Chapter 4: Fill in the Blanks of Fate

Kael fumbled in his pocket and pulled out the crumpled sheet Tarou had given him back in the lobby. It looked ordinary enough, except for the faint glow now pulsing from its edges. "Yeah, I got it," he said, handing it over.

Hibiki grinned and snapped his fingers. The sheet suddenly straightened itself, floating mid-air as it unfolded into what looked like a massive holographic questionnaire. Words shimmered into view:

Welcome to your Reincarnation! Please fill out the form to customize your next life!

Kael blinked. "You've got to be kidding me… this is how reincarnation works?"

"Yep!" Hibiki beamed, lounging in his beanbag chair with his fuzzy slippers dangling. "It's all about customization these days. Think of it like character creation in an RPG!"

Kael sighed and turned back to the form as it began printing out the first few lines:

God: Hibiki Komori, God of Shut-ins

Contractee: Kael Ross

World Selection: Spin the wheel to choose your new world!

Kael blinked. "Wait, I don't even get to choose?"

Hibiki grinned, clearly enjoying the chaos. "Nope! That would be way too boring! Some stuff on the sheet is going to be random, but don't worry about it. You'll still end up in a world you would like."

Reluctantly, Kael reached out and gave the wheel a push. It spun wildly, the colors blurring together until it finally began to slow, ticking between options. His heart thudded as the wheel jerked to a stop.

World Selection: My Hero Academia Remix

Kael raised an eyebrow. "Remix? What exactly does that mean?" His eyes widened with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Hibiki smirked, clearly enjoying Kael's confusion. "Oh, it's like the My Hero Academia world, but with a few... twists. Some characters are going to have different quirks, some of your information will be— imperfect."

Kael sighed in relief. "So, it's the same world, but not really?"

"Pretty much! But don't worry, the core is the same—heroes, quirks, and all that good stuff. You'll fit right in." Hibiki winked. "Or not. That's what makes it fun."

Species Selection:

Human (Again? Lame.)

Quirked Animal


Cyborg Ninja

[More Options]

Being a Quirked Animal could be fun, he thought, unless he had to go through what Nezu did. Plus, the idea of being stuck with a furry exterior and heightened instincts didn't sit well with him.

Then his gaze landed on the Nomu option, and a shiver ran down his spine. The thought that he could be one of those grotesque experiments sent chills through him. He quickly dismissed that idea, images of brainless monstrosities flooding his mind.

Species Selection: Human (Again? Lame.)

Kael rolled his eyes at the added comments. Ultimately, being human was the most comfortable choice for him. It would be easier to focus on managing his quirk and experiments without having to deal with race changes as well.

Cheat Selection:

Customized System

Protagonist Luck

Hidden Backer

Analyze Skill

… [More Options]

"To be clear," Hibiki started, "The system is customized by me, but since I'm feeling nice, I'll let you have a fun one."

Well, that settled it for Kael.

Cheat Selection: Devil Fruit System

Details- A simple System that allows the host to create "Devil Fruits" by completing notable achievements. Contains a simple storage, quest window, notepad, and status screen.

"That's— that's perfect!" Kael breathed, his excitement bubbling over. "I've always thought I could do so much more with them than we were shown. I mean, so many fruits had their potential just wasted—"

"Down, boy!" Hibiki chuckled. "I thought you'd like it. It's custom-made for you after all."

Kael took a steadying breath. "Right. Sorry."

He turned back to the form, watching as the next line began filling out:

Quirk: Empowering Fruits

Details- This quirk is a combination of "Radiation Control" and "Arboreal" It turns the host into a tree-like person that can turn surrounding energy into related fruits.

"This quirk doesn't encompass the system; it's just meant to help disguise it so no one questions your fruits." Hibiki said through a yawn, pulling out a handhold console from who-knows-where.

 The screen continued:


Hero Scion



A. Student

[More Options]

This was easy pick for Kael. He wanted to be at U.A. so he could directly effect the plot.

Background: U.A. Student

"Good pick." Hibiki said, starting to look visibly tired. "You're just about done now. I can feel the drain on my energy."

Kael couldn't help but smirk at the thought. At least he wasn't the only one getting a little worn out from this process.

Last Question! Almost Done!

Where would you like to be in the timeline?

Kael thought about this for a while, but there was only one real choice. He wanted to get into U.A. on his own merit, so he chose:

"One week before the entrance exam."

Congratulations! You are being reincarnated in 10 seconds.

Kael turned to Hibiki to thank the strange god that allowed him to reincarnate but saw that he was fast asleep in his chair, snoring softly. Typical, he thought, but a smile tugged at his lips as he felt the excitement build.

As the world around him began to shimmer and fade, he couldn't help but wonder what adventures awaited him in this new life.