chapter 1

Chapter 1

"Damn you, All Might!"

That was All For One's final thought as the United States of Smash connected with his face. there was no escape. The century-old villain, who had terrorized Japan for decades, was finally dead at the hands of the Symbol of Peace. While All Might himself was gravely wounded, he had survived. All For One, however, had not.

But death, it seemed, was not the end.


In another world, dimensions away, a young white-haired boy named Bell Cranel was being thrown out of yet another Familia's hall. His hopes of joining a Familia and diving into the Dungeon to become an adventurer—and save girls, of course—were crushed once again.

This Time a little too harshly crushed, he was tossed out of the familia hall roughly and hit the wall, he collapsed for a few moments before waking up again.

Bell picked himself up, checked his surroundings, and walked off.

No one suspected a thing.


All For One awoke with a pounding headache, the sensation akin to All Might's fist continuously slamming into his skull. He felt... different. Memories—alien and strange—flooded his mind. But they weren't his.

I should be dead...

His mind raced. Had the doctor managed to revive him? Impossible. His brain had been destroyed beyond repair.

He looked around, disoriented. The sun was setting over a small, medieval-looking town. Stone buildings lined the streets, giving the place an ancient feel. Is this some kind of illusion?

no, the memories were too vivid. They weren't just figments. They belonged to someone else. He glanced into a puddle of water and froze. The reflection staring back at him wasn't his. While his hair and eyes were similar, his face was that of a much younger boy.

Bell Cranel. Fourteen years old. Aspiring adventurer... All For One smirked bitterly. The memories weren't just invasive—they were altering his personality a little, molding him into this naive child. But his willpower was far too strong to be overtaken so easily. he crushed those naive thoughts.

He stood up, ignoring the dull ache in his new body. He tried activating his sensory quirks.

Nothing happened.

Panic briefly surged through him. No quirks? He tried again, concentrating. Still nothing. All he could feel was the dormant power of All For One, but it was empty—stripped of the many abilities he had spent years collecting.

Just then, he sensed someone poorly attempting to follow him. A tail? But who? He turned down a narrow alleyway and waited. Moments later, a girl peeked around the corner, only to let out a startled yelp and tumble to the ground.

All For One—now Bell Cranel—glanced down at her. She had blue eyes, long black hair tied into twin tails, and was dressed in a rather revealing white dress with blue ribbons accentuating her figure.

"Why are you stalking me?" he asked coldly. "Are you a prostitute? Not interested. Don't follow me."

Her face flushed with embarrassment. "I'm not a prostitute! I'm a goddess!" she exclaimed, her tone defensive.

All For One raised an eyebrow, a faint smirk playing at his lips. "Yeah, that's exactly what a prostitute would say to a potential customer."

Her face reddened further. "I'm serious! I'm Hestia, the goddess of hearth and home." The girl puffed up indignantly, but after a pause, her voice grew quiet. "I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining my Familia?"

A Familia... The boy's memories told him that these were groups formed by gods to explore the Dungeon and fight monsters. Bell Cranel had desperately wanted to join one.

But he was no Bell Cranel. He was All For One, the most feared villain in Japan. He wouldn't be reduced to serving a false god. Yet, he needed a place to stay only if temporarily, and his host's funds had run out long ago.

"Very well," he said with a sigh. "But I won't bow to you or pray every day."

The girl, oblivious to his cold demeanor, let out a cheer. "Really?! You'll join?!"

She seemed so overjoyed that she didn't even register his refusal to worship her. As she began leading him through the city, chattering excitedly about her Familia—mostly lamenting that no one wanted to join—he tuned her out, his mind racing ahead.

The girl was naive, But she had her uses. He needed a base of operations. This world was foreign, yet the rules seemed familiar enough. he'd rebuild his network, just as he had done so many times before.

He glanced at the people walking through the streets—merchants, adventurers, all with different motivations. And different looks too, there are people with animal ears and tails, some with long ears. This city would be his first target. From the shadows, he would rise again, quietly amassing power while the gods and mortals around him remained ignorant. This "Familia" could serve as the perfect cover. No one would expect a criminal empire to grow out of a failing group led by a nobody goddess.

As they walked, he analyzed his surroundings. The architecture was primitive, but there were exceptions like that tall tower in the distance. but that was irrelevant. He would adapt. In this world of monsters and adventurers, he would become something far more terrifying than anyone had ever imagined.


They arrived in front of a run-down church, clearly abandoned. The girl—this "goddess"—looked sheepish.

"It's not much now, but we'll work our way up to a castle one day. Just wait!" she said with fiery determination.

Bell—All For One—forced a small smile. "I've lived in worse."

He followed her inside, down to the basement where a small bed, couch, and hearth provided the bare essentials.

"What's your name, by the way?" she asked, turning to him.

For a moment, he considered what name to choose, but quickly settled on his host's name. Bell Cranel was a perfect alias. He'd use it... for now.

"Bell Cranel," he said with a polite bow. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

She beamed at him. "What a gentleman! Now, take off your shirt!"

Bell stared at her, unamused. "Is this some elaborate trap so you can have your way with me?"

Her face flushed red. "No! It's for the falna process! I need to draw it on your back for the blessing!"

Ah, yes. The falna—the blessing of the gods. He remembered now. he removed his shirt and lay down as she instructed.

The process took several minutes. Finally, she spoke again, her voice tinged with surprise.

"You... you have a skill already? That's rare."

Bell's eyes narrowed slightly. "What is it? The skill?"

"It's called All For One," she said, sounding nervous. "It allows you to take and give away skills from others. That's... dangerous." she sounded a little too nervous about it.

Well, not even three hours in this world and his secret is already out, he'll have to kill her now. A shame.

Well at least she provided him with an explanation, now he knows he can steal "skills"

"Listen, Bell," the goddess continued, breaking his line of thought of how to dispose of her quickly. her voice was serious. "Don't use that skill. If the other gods find out, they'll do anything to take you—or worse."

He put on his best annoyed face "are you going to share this information with anyone?"

She looked offended "w-what? Of course not! Do I look like the kind of goddess to knowingly put a target on their familia?"

Well she'll Live for now then, he can't afford to have the other gods make a investigation over her death.

"All right goddess, I won't use it now if you say it's so dangerous" he—of course—lied but not entirely, he won't use the skill now because there are no targets, he didn't say he won't ever use it.

She brightened at his words. "Just call me Hestia! Now, rest up. You'll need to register at the guild tomorrow!"

As she turned toward her bed, Bell sat on the couch, staring at the status sheet she'd handed him.

"This is... tomura would have loved this." he muttered, glancing at the RPG-like mechanics with a unimpressed look.

He lay down, smirking to himself. He would experiment with his quirk later. For now, he needed to play the part.


The next day, All For One—now in the guise of Bell Cranel—was awakened by the faint sounds of humming. His "goddess," Hestia, was preparing something in the kitchen area, the clattering of pots and utensils accompanied by her cheerful melody.

"Oh! Sorry, Bell-kun, I didn't mean to wake you up!" Hestia turned and flashed him an apologetic smile. She was making potatoes, how can she make so much noise from making that?

"It's alright," All For One replied evenly, though his thoughts raced with annoyance. This so-called goddess was as naive and disorganized as her looks implied. "I've got work to do anyway." He rose from the couch and made his way outside, toward the well Hestia had mentioned earlier. He splashed his face with cold water and drank, the sensation briefly bringing clarity to his situation.

When he returned inside, Hestia had finished with her "meal," and they sat down in silence at first. The meal was meager, but he ate quickly—he had no time for complaints.

"So, Bell," Hestia spoke, breaking the silence. "When are you planning to go to the guild?"

"After breakfast," All For One replied, his tone polite but firm. "I need to start earning something fast. I doubt you have money left for another meal."

Hestia puffed her cheeks in protest but quickly deflated. "Hey! For your information, I have enough for... one more meal! Maybe?" She frowned before quickly brightening again. "But that doesn't matter! I have a job, you know! What kind of goddess would I be if I let my only child do all the work?" She finished proudly, despite her uncertain expression.

He doubted her work would contribute much, but it didn't concern him. The sooner he got his plans in motion, the better. Hestia was little more than a temporary base of operations. He could already feel the limits of her usefulness. But she can be his validation in this adventure business, a head for his legal businesses.

"I see," he said simply, finishing his meal. He stood and made his way toward the door.

"Stay safe, Bell!" Hestia called out as he left, her voice trailing behind him.

He waved half-heartedly, dismissing her, and made his way to the guild.


The guild building, "The Pantheon," wasn't as impressive as the memories of Bell Cranel had suggested. It was functional but lacked grandeur. Inside, a series of counters were set up for adventurers, and as All For One scanned the room, his eyes caught sight of a girl at one of the counters, her pointy ears marking her as an elf.

Tomura would have loved this place.

He waited patiently in line until the man in front of him finished his business. Then, with practiced politeness, he stepped forward to the counter.

The elf greeted him with a professional smile. "Welcome to the guild! May I know what business you require?"

"I'd like to register as an adventurer," he said, his tone polite yet direct.

"Of course!" She retrieved a form from beneath the counter and placed it before him. "Just fill this out, and we can get started, Mister...?"

"Bell. Bell Cranel." He took the form, and thanks to Bell's memories, he filled it out quickly. The questions were basic—level one adventurer, no loan needed for the starter pack, yes, he'd like an advisor.

He rejected the starter pack, trusting nothing from the guild, he doubt their weapon could be any better than the kitchen knife he had "borrowed" from Hestia's meager supply. This was the usual corporate bait to screw new subscribers.

"I highly recommend reconsidering the guild-issued starter pack," the elf girl said, her tone slightly nervous as if unsure how to press the issue. "It's very helpful for beginners."

"I'm certain of my choice, Miss...?" He gestured for her to introduce herself, his eyes briefly narrowing, calculating.

"Eina Tulle," she said, offering a small bow. "If you don't mind my asking, since you've applied for an advisor, I would like to volunteer. I believe I can be of great help to you as you navigate the Dungeon."

He observed her for a moment. She seemed earnest, if a little too eager. But that was fine—he could use that to his advantage.

"I don't mind at all, Miss Eina." He gave her a charming smile, just enough to put her at ease. "I look forward to learning under your guidance."

Her face brightened at his words, visibly pleased that he accepted her offer.

This will indeed be interesting, he thought to himself. He was now set to learn the rules of this world—how far he could push them, how much he could bend them. And soon, he would test his power, one step at a time.


AN: first time trying to write like, anything at all. Sorry if it's not Good I'm just testing my abilities with this unique idea.

I literally dreamt of this one day and it stuck to my Head, now it's a chapter lol.

English is not my first language and not the second language too, it's the my third language so expect errors and slow updates.