Jasper's POV
I woke up and went to the door.
To see who that is at this time of the night it was 2am for goodness sake I opened the door and Jake came in Where is
she excuse me I said you can't come in. My house and just order me around I'm not here for you you little bitch
where's my wife she's not your wife don't drive me crazy okay bitch where is she how do you even know she's here I
said her car is outside stupid what is going on Ms Taylor came down the stairs babe he said going closer to Ms Taylor.
ahhh she said putting her hand in front of him what the hell do you think you're doing she said I came to get you baby
let's go home he said holding Ms Taylor's hand no she said how many times do I have to tell you I don't love you okay
I love "Jazz"
"Jazz" he said what the fuck you he said coming furiously towards me I back up until my back was against the wall Ms
Taylor grabbed his hand and pulled him away from me you have no right coming in here and think you can do
whatever you want Ms Taylor said I came to get my wife I am not you wife she said you are now let's go he said with
a stern voice let me tell you this and get it in your think skull I'm not your wife I don't love you and I want nothing to
do with you and that is it I love her shes the one I want she said I was. Just standing in a corner and kept my mouth
He got angry and punched a wall and left hey I said looking at my wall it has a whole now I said it's okay I'll fix it Ms
Taylor said
As we will focused on that my phone started ringing it was Hazel wonder what she wants I said to myself who is it
miss Taylor asked is Hazel wonder what she wants
hi did you hear about it Ms Taylor ran away from her "wedding" wedding who would do that it seems crazy I know
but she really did she
look Hazel I don't have time for this I'm busy right now can we talk some other time
okay what got you all twisted up
it's nothing I just I don't have time for rumors right now okay
clearly don't want to talk to me right now so maybe we can talk some other time let's make a lunch date how about
hazel I'm sorry but I can't do this with you um it's Complicated I know but like can we talk some other time not now
I'm busy okay
Okay bye Jasper