She could feel anger and hatred overflowing from every pore of Todoroki, even without using observation haki she was able to feel the malicious feelings that were coming out of her, apparently she had her encounter with her dear mommy.
On the other hand, Toph seemed cheerful and amused as she walked lightly towards the ring, as if she was used to such a thing, and perhaps she was, if the canon as a blind bandit was true here too, then she had experience in tournaments and competitions.
I held my breath as the fight began. Toph was the first to move, stamping her feet on the ground and several rings of earth shot out towards Todoroki, enclosing her arms and legs. She was about to hit the ground once more, when Todoroki moved.
"I'm sorry." I heard Todoroki mutter before she let out the full power of her quirk, my smile grew when the iceberg, completely enormous, covered a significant part of the stadium and rose to a great height leaving everyone stunned.
Todoroki freed herself from Toph's bonds and stood still waiting for the end of the round.
"Beifong, can you still move?" Midnight asked, half frozen. I looked at where Toph should be and smiled. The beginning of the Iceberg was completely covered in ice and no one was coming, only an improvised pyramid of earth. This wasn't over. I used my Haki to see that Toph inside the pyramid was able to move.
Toph hit the ground inside her shelter, and a pillar of earth emerged in front of Todoroki, her eyes widened in surprise, she didn't have time to react before the pillar hit her stomach and lifted her into the sky. Toph hit the ground again, using her quirk to break free from her shelter and the ice that surrounded her. She then threw rocks at high speed at an airborne Todoroki.
Todoroki finally reacted, and spun in the air narrowly avoiding Toph's rocks, she used her ice to form an ice slide and slide back into the arena. Toph punched the ground and waved her hands, a wall appeared at the edge of the arena blocking Todoroki's way back into the arena.
Todoroki clicked her tongue, before using her ice to create an ice spear and blast a hole in the obstacle in front of her. She stepped through the wall through the gap she had created and jumped into the ring. Her eyes widened as the ring moved away from her, Toph having moved the entire ring to prevent her from getting to it.
Unfortunately, Todoroki reacted quickly and created ice pillars beneath her so she could jump over them and reach the ring.
"Good reflexes Ice Princess ." Toph said amusedly, she seemed to be enjoying the whole fight, so she moved first once again, hitting the ground and making several rocks rise around her, she spun several times and kicked each rock hard, shooting them in Todoroki's direction.
Todoroki raised a wall of ice thick enough to defend herself, before waving her hand and sending a wave of ice towards Toph. Toph created her own wave of earth to counter it. Both waves collided in the middle of the ring, causing a dust explosion.
Toph took the opportunity and spread the dust all over the ring, blinding Todoroki. Todoroki immediately generated ice everywhere, apparently deciding that if she couldn't see her, she would hit everything around her until she hit her.
It worked if the click of her tongue that came out of Toph was any indication, however, Toph once again used her feet to attack Todoroki with ground discs, which still were ineffective.
They continued to exchange attacks for a few moments, it seemed like a middle ground, Todoroki couldn't launch any attack that would eliminate Toph immediately, and vice versa, Todoroki could defend herself from everything Toph threw at her, which was starting to frustrate the latter.
Toph stopped and changed pace, she stood firmly and raised both hands, this time, instead of using dirt, the steps began to shake slightly, before several pieces of metal were torn from them.
The rain of metal surprised Todoroki slightly, but she dodged by running to the side, Toph did not stop and continued attacking Todoroki. Todoroki was the one who created a shelter this time to protect herself from Toph's attack.
Todoroki's makeshift dome held up against Toph's barrage of metal, but it definitely wasn't a good idea. The amount of ice Todoroki keeps using will soon start to take its toll, and it will happen faster if Todoroki keeps encasing herself in ice.
Apparently, Todoroki also realized the same thing and she decided to completely end the fight, she undid her ice dome and began to freeze the entire ground, the ice spread throughout the ring at high speed, Toph tried to stop the advance of ice with her earthbending, but no matter what she tried, the ice kept advancing, Toph had no choice but to jump to avoid being frozen.
Still, once she landed on the thick ice that formed in the ring she grimaced, she definitely couldn't use her quirk comfortably on ice, that meant 0 vibrations, so she was blind and unarmed. Todoroki didn't notice and began to move once more, only for Toph to raise both her hands.
"I give up" Toph said with a smile.
" Tsk , I was hoping Beifong would get her ass kicked," Azula growled, crossing her arms.
"Does it still count? She lost in the end," Ruby replied with a shrug, Azula wrinkled her nose.
"Not enough." Azula complained, the three of us rolled our eyes playfully, we all knew how little affection, if not hatred, she had for Toph "Alright, I have to go get ready." Azula said as she stood up, to my surprise she kissed me on the lips and began to walk away.
"Good luck!" Ruby exclaimed in her direction, Azula just raised her hand in greeting.
"Who's turn is it now?" Taylor asked, our attention drawn once again, we hadn't been listening to Present Mic, Todoroki and Toph were no longer in the ring, most of the ice had disappeared.
We only had to wait about 10 minutes before the ring was ready for the next fight.
Jinx vs Midoriya.
It was… a pretty unfair fight looking at their ranks alone. But Jinx didn't seem discouraged, in fact, she had a huge smile on her face as she stepped into the ring fully armed, it seemed like they had let her in with all her weapons, ammo, and bombs.
Midoriya, on the other hand, was completely unarmed, even appearing nervous as he approached the center of the ring.
Once the fight started, Jinx was the first to move, firing her gun, Zapper, at Midoriya, who quickly ducked to the side and immediately covered his body with Full Cowl.
Midoriya moved in an instant towards Jinx, to my surprise, Jinx reacted with explosive speed as her eyes glowed a bright pink, before Midoriya could attack, Jinx had Zapper directly aimed at his head. Midoriya dove sharply to dodge the attack, Jinx didn't miss the opportunity and kicked Midoriya in the ribs, who barely managed to cover himself with his arms.
Jinx grabbed one of her bombs and threw it at Midoriya who was still on the ground. A cloud of blue smoke rose from where the grenade exploded, Jinx's eyes scanned every movement within the cloud, when something seemed to come out from her right, she immediately fired without hesitation.
Jinx looked at her target and saw that it was simply a large stone, instead Midoriya came out from the other side and approached Jinx again, Jinx reacted with abnormal speed once again, she was fast, she had experience, really, during our confrontation in class, it had been a very bad combination between us, so she couldn't show her full repertoire.
no doubt that Jinx knew what she was doing, she easily dodged Midoriya's attack and struck Midoriya's jaw with her open palm, hard enough to slightly stun him for a few moments. Jinx took advantage of that moment to grab her machine gun, Pow-Pow didn't even bother to aim, she just pulled the trigger and her gun began to spit bullets at high speed everywhere, then she aimed at Midoriya, who received several shots in his body that her aura covered.
Midoriya was thrown backwards before he could react, punching the air with his fist, generating a strong air pressure to push Jinx back and stop her from firing her gun. Still, Jinx grabbed several of her grenades, took off the safety pins, and threw them in Midoriya's direction.
Midoriya reacted this time and launched another air pressure, this time causing the grenades to be returned in Jinx's direction, he seemed to expect it because even before Midoriya pushed the grenades, she was already covering herself for the resulting explosion.
This time a pink cloud of smoke appeared on the battlefield, the sound of Jinx's machine gun began to be heard from within the smoke screen, gunshots began to emerge from within the cloud of smoke, which were quite well oriented in Midoriya's direction, Jinx's spatial sense seemed well developed. Midoriya had no choice but to dodge.
Midoriya kept moving as the gunshots continued to fly, until the cloud of smoke began to dissipate, the cloud only covering Jinx's lower half, enough for Midoriya to finally see her and change his direction as he ran towards her, only to stop halfway and stare at the ground.
The smoke cleared yet but leaving in sight a great quantity of grenades with jaws, which began to rattle and bite rapidly, where did so many come from? Almost certainly she did not have so many when she entered the Ring.
Midoriya didn't move fast enough this time and the explosion completely engulfed him. Jinx had a wide smile on her face. To her bad luck, Midoriya's aura held up, in fact, that explosion barely made a dent in the enormous amount of aura he has. So Midoriya stood up once again.
Jinx clicked her tongue loudly and dropped her machine gun and held Zapper in her left hand, her eyes and veins began to glow pink before Jinx quickly moved from her spot.
She quickly arrived at Midoriya's side and moved like a wild animal, she had no way of fighting, she just moved, punched and kicked without rhyme or reason, she only reacted to Midoriya's movements, her reflexes were through the roof... and it was working.
There was no pattern to read, no shape to try to predict, so Midoriya, despite looking like he had training in fighting, even seemed to know some martial arts from his movements, had trouble keeping up with her despite outperforming her in strength and speed, he was just taking hits from Jinx.
Unfortunately, there was only so much damage Jinx could do to the monstrous amount of aura Midoriya had before she was hit by one of Midoriya's fists. The blow slightly fazed her, only taking a few moments to recover, but it was enough for Midoriya to plant his foot hard on the ground, pull his fist back, and punch hard.
Izuku's punch was much stronger than her previous ones, Jinx managed to cover herself with both arms, but she was still thrown out of the ring. Jinx recovered in the air, grabbed one of her grenades and blew it up behind her, the explosion launched her once again towards the ring, only for Izuku to hit the air and a gust of wind pushed her back out.
A bitter expression crossed Jinx's face as she spun in the air and landed on her feet outside the ring, sighing deeply as Midnight declared Midoriya the winner.
With that fight over, the next fight is Azula vs Jiro.
Author's notes: I'm alive!!!!!!! And I'm back! From now on updates should happen as usual!
First of all, thank you for your patience and support, I really enjoyed my family vacation.
Thanks for reading and for the support!
Now I'll start writing about my vacation. You don't need to read this! This is just me wanting to write about it! You can skip it completely.
Well, for starters, we went to a beach! Cliche ? Quite a bit. But we all enjoyed it! It was beautiful and luckily we had some beautiful days, and that means lots of sun and lots of heat.
Did I mention I hate the sun? Well, not particularly the sun, I like summer, I just hate what it does to my skin! It turns out, a person can get sunburned, on top of sunburned skin, despite using sunscreen. That's me! First, I got sunburned on the beach, then, I didn't think it was possible, but I got sunburned in the hot springs. Unfortunate for me, because I can't tan. My skin turns completely red every time the sun hits me directly.
And it happened to me twice!
So, now I'm completely red! And I won't leave my house for at least a month until my natural skin color returns! Hooray for me !
Luckily, the sunscreen worked here, and I don't really have any pain on any part of my skin (unlike my dad who got really burned and can barely wear clothes on his skin), but I'm still rubbing aloe vera extract and other products on my skin in hopes of getting it to heal faster . I look horrible and completely red.
And luckily for us, there were few accidents on our trip! Except for that time when I thought I had broken my toe. Or that other time when we almost got stopped at customs at the border. Things happen!
Long story short. I dropped a pretty heavy glass on my big toe. I swear, I swear, it really hurt, really bad. I was literally crying from the pain. I really thought I had broken or dislocated my toe or something. And as an average person, what did I do? I took paracetamol and stayed home.
Turns out, it was just extremely painful. My finger never swelled in any way, I didn't get any bruises, and after an hour, I had no lingering pain. Even if I moved my finger back and forth, there was no pain. So yes, the glass may have hit exactly the right spot to hurt like a bitch, but to not cause any real damage. Stupid glass.
As a result of this, my siblings, who I love very much and have a close relationship with, made fun of me and told me to start using plastic cups as a joke. Obviously, being a good sister, I contradicted them, told them to fuck off and continued using glass cups.
Until the next day I dropped another glass and this time it fell to the floor and broke.
Yes, after that I couldn't defend myself anymore and even my own parents relegated me to using plastic cups. It was really sad having to drink alcohol in a plastic cup. The good thing is that I was able to steal a really cute purple kuromi cup that belonged to my niece. Which I won fair and square in a card game. No matter what my brothers, or my nephews said that I cheated. No sir, I didn't cheat, I wouldn't do that to my niece… of course not…
The rest of the trip was fine, we spent a lot of time on the beaches, went shopping, had fun, took the kids out to play a lot, even had a sibling outing while our parents took care of their grandchildren. It was nice and enjoyable.
Except when we were coming back.
Turns out, trying to cross borders with, say, 20 purses and bags, does attract a lot of attention from customs staff… who would have thought? My mother, sister, sister-in-law and I are all pretty compulsive shoppers ( if the trip wasn't any indication! ). So, travel tips!
If you buy a lot of things during the holidays, keep all the receipts for all the purchases you make abroad! And if possible, keep a list of where you bought each item, including an address and possibly phone numbers! The customs staff are quite thorough when checking things! This will probably speed up the whole process.
And second recommendation! When packing, try to wash all the dirty clothes you have and put everything clean away, just in case you can't. Don't leave it on top of your suitcases. I repeat, don't leave it on top. My father did. It wasn't a pretty sight for the staff checking the bags. Much embarrassment to all involved.
So yeah, those were some of the highlights of my trip! I have more, a lot more, but I'm already over 700 words into this, so I'll have to end it here. If you kept reading my weird babbling of words. Thanks for reading! It wasn't necessary, but thanks!!!
A/N: If you liked the story, join my patreon,, there are up to 10 chapters in advance, thank you.