Chapter thirty four

Jasper's POV

That's not what I want. I searched another paper and threw it on the floor. Why can't I get this right? I've been

sketching for hours, and I Can't get one suit Perfect. I need five of them. Am I supposed to sketch five? Suits in a

day.I know I'm good at my job. I can't do that. That's not possible for one person. Hey, I heard someone say. I looked

up and I saw that it was Miss Taylor. Hi, I said. You look frustrated, she said. Yeah. No.It's just these. I can't get them

right. I keep sketching, throwing them away. Sketching and throwing them away over and over again. I can't get one

suit perfect. Hey. It's okay. You're nervous right now, but you'll be fine. I know you're nervous. About tonight. But it's

going to be okay. Okay? You don't need to do this. Not urgent. Just calm down and we'll get through this together.

Okay. As she calmed me down, and I calmed down. So the interview. Yeah. Is that why you're nervous? She

said.Yeah, I've never done that before. And being in front of a camera. It's going to. Make me nervous. It's okay. I'm

here for you. I said. So today we're doing an interview. With. Vogue. About what happened at the wedding, and Ms.

Taylor is going to explain everything.

And she's finally going to introduce me to everyone. As her girlfriend. But I just can't help but feel a little nervous. I

don't know. I'm not used to this. She's the second girlfriend I've ever had in my life and now it's going to go public. I

haven't even come out to my aunt yet.

Okay, here we go. I'm ready. I'm ready, I'm ready. Oh, am I kidding? I am not ready for this. What am I going to do?

You ready, babe? I heard Miss Taylor said behind me. Yeah, I lied. Okay. Let's go.

I'll be fine. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. I kept on. Murdering those words under my breath. Are you okay? She said yeah.

No, I'm not okay. I'm just nervous. This whole thing just seems. Little. I'm not used to this

It's okay. You'll be fine. I'll be there with you. And you don't have to do this alone. Okay, all we have to do is just sit

there, answer some bunch of questions. And then it'll be over and done with As fast as a blink of an eye. Okay. I got this. Okay, let's go.

2 years later

Jasper POV

Hey, babe. What do you think about red velvet? My girlfriend said over the phone, Red velvet. Why are you asking

me about cake? I said confused I'm cake picking for Our wedding she said Oh, yeah. Okay. I trust you judgment,

babe, you can pick any cake you want. Yeah, but this is our wedding. So. I want to get a cake. You would love too she

said I love Velvet I said Wait, you love. Chocolate. Right. Let's make it both chocolate and red velvet.

Yeah, that sounds good. I love it. Okay. Thank you. Now, was that hard?she said No, it wasn't, I said, laughing.

Anyway. I better go. Bye, babe. Bye my love. Love you, she said. Love you too, I said, hanging up the phone.

You two already. An old married couple. You know that Olivia said . Hey. I said to Olivia, laughing. We're not an old

couple, okay? We are sophisticated. Sophisticated. That's the way you choose to put it . You had one job to describe

your relationship. And you chose sophisticated.

You could have chose words like I don't know. Ahhhhh see You also don't know, so let's just drop it, okay? Yeah, she

said, poking out her tongue.