Jasper's POV
Good morning. I got. Work up, sleepy head. It's the day. Today is the day. Close the window. It said in a sleepy voice.
You can't go to sleep. Sleep. Sleepy hat it's. Your wedding day today? Wait. It's my wedding day, I said, waking up in
an excitement.
Okay. Can I see my wife? Well? Wife now. I can call her that. No, you can't. That's bad luck, remember? Olivia said
Yeah. Wait Who made up that myth anyway? Is it actually ever happened that if you see your wife before, you're
married, it's actually bad luck I said . I don't know. That's. What our parents used to tell us, and we never disobeyed it.
Now, don't. Try to be a scientist . Do an experiment on your wedding. Do you want it to go wrong? She Said. No, you're right. I don't want to go wrong, I said, laughing. Okay. Where's my dress? I need my dress. Your
dress and everything is ready. You just need to take a shower and then come back in This room she said , so
We can make you look pretty for your wife she said . Okay. I'll be back. 30 minutes later, I came at the shower. And I
put on the dress. And the girls were doing my makeup. We heard a knock on the door. Who is it? I said.
Me. I heard my girlfriend's voice. Babe. What are you doing here? You know it's bad luck I said It's not bad luck if I
don't see you she said So, what, you're just going to stand behind the door? I said. I mean, if I get to hear your voice
long enough. Come on. Just go get ready, aren't you going to get ready?I said I am ready.
I woke up at like 04:00a.m. 04:00 a.m.. What were you doing? All this time I said . I couldn't sleep. I'm excited. I can't
wait to marry you, she said. Yeah. I can't wait to marry you too I said.
Oh. Okay. You ready? My aunt said. Yeah. Just wish my parents were here, though. But I'm here. And I'll walk you
down the aisle myself. My aunt said. Yeah, I know. Thanks for being the mom and dad. In my life.
I love you, I said. In tears. No. Don't cry. Don't cry. Because you're going to make me cry, I'm going to get emotional,
and you're Going to ruin your makeup she said Yeah, I said, wiping a tear off my face.
The music started playing and we pulled ourselves together. And we walked down the aisle. I saw Miss Taylor on the
altar. She looked beautiful in her suit Everyone was standing up, looking at me.
And I felt nervous. I mean, I know it's my wedding. But I'm nervous. And I have so many emotions where that were
rampaging through my mind at the same time, excitement. Is one of them. I can't wait to marry the woman of my
dreams, the woman I'm in Love with.
Finally. We got in front of the altar, and she gave my hand to Miss Taylor. Hey Hi I said back. We stand in front of
the priest and he started talking. And it came the vows
Miss Taylor took my hand and looked me in the eye. My beloved. Jasper. Miller, from the moment I met you, I knew
that you were someone special. Your sparkling eyes, your bright smile and your laugh.
Compared my heart in ways I never thought was possible. Today I stand before you, promise to love and cherish you
for all the days of my life. You're my rock, my partner, and my best friend. I vow to support your dreams, to laugh
with you, to cry with you. I promise to hold your hand through life's ups. And downs.
And to build a life with love, laughter and adventure. I love you for who you are and for who you help me to be. You
make me feel seen, heard and love in ways I never thought was possible. Forever. And always, my love. I love you.
tears started building up in my eyes when I heard those words from. Her. She never writes. And the fact that she wrote
this. It just made it feel more even special I looked into Miss Taylor's eyes and I gulped. Okay, I said to myself my turn , My darling angel Taylor. You're my
sunshine but brightness every day of my life. The calm in every storm in the safe haven. That I always find peace.
You're my soulmate, my everything. Your kindness. Compassion and generosity inspires me to be a better person. I
promise to stand by your side through all life's joy and challenges. I vow to listen to your heart, to support your
passions and make you laugh every day.
I love you for your strength and your vulnerability and for your courage and your beauty. You are my home, my
shelter, my forever love. I choose you. Today and every day to be my wife, my partner, my forever companion.
Together we created a love that's strong and beautiful and unbreakable. We found our happily ever after. And I
promised to cherish, honor and love you for all eternity
That was beautiful you too the priest said now the rings Olivia gave me the rings I took one and Ms Taylor took one
now do you Angel Taylor take Jasper Miller as your lawful wedded wife the priest said I DO she said putting the ring
on my finger and do you Jasper Miller take Angel Taylor as your lawful wedded wife I DO I said putting the ring on
her finger well then you two may now kiss
We. Walked down the aisle and people were throwing black and red rose petals at us everything was perfect she
looked at me in the eye and I looked at her I love you she said I love you too but I don't know how to dance come on
I'll teach you she said this is our first dance I don't wanna mess it up I said I know babe it's fine you'll be fine she said
and gave me a smile okay the music started to play and we went on the dance floor we started to dance I don't know
what I'm doing I said keep tapping on her feet sorry I said it's okay she said with a smile all of a sudden we hear a loud
noise coming from outside what was that I said as we stopped dancing and everyone was confused then I looked at my
wife she lost her balance and fell to the ground and then I saw blood what she was shot I said going down with her.