Ms Taylor's POV
I got to Jasper's house and I saw her aunt about to leave hey I said still in my wedding dress she looked at me confused
on what and why I was here should you be at your wedding her aunt said no umm I I don't I were Jazz she's at the
airport wait what why I said shocked she got a response from one of the schools she was applying for and they said she could come it's not starting until next year but she was in a hurry to leave for some reason no no no which airport
she told me the airport and I drove there going crazy what if she's already on the plane gone I said tears running down
my face I got to the airport and I saw a plane leave no no no I'm. Too late I said to myself as I sat down on the chairs
in the waiting area beginning to cry then I heard a lot of things fall I looked up umm shit okay I have ohh why do I
have to have so many bags it was Jazz I stood up not believing she's still here I ran up to her and hugged her what the I
heard her say okay she said again what's happening hey I said she looked surprised when she saw me what are you
doing here aren't you supposed to be at your wedding you should be married by now I didn't get married jazz I love
you only you like I said I want you I don't want you to go please don't leave me I said in tears but you said I know
what I said but I didn't mean any of it I was under pressure my mom found out about you and she told me to break it
off or she'll tell my dad my dad is the reason I dated Jake in the first place I don't love him please jazz I'm not leaving
you she said I know but wait what you're not leaving yeah I can't leave you that was my plane the one that just left I
didn't want to leave I smiled and she hugged me I love you love you too she finally said back to me
We got out of the airport and into my car I drove her home and I stayed with her for the rest of the day still in my
wedding dress you look beautiful in that dress she said thanks you designed it I said as we both laughed
We watched TV and ended up falling asleep we hot woken up by Jasper's phone ringing Agghhhh I said who's that I
said it's Luke
She said what does he want I said I don't know I answered the phone
Hey jazz did you see the news
What are you talking about
Ms Taylor ran away from her wedding
Talking to you right now no one knows where she is there's a whole search part of police searching for her
Yeah I know right she's crazy why would you run away from your own wedding
no no no not that there's people looking for her Luke I have to go bye
People looking for who i said confused you she said what why well let's see you ran away from your wedding for starters
and never been seen again they are worried about you she said no they don't I said let's go back to sleep I said no Ms
Ta-- "Angel" you need to go home at least show them that you are fine-- she said but in the morning