't want to admit it, but Evan was right. There was something different about the way William and Nicholas were with Lia, something he hadn't noticed before.

"Is this what I want?" Jake wondered, his mind racing. "To step back and let things change between us?"

He didn't have the answers, and that was the part that scared him. But for now, he had to focus on what he could control. And that meant keeping his distance and trying to figure out where he really stood with Lia—before it was too late.The next morning, Lia was able to go to attend her class, and so did Jake. Their friends were happy to see them, but Jake gave a slight smile to Lia and went to his seat after greeting their friends.

The next morning, Lia walked into class, feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation. She had replayed the events of the previous night in her mind countless times, and now seeing Jake again after their bittersweet moment filled her with uncertainty. As she entered the classroom, her eyes immediately scanned the room for him.

Mia and Hannah noticed her and waved excitedly. "Hey, Lia! Glad to see you're back!" Mia said, grinning. "We were worried about you yesterday."

"Yeah," Hannah chimed in, "good to have you back."

Lia smiled at her friends, grateful for their support. "I'm feeling better, thanks," she said, though her thoughts were elsewhere. Her eyes flicked over to where Jake had just walked in. He greeted the group with a quick nod and smile, but it wasn't the usual warm, easygoing grin Lia was used to. His gaze met hers briefly, but then he looked away and quietly headed to his seat without saying much more.

The interaction felt heavy, like there was something unspoken between them now—a shift in the air that only they seemed to feel.

As Lia made her way to her own seat, she couldn't help but wonder if things would ever go back to normal between them. Their friends, seemingly unaware of the tension, continued chatting around them. Steve and Jay were cracking jokes, and Mia and Hannah were discussing their weekend plans, but Lia found it hard to focus.

She glanced over at Jake a couple of times, noticing the way he seemed more reserved than usual. He caught her looking once, and for a split second, there was a flash of something in his eyes—something that reminded her of their shared secret. But just as quickly, it was gone, replaced by his usual calm expression.

As the class went on, Lia did her best to concentrate, but her mind kept drifting back to Jake. She wondered if he was thinking about last night too, or if he had already moved on. Either way, things felt different now, and she wasn't sure what the next step would be.

During a break, Mia nudged her gently. "You okay? You've been a little quiet this morning."

Lia forced a smile and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... a lot on my mind."

Mia gave her a concerned look but didn't press further. Meanwhile, Jake stayed at his desk, talking quietly with Steve and Jay, but never once glancing Lia's way again.

The tension between them was palpable, yet invisible to everyone else. Only they knew the weight of the secret that lingered between them, and for now, it seemed neither of them was ready to confront it head-on.

Lia quietly stood up as she headed out of the classroom while sighing. Her friends saw that as well as the guys, but none of them were willing to catch up with her because they thought she needed some space, but little did they know Lia would meet someone that she never imagined would talk to her, and that's Nicholas, another classmate of hers who seats in front of them.

Lia quietly stood up and slipped out of the classroom, her sigh barely audible over the hum of her classmates' chatter. As she made her way down the hallway, she tried to clear her mind, but the weight of everything from last night still pressed heavily on her. She thought she might need some air, some space away from all the complicated emotions swirling around her and Jake.

Her friends noticed her sudden departure but exchanged silent glances, deciding not to follow. They assumed she needed some time to herself and didn't want to push her.

As Lia walked down the empty corridor, lost in her thoughts, she almost didn't notice someone coming from the opposite direction. She looked up just in time to see Nicholas, one of her classmates, walking toward her. He usually sat near the front of the class, keeping mostly to himself. He wasn't the loudest or most outgoing person in their group, but there was something calm and collected about him. She had never really spoken to him much beyond small pleasantries, so she was surprised when he stopped in front of her.

"Hey, Lia," Nicholas said, his voice calm but with a hint of curiosity. "You okay?"

Lia blinked, a little caught off guard. She hadn't expected anyone to approach her, especially not Nicholas. "Oh, hi, Nicholas. I'm... fine, just needed to step out for a bit," she said, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, trying to sound casual.

He gave her a gentle smile, his eyes studying her face for a moment as if he could tell there was more to her quiet departure. "You don't look fine," he said, his tone kind rather than prying. "Sometimes it helps to talk about things, even if it's just with a classmate."

Lia hesitated, not sure how to respond. She hadn't expected this kind of attention from Nicholas, but there was something about his sincerity that put her at ease. "It's just... a lot on my mind, I guess. Stuff I don't really know how to talk about yet," she admitted, her voice soft.

Nicholas nodded thoughtfully, leaning against the wall beside her. "I get it. Sometimes things can pile up and make it hard to focus." He glanced down the hallway, as if giving her space to continue if she wanted. "If you ever feel like talking, I'm a good listener."

Lia felt a small wave of gratitude. She wasn't sure she was ready to spill everything to Nicholas, but it was comforting to know that someone else had noticed her struggle. "Thanks, Nicholas," she said quietly. "I appreciate that."

He smiled again, a little more warmly this time. "Anytime. You shouldn't have to carry everything by yourself."

With that, Nicholas gave her a small nod and headed back toward the classroom, leaving Lia standing there, a bit surprised by the unexpected conversation. It wasn't much, but in that brief exchange, she felt a little lighter, as if someone had seen her in a way she hadn't expected.

As she turned to head toward the campus garden for some quiet time, she couldn't help but think that maybe Nicholas wasn't as distant as she had thought.

"Everything seems complicated lately," Lia sighed, gently swinging back and forth, her feet barely brushing the ground. She was lost in her thoughts when suddenly a voice broke through her solitude.

"What seems complicated?" William asked, suddenly appearing in front of her. His face was so close that it startled her, making her heart skip a beat.

"William!" she gasped, gripping her chest tightly. "Do you want to give me a heart attack?" she shouted, trying to catch her breath.

William stepped back, hands raised in mock surrender, a sheepish grin on his face. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he said, laughing softly. "But seriously, what's been going on? You looked like you were deep in thought."

Lia shook her head, still trying to calm down. "You really have terrible timing, you know that?" she muttered, though her tone was less irritated and more playful.

William shrugged. "It's a talent," he joked. "But seriously, you seemed off. Want to talk about it?"

She sighed again, her gaze drifting back to the ground. "I don't know. It's just... everything feels messy right now. I've got all these feelings, and I don't know what to do with them."

William tilted his head, watching her curiously but with a gentleness in his eyes. "Is this about Jake?" he asked, his tone more serious now.

Lia blinked, surprised by his intuition, and nodded slowly. "Yeah, partly," she admitted. "But it's not just him. It's everything—friendships, feelings... It's all getting tangled up, and I don't know how to untangle it without making a bigger mess."

William nodded, taking a seat on the swing next to hers. "I get it. Things can feel pretty overwhelming when emotions and friendships start to mix." He gave her a thoughtful look. "But sometimes, talking it out can help. Maybe start with one thing at a time, you know?"

Lia glanced at him, feeling a bit lighter. "You make it sound simple," she said, smiling faintly.

"It's not simple," William corrected with a grin. "But you've got friends who care about you, so you don't have to figure it out alone."

She looked at him, feeling grateful. "Thanks, William. You're a good friend."

"Anytime," he replied, giving her a reassuring smile. "Now, maybe next time, don't sit on swings alone if you don't want people to sneak up on you."

Lia laughed, feeling a little better already.

"Now, let's head back to class. I don't want anyone to worry about you," William said, extending his hand toward her with a warm smile.

Lia looked up at him, feeling comforted by his presence. She hesitated for a moment, then reached out and took his hand, letting him pull her up from the swing. "You're right. I shouldn't keep running away from things," she said, dusting off her skirt.

William grinned. "Exactly. Plus, if we're late, I'm blaming you."

Lia chuckled, shaking her head. "Fine, fine. Let's go before they send a search party."

As they walked back toward the classroom, Lia felt a sense of relief. It wasn't that everything was magically fixed, but knowing that someone was there for her made the weight on her chest feel a little lighter. William chatted casually about random topics, keeping things light, and for the first time in a while, Lia felt herself genuinely smiling.

As Lia and William walked back into the classroom, they made it just in time for the next lesson. The moment they entered, all eyes seemed to shift toward them, especially from Lia's friends—Mia and Hannah—who exchanged curious glances. Mia raised an eyebrow, clearly wondering what had happened.

Lia gave them a small smile and a shrug, trying to brush it off casually. But her friends weren't the only ones noticing. Across the room, Jake and his group of friends, including Jay and Steve, also took note of the unusual pairing.

Jake's eyes narrowed slightly, watching as William pulled out a chair for Lia before taking his own seat. Jay leaned in and whispered something to Jake, but Jake only gave a short, distracted nod. His thoughts seemed elsewhere.

Hannah, who had been staring for a few seconds, finally leaned over to Mia and whispered, "Since when do William and Lia hang out like that?"

Mia shook her head, just as puzzled. "I have no idea, but I plan to find out."

The lecturer began the class, pulling everyone's attention back to their notebooks, but the air in the room felt different. As the lesson carried on, Jake couldn't help but steal a few glances at Lia and William, his mind swirling with questions he couldn't quite articulate.

Meanwhile, Lia tried to focus on the lesson, but she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. She knew her friends—and Jake—were curious, but for now, she was just grateful for William's kindness.

Evan leaned over to Jake, his voice low but filled with curiosity. "So, Lia and William... quite an odd pair, don't you think?"

Jake didn't look up from his notebook but his grip on the pen tightened slightly. "Yeah, a little," he muttered, pretending to be focused on his notes.

Evan chuckled softly, sensing Jake's disinterest but not letting the topic drop. "I mean, they've never really talked before, right? And now they show up together, looking all chummy."

Jay, sitting on the other side of Jake, chimed in. "Yeah, I noticed that too. Maybe something's going on? William's always been kinda quiet though. Didn't expect him to make a move like that."

Jake stayed quiet for a moment, trying to push the thoughts aside. "I don't think it's anything," he finally said, his tone dismissive. "Maybe they just ran into each other outside."

Evan smirked, clearly enjoying the gossip. "Sure, maybe. But I gotta say, it's kinda interesting. You know how things have been weird lately between you and Lia..."

Jake shot him a look, a silent warning to drop the subject. "It's nothing, man. Let's just focus on the lesson."

Evan raised his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. Just saying it's curious."

Across the room, Mia glanced back at Lia, catching a small exchange between her and William as they both took notes. She leaned toward Hannah, whispering, "Do you think there's something more going on with those two?"

Hannah shrugged. "Who knows? But it's definitely new. Lia's never mentioned hanging out with William before."

Mia nodded, still watching them with interest. "Yeah, something's up. We'll have to ask her about it later."

As the lesson continued, the quiet hum of curiosity buzzed throughout the classroom, but for now, everyone settled into their work, though the undercurrent of speculation still lingered.

As the lesson went on, Jake couldn't help but glance over at Lia, who was sitting with William and Nicholas. The sight of her laughing and chatting with them tugged at him, but he quickly looked back at his notes. Evan, noticing Jake's subtle distraction, leaned in again.

"See, man? Told you something's up. They look pretty comfortable together," Evan whispered, his voice laced with amusement.

Jake shrugged, keeping his tone casual. "They're just talking. Doesn't mean anything."

Jay, more observant, looked between Lia and Jake, sensing something unspoken. "You sure you're cool with this, Jake? I mean, with everything that happened recently, you've been a little off."

Jake's eyes flickered with a mix of frustration and something else he didn't want to admit. "It's fine. She can talk to whoever she wants. It's not a big deal."

Evan smirked, clearly entertained. "If you say so, man. But don't get too surprised if William suddenly asks her out. Dude's been low-key for a while, but maybe he's finally making his move."

Jake clenched his jaw but didn't respond, forcing himself to focus on his notes again.

Meanwhile, across the room, Hannah and Mia were having their own whispered conversation. Hannah kept stealing glances at Lia and William, raising an eyebrow.

"So, when did this happen?" Hannah asked, her curiosity piqued.

Mia shrugged, glancing over at them as well. "I have no idea. It's weird, though. Lia didn't say anything about William before. And now they're all buddy-buddy with Nicholas too?"

Hannah nodded, keeping her voice low. "Yeah, something's definitely changed. We should ask her after class. She was really out of it yesterday, and now she's hanging out with William?"

Mia's eyes narrowed in thought. "I wonder if it has anything to do with Jake. You know how awkward things have been between them."

Hannah gave a knowing nod. "That's possible. But Lia's usually pretty open with us. I wonder why she didn't say anything about this."

Both of them watched as Lia continued talking with William and Nicholas, the scene raising more questions in their minds. They exchanged looks, silently agreeing to get to the bottom of it after class.

In the meantime, Lia seemed completely absorbed in her conversation with William and Nicholas, unaware of the quiet speculations going on around her. Whatever was unfolding between her and William had stirred up curiosity, but for now, she was focused on the moment, oblivious to the eyes on her.

"So, your not concerned about Lia hanging out with other guys other than us?" Evan curiously asked.

"No, why would I? She can be friends with anyone, and besides, I've got other priorities, and that is Emily, my girlfriend, and besides, Lia and I are just friends," Jake said, still focusing on his notes.

Evan raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair. "Really? Because it kinda seems like you've been paying more attention to Lia than usual lately. I mean, I get that you're with Emily, but you two have been acting kinda... off."

Jake didn't look up from his notes, scribbling something in the margins. "I told you, man. Lia and I are just friends. I've got nothing to worry about. She's free to hang out with whoever she wants."

Steve, who had been listening quietly, chimed in, "Still, you can't deny things have been a little different lately. Lia's been hanging out with William and Nicholas a lot more, and it's not like she's ignoring us, but it feels like she's... distant."

Jake finally looked up, his expression calm but a little defensive. "Look, I care about Lia as a friend, but I've got other things to focus on—like my relationship with Emily. Lia knows that. If she wants to hang out with William and Nicholas, that's her choice. I'm not going to get in the middle of it."

Evan gave him a skeptical look. "Alright, man. If you say so. But don't be surprised if things keep changing between you two."

Jake sighed, clearly growing tired of the conversation. "Nothing's going to change. We're friends, that's it."

Steve and Evan exchanged glances, but dropped the subject, sensing that Jake wasn't in the mood to discuss it further. Still, the lingering tension between him and Lia wasn't lost on any of them. As much as Jake insisted everything was fine, it was clear to his friends that something between him and Lia wasn't quite the same anymore.

Evan let out a small chuckle, shaking his head as he leaned forward. "Alright, man. If you're cool with it, then I guess there's nothing to worry about." But there was a hint of doubt in his voice.

Meanwhile, across the cafeteria, Mia and Hannah had finally caught up with Lia at her table. William and Nicholas were still at the snack counter, giving them a moment to talk.

"Lia, hey," Mia said, pulling up a chair next to her. "You've been kinda MIA lately. What's up with you? We miss you."

Hannah nodded in agreement, sitting down on the other side of Lia. "Yeah, and we haven't had a proper catch-up in a while. You're hanging out with William and Nicholas a lot these days."

Lia looked up from the table, a little caught off guard by their sudden approach. She smiled softly, trying to ease the tension. "I know, I'm sorry. Things have just been... I don't know, different lately. I guess I've just been trying to clear my head."

Mia gave her a knowing look. "Does this have to do with Jake?"

Lia's smile faltered a bit, but she quickly shook her head. "No, not exactly. It's just... complicated. Jake's got Emily, and I've realized I need to give him space. Hanging out with William and Nicholas has just been a good distraction, you know?"

Hannah crossed her arms, leaning in. "Lia, we're your friends. You don't have to handle everything by yourself. If you're feeling weird about things with Jake, or anything else, you can talk to us."

Lia sighed, feeling both touched and a little overwhelmed. "I know. I appreciate that. I just... needed some time to figure things out. But I'm okay, really."

Before Mia or Hannah could say more, William and Nicholas returned with trays of snacks. They glanced at Mia and Hannah, a little unsure if they should stay or go.

William, ever observant, caught the look of concern in Lia's eyes and spoke up. "Hey, we don't want to steal her away from you guys. If you want to join us, there's plenty of space."

Nicholas nodded in agreement. "Yeah, the more, the merrier."

Mia exchanged a glance with Hannah, then turned to Lia. "What do you think? Should we all sit together?"

Lia smiled, a little relieved that the tension was finally easing. "Yeah, that sounds nice. Let's all sit together."

With that, everyone pulled their chairs closer, forming one large group. As the conversation flowed, things started to feel a little more normal, though there was still an unspoken understanding between them all.

Lia knew that her friendships were shifting, but at least for now, they were finding a way to make it work. Meanwhile, Jake occasionally glanced over from his table, his thoughts unreadable as he focused on his friends, but it was clear that Lia's new dynamic hadn't gone unnoticed.

From Jake's point of view, the cafeteria buzzed with its usual lunchtime energy, but his focus was on the conversation at his own table. He tried to stay engaged with Steve and Evan, but his eyes kept drifting toward the table where Lia was sitting with William, Nicholas, and now Mia and Hannah. The shift in Lia's group dynamic wasn't something he had been paying much attention to at first, but seeing her with those two guys lately had sparked something he wasn't quite ready to admit.

Evan's words from earlier echoed in his head. "You're not concerned about Lia hanging out with other guys other than us?" He had brushed it off, saying it didn't matter, but the more he saw them together, the more it ate at him.

He leaned back in his chair, trying to shake off the feeling. He knew he had no right to be jealous or concerned. He had Emily, after all. They had been together for over a year, and things were solid between them. Lia was just his friend, and he had made peace with that... or so he thought.

Still, as he glanced over again, seeing Lia laugh at something Nicholas said, a twinge of something unnameable twisted in his chest. He'd been loyal to Emily, kept his distance from Lia like they both had agreed, but seeing her get closer to other people—especially other guys—was harder than he'd anticipated.

Evan noticed Jake's gaze and gave him a nudge. "Dude, seriously. If you say you're not worried, then why do you keep staring?"

Jake snapped his attention back to his friends, feeling a little caught. He tried to shrug it off. "I'm not staring, man. I was just thinking about something."

Steve raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "Sure, thinking. Look, if you're having second thoughts about things with Lia, maybe you should talk to her instead of pretending you don't care."

Jake frowned, not wanting to admit that they might have a point. "There's nothing to talk about. I've got Emily, and I'm not going to mess that up. Lia and I are just friends, and that's how it should be."

Steve leaned forward. "I'm not saying you should mess things up with Emily, but you seem... distracted, man. And it's been that way ever since Lia started hanging with William and Nicholas."

Evan added, "Yeah, it's like you don't want to care, but you still do. Maybe it's time to be honest with yourself. You sure it's not bugging you seeing her with them?"

Jake took a deep breath, looking down at his notes to avoid meeting their eyes. "Look, I care about Lia, but not like that. I just... I guess it's weird seeing her move on. She's always been around us, you know?"

"Exactly," Evan said, lowering his voice. "That's the thing. You're not jealous because you want to be with her—you're just not used to her not being part of the group in the same way. It's like you're losing a friend."

Jake nodded slightly, realizing there was truth to what Evan said. Maybe it wasn't about him having feelings for Lia. Maybe it was more about losing the friendship they had before. But even so, seeing her grow closer to William and Nicholas still bothered him more than he wanted to admit.

He looked over again, and this time, Lia caught his gaze for a brief second before quickly turning back to her conversation with William. There was a moment of awkwardness, but Jake forced himself to focus on his friends. He had made his choice with Emily, and that's where his priorities needed to stay.

But even as they continued talking, Jake couldn't completely shake the feeling that things between him and Lia had changed in a way that couldn't easily be undone. And for the first time, he wasn't sure if he was okay with that.

Jake couldn't ignore the strange feeling creeping up on him. He didn't want to admit it, not to himself, and definitely not to his friends, but seeing Lia with William and Nicholas was... unsettling. He wasn't sure if it was because of what happened between them the night before, or if it was just the fact that things felt different now, more complicated.

Jake risked another glance across the cafeteria, catching a glimpse of Lia talking with William and Nicholas. They seemed comfortable, laughing and chatting like they'd known each other forever. It made something twist in his chest, and he couldn't explain why.

"It's nothing," he told himself, trying to push the thoughts away. "She's just a friend. That's all."

But the truth was, ever since that night at her house, things hadn't felt normal. The kiss on the cheek, the way she'd opened up to him, and the secret they now shared—it all lingered in his mind. He hadn't planned on things getting complicated, and he definitely didn't want to mess up his relationship with Emily. Yet here he was, unable to stop thinking about Lia.

Steve must have noticed the look on his face because he nudged him again, lowering his voice. "You sure everything's good, man? You seem distracted."

Jake nodded, not trusting himself to say more. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just got a lot on my mind."

In truth, he wasn't fine. Not with the way things were playing out. He wanted to believe that he could keep things simple, that he could balance his friendship with Lia and his relationship with Emily. But sitting here, watching Lia laugh with William and Nicholas, he realized that maybe things weren't as simple as he had hoped.

Suddenly, Evan's voice broke through his thoughts again. "Well, whatever's going on, you should figure it out. Because it looks like William and Nicholas are getting pretty close to her."

Jake looked up, narrowing his eyes slightly as he watched the three of them together. He didn't want to admit it, but Evan was right. There was something different about the way William and Nicholas were with Lia, something he hadn't noticed before.

"Is this what I want?" Jake wondered, his mind racing. "To step back and let things change between us?"

He didn't have the answers, and that was the part that scared him. But for now, he had to focus on what he could control. And that meant keeping his distance and trying to figure out where he really stood with Lia—before it was too late.