chapter 2

Chapter 2

All For One stared at the child-sized, ugly monster in front of him. From his recent lessons with his new advisor, he recognized this one as a goblin. It was considered the weakest monster in the dungeon, typically seen on the first nine floors, and an even more pathetic version of it roamed on the surface terrorizing local villages.

His advisor had been incredibly useful for understanding the basics of the dungeon and its early floors. He looked forward to more lessons with her.

The goblin shrieked at his approaching form and charged. Not bad speed, considering it looked like a child that had been left die in the wild.

All For One lazily prepared to dodge the creature's clumsy movements and stab it through its child-sized head. A quick and efficient kill—there was no need to drag this out.

Sure, he had relied heavily on quirks in the past, obliterating enemies without lifting much more than a finger. But that didn't mean he was incapable of fighting without them. His combat skills were more than adequate.

The goblin lunged, but All For One took a step back, causing it to stumble. Without missing a beat, he drove his "borrowed" kitchen knife—courtesy of his new "goddess"—straight into the creature's skull, pushing it through to the brain.

The goblin shrieked again, but it didn't last long. It collapsed, turning into a black cloud and disappearing. Left in its place was a faintly glowing, purplish-black stone. Monster cores were apparently the only thing of value from these pathetic creatures. Well, those and the occasional "drop items" his advisor had mentioned.

Ah, if only he'd paid attention to Tomura's endless babbling about RPG games. That would've been far more useful here than he had ever anticipated.

Suddenly, the wall above him cracked and opened, revealing a newly born kobold. Ah, yes—another monster his advisor had mentioned. Dog-like humanoid, bigger than average dogs, but just as weak as the goblins.

He didn't bother giving the kobold time to orient itself after its fall. Leaping forward, he crushed its head underfoot. Bigger than a dog, but not much tougher. A direct hit from one of these could probably fracture a bone or two in his current, embarrassingly weak state.

Just to be sure, he stomped the kobold's head again. It disappeared in the same way as the goblin, leaving some blood and another stone.

So far, so good. Two cores—though at only 1200 valis per core from the lower levels of the dungeon, it wasn't much. Lower floors meant stronger monsters, which also meant more valuable cores. But that would have to wait until he wasn't… this weak.

He continued his methodical pace, isolating lone goblins and kobolds, stomping or stabbing their heads for maximum efficiency. He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but from his aching body and by his internal clock, it had to be at least three hours by now. This body is pathetic.

"Good job there fella, hope you get out safe!" An adventurer said while passing by. He was slightly fat with little armour and no visible weapon. My All for one senses a skill inside him. Maybe a level 2?

"Thanks" he said dismissing him. He's not into chatting.

On his way out, he passed other adventurers, many visibly stronger than him. He could feel it—some of them had quirks. No, not quirks. Skills. Quirks didn't exist here. He'd have to remember that.

He was still unsure if his frail current frame could manage to snatch a skill from a higher-level adventurer before they snapped him in half like a twig. According to his advisor, even a lone level 2 could wipe out the first three floors with ease. Something he, if you weren't paying attention, could not do right now.

Exiting the dungeon, he passed several miniature people carrying oversized bags. Quite the comical sight.

Arriving at the guild, he exchanged his stones. His total earnings came to 7,200 valis from his six kills—barely even enough to buy another useless knife. The one he'd borrowed had snapped in a goblin's head.

Productive day.

"Mr. Cranel! How was your first dive into the dungeon?" His advisor's voice popped into existence beside him after the Exchange. How had he not sensed her?

He turned toward her and, with a practiced polite tone, answered, "It was good, Miss Tulle. I managed to get six kills."

She blinked, a little surprised. "That's quite a lot for a first time, especially without any equipment. What were you using as a weapon?"

"A kitchen knife. And my legs," he answered flatly.

Her reaction was… less than professional. "Huh!? Are you serious!? Why were you using a kitchen knife!? I thought you refused the guild's starter pack because you already had a weapon!"

"Well, I did have The knife didn't I? That's a weapon. But now I need a new one. The knife broke after my fourth kill, so I had to resort to stomping on The monsters heads," he replied, almost amused as her expression shifted from shock to mild horror. "Know anywhere I can get a cheap weapon? A dagger should suffice for now."

After a moment of consideration, she sighed and said, "How about you meet me in front of Babel tomorrow? We'll find you something proper."

"Sounds wonderful. Thank you, Miss Tulle. You're truly a wonderful advisor," he replied with a charming smile.

She seemed flustered for a moment, her face turning slightly red. With a cough, she responded, "O-of course! It's my job, and I take it seriously."

He bid her farewell and got out of the building, he bumped into someone with a quick apology he headed out, he checked back and saw it was the same fat adventurer who Passed by him in the dungeon.

Better keep an eye on that one.

He headed back to the rundown excuse for a church that his "goddess" had apparently rented. Who even rents out abandoned buildings?


As the church came to his view, All For One stepped inside and into the church basement, where they live. he was immediately assaulted by a small white blur launching itself into his stomach. Too bad for the creature—it had picked the wrong target. Instinctively, he jumped back, ready to kick his attacker away, but stopped when he saw his new "boss" sprawled on the floor, rubbing her head with a teary expression.

"Bell-kun, you're so mean! Why are you hurting your goddess?" Hestia pouted dramatically, gesturing with her hands in a theatrical manner.

"Maybe don't go launching yourself at people when they've just returned home," he replied flatly.

She deflated at that. "Bell-kun, stop making sense and come over here so I can update your status!" she said, sounding annoyed. This girl…

With a sigh, he moved over to the bed and took off his shirt, waiting for her to do whatever magical nonsense she needed to. It was exclusive to gods, so he didn't bother understanding it.

"What an ungrateful first child I've got!" she grumbled, working through her divine ritual.

Eventually, she finished with a cheery, "All done, Bell-kun!" and handed him a sheet with his updated status. Now that he looked at it again, The script looked suspiciously Latin-like, and the numerals were the Arabic numerals. Wonder how is that possible.


Bell Cranel, Level 1 Adventurer

Strength: 12 I

Endurance: 7 I

Dexterity: 8 I

Agility: 9 I

Magic: 0 I

Skills: All for one


"Tch. This barely moved. Why is that?" he asked, clearly annoyed by this idiotic system.

"It's normal not to gain many points after just a few hours, Bell. You've only been to the dungeon once! Just work harder, and you'll see more progress! These journeys are slow but fruitful!" she said, trying—horribly—to cheer him up.

This system is stupid. He needed to get stronger, and fast. With his current weak frame, he wouldn't make it past the fifth floor. He needed a skill—something he could actually use in the dungeon.

Without a word, he put his shirt back on and headed for the exit.

"Wait, Bell! Where are you going? Dinner's ready! Come back!" Hestia called after him, but he ignored her. The thought of eating fried potatoes again made his stomach turn.


Frustration clear on his face, All for one made his way to the city wandering aimlessly through the many streets. His mind was busy, thinking of ways to salvage this dire situation.

He was lost in the reality of his situation, when someone called out to him.

"Mr. Adventurer! The one with the white hair!"

He turned to the voice and saw a girl dressed in a maid outfit. She had bluish-gray hair tied into a small ponytail and eyes the same color. What does she want?

Narrowing his eyes suspiciously, he responded, "Yes? Can I help you, ma'am?"

Unfazed by his tone, she smiled cheerfully and said, "You dropped this, Mr. Adventurer!" She held out a small magic stone.

No, he hadn't dropped it. But free money is free money. Don't blame All For One for being greedy. His pockets have seen better days.

"Thanks. Bye," he said, taking the stone and walking away.

But before he could leave, she called out again, this time with a bit of panic in her voice. "W-wait, Mr. Adventurer! Would you be interested in a meal at our fine restaurant?"

He glanced over at the establishment. It was loud and bustling with people, and with the sun beginning to set, it would only get more crowded.

Still, it beat another meal of fried potatoes. And he could probably gather some local information—information his useless "goddess" wouldn't know.

"Sure," he replied.

Her face lit up with a bright smile. "Follow me, Mr. Adventurer!" She led him inside, and with the tables full, she guided him to the counter.

"What would you like to order, Mr. Adventurer?" she asked, pointing to the hanging menu.

He ordered the cheapest thing available: meat soup with bread and a glass of water. He wasn't in the mood for anything heavier. Not that his wallet can afford it.

As he waited for his meal, the girl started talking again. He wished she'd leave him alone already.

"So, what's your name? I'm Syr Flova!" she said with a smile.

"Bell Cranel," he replied, flat and emotionless. Maybe that would get the point across.

But no. She continued, undeterred. "I've never seen you around before, and I've seen a lot of adventurers. Are you new, Bell?"

He hummed in acknowledgment, nodding slightly.

"Don't you have work to do?" he asked, his tone growing visibly annoyed.

"Oh! It's my break time. I've got a few minutes left," she said, still smiling. Annoying.

An elf with green hair delivered his food with a simple, "Enjoy your meal," before walking off.

He started eating, though Syr still wouldn't shut up about how she loved meeting new faces and hearing their stories. This girl clearly thought she was being subtle with her manipulation to get more information. The only reason it was working was because it suited him.

"Can you tell me a little about the familias around here?" he cut in, interrupting her rambling.

She blinked, confused for a second, then smiled again. "Of course, Bell-kun!"

At least he'd walk away with some useful information.

While syr was feeding him local-information, his eyes caught with the same fat adventurer.

Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern. That one is definitely following me.


All For One made his way back to the church. The streets were dark, but the lanterns powered by magic stones illuminated the city well enough for him to navigate. Despite the dim light, his thoughts were focused on the conversation he'd had with Syr. The information she provided only solidified how dire his situation was. The familias she spoke of—Loki Familia and Freya Familia for example—were the most powerful in the city. Both commanded immense wealth and numbers, with adventurers at high levels to bolster their strength.

"I'll have to start earning fast," All For One muttered to himself. The situation wasn't unsalvageable, but he had no time to waste.

Just then, his senses picked up movement from a nearby alley. Someone was watching him, trying—and failing—to be sneaky.

Not good.

Through his quirk, he could tell that this person had a skill. That meant they were either level two or higher or one of the rare cases of gaining skills upon receiving their falna.

'I can't risk them finding the church,' he thought grimly. 'And I'm not sure I can take them out directly.'

Without a weapon, his best option was a surprise attack aimed at a vital area. But first, he'd have to lure his stalker close enough.

All For One walked into a narrow alley, picked up a large rock, and hid behind a stack of crates. He waited, feeling his stalker's presence through his quirk, measuring the distance as the footsteps drew closer.

"Where the hell did that skinny guy go?" a male voice grumbled, the footsteps heavy and uneven. It's that adventurer.

Just a little closer… All For One thought, gripping the rock tightly.


With all his strength, he slammed the rock into the man's head. The sudden attack caught the stalker completely off guard, and he let out a scream as blood poured from his wound, his body collapsing to the ground in a barely conscious heap.

Lucky him, it's probably a level one with a skill picking on other level ones with no skills. A level two adventurer head would have shattered the rock.

"That was foolish of you," All For One said with a dark chuckle, looking down at the pitiful sight. "And here I thought you might be a problem."

The man, now crawling on the ground, whimpered in pain, his voice weak. "No... please…"

"Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to kill you... yet," All For One said coldly, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "First, we'll do some experimenting."

The man attempted to crawl away, muttering a barely audible, "Fireball." A small, poorly-aimed ball of flame sputtered past All For One, missing entirely.

So, that's his magic... All For One thought, curious. Is magic considered a skill? His quirk didn't detect anything else from the man, so he concluded it is possible to steal it.

Just like taking away quirks. With a swift lunge, he grabbed the man's head, the holes in his hand channeling the power of All For One. He began the process of extracting the magic skill, feeling the familiar sensation of draining power. As the man screamed and writhed in agony, All For One casually snatched the small purse of valis from his belt.

Money was also his priority.

The man's pained cries confirmed what All For One already knew: the process of stealing skills was like the removal of quirks. It was working.

He felt a shift, the emptiness in his quirk filling ever so slightly.

"Heh..." he smiled, a grin that held nothing but cruelty. There was nothing beautiful about it—just the maniacal joy of a predator toying with its prey.

"I thank you for this... opportunity," he said coldly, his hand still on the man's face. "But your services are no longer required."

The man panicked, scrambling to escape as best as he could.

"Fireball," All For One muttered calmly, raising his hand. A large ball of flame formed instantly, much more powerful and precise than the one his victim had conjured. The fire shot toward the man with terrifying speed, engulfing him in flames. His screams echoed through the narrow alley as he writhed, burning alive.

All For One watched with a dark grin, His head hurting from using magic for the first time.

as the man begged for help, his body consumed by fire.

I should leave, he thought, amused by the spectacle but mindful of the consequences. While patrols didn't usually come through these parts, the Ganesha Familia—Syr had mentioned them as the main enforcers in Orario—would likely hear the screams soon enough.

Satisfied with his work, All For One turned and calmly made his way back to the church, a wicked smile still lingering on his face.

This day had been very productive indeed.

End of chapter 2


AN: I'm not sure if I'm doing it it right.