Chapter 9: Earning and Learning

Asura woke up to the morning sun streaming through his window, warming his face. He stretched, his muscles still sore from the previous day's training, and made his way to the small table where a fried fish lay waiting for him. It was still warm, and the smell made his stomach growl. He ate it quickly, savoring the crisp skin and tender meat, feeling the energy return to his body.

As he was finishing his breakfast, there was a knock at the door. Asura put down his plate, wiped his hands, and opened the door to find a tall Uchiha standing outside, his posture stiff and formal. The man had a serious expression and wore the traditional black robes of a clan messenger.

"Asura?" the tall Uchiha asked, holding up an envelope.

"Yes, that's me," Asura replied, a bit wary but curious.

The man handed him the envelope. "This is for you. It contains the contribution points you earned during the battle."

Asura quickly opened the envelope, pulling out a small card. Written on it were the words: 120 contribution points awarded for killing one Senju and assisting in the death of another.

His eyes widened slightly in surprise. He hadn't been expecting to receive points for his efforts. The tall Uchiha continued, "Is there anything else you accomplished during the battle that you would like to report?"

Asura hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, I… I awakened my Sharingan."

The tall Uchiha's eyes widened in shock, and he raised his eyebrows. "A 4-year-old with a Sharingan?" he muttered under his breath. Quickly, he regained his composure, his expression returning to its usual stoicism. "Show me."

Asura took a deep breath and focused, channeling his chakra until he felt the familiar sensation in his eyes. When he opened them, his 1-tomoe Sharingan glowed a vibrant red, the single tomoe spinning slowly. The tall Uchiha's surprise was visible for just a moment before he masked it with a calm nod.

"Impressive," he said. He reached into his robe and pulled out another card, handing it to Asura. "For awakening your Sharingan, you are awarded an additional 1,000 contribution points, bringing your total to 1,120."

Asura's heart skipped a beat, and he could barely contain his excitement. "Thank you!" he said, trying to keep his voice steady. The tall Uchiha nodded once more and added, "You can exchange your points at the trade center. Use them wisely." With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Asura standing in the doorway with a wide grin on his face.

Once the man was gone, Asura's excitement bubbled over. He quickly grabbed his cloak, strapped on his sword, and secured his armor plates beneath his clothes. Without wasting any more time, he rushed out of his house and made his way to the trade center.

The trade center was a massive building, bustling with activity. Clan members were moving in and out, and there was a sense of order despite the large number of people. Asura entered, his eyes wide as he took in the sight of the vast library-like space. There were rows upon rows of shelves, each labeled with different sections: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Genjutsu, Strategies, Chakra Control, Survival Skills, Fuinjutsu, Dojutsu, and many more.

He walked slowly, his eyes scanning the shelves, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew he needed to get stronger, and there were so many different paths he could take. After a few moments of consideration, he decided that improving his chakra control was essential. Without proper control, he would waste too much energy, especially if he wanted to use more complex techniques.

He made his way to the Chakra Control section and scanned the scrolls until one caught his eye: Water Walking. It was a technique similar to tree climbing, but much more difficult. It required precise control to keep chakra flowing evenly through the feet while on an unstable, moving surface. The scroll was priced at 100 contribution points, which seemed reasonable to him. He took it and moved on.

With 1,020 points left, Asura decided that he needed a new jutsu to improve his combat speed. He headed over to the Ninjutsu section, where there were different categories for each elemental style, but he was looking for something more practical. He found the Practical Jutsu section and began browsing. After a few minutes, he found what he was looking for: Body Flicker Jutsu. It allowed the user to move at high speeds, almost appearing to teleport over short distances. Perfect for getting in and out of fights quickly. It was priced at 500 points.

He continued to browse and found another jutsu that caught his eye: Substitution Jutsu. It was a basic technique but incredibly useful in tricky situations, allowing the user to switch places with an object to escape attacks. It cost 300 points, and he knew it would be a good investment.

With the three scrolls in hand, Asura approached the counter where a lady was waiting. "I'd like to take these," he said, placing the scrolls on the counter.

The lady glanced at them, then at him, and began processing the transaction. "That will be 100 points for the Water Walking scroll, 500 for the Body Flicker scroll, and 300 for the Substitution scroll," she said. "You have 220 points left."

Asura nodded eagerly, took the scrolls, and carefully tucked them into his bag. The lady gave him a small nod, and he turned to leave, his heart racing with excitement. With his new techniques in hand, he headed straight back to his house.

When he got home, Asura placed the Body Flicker and Substitution scrolls on his bed, deciding to focus on one thing at a time. He opened the Water Walking scroll and activated his Sharingan, letting the red tomoe spin as he memorized the contents of the scroll. The words and diagrams imprinted themselves into his mind, and once he felt he had a good grasp of the technique, he closed the scroll and deactivated his Sharingan.

Determined, Asura made his way to the pond at the edge of the village. The water was still and dark, reflecting the gray sky above. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, channeling his chakra to his feet. The moment his foot touched the water's surface, it sank, and he was forced to pull back. He frowned, knowing this would be much harder than tree climbing.

He tried again and again, but each time he put too much or too little chakra, the result was the same—he would either sink or get pushed back, sometimes violently. But Asura refused to give up. Hours passed, and his legs trembled from the effort, but slowly, he began to understand the balance. By the time the sun was beginning to set, he had managed to stand on the water without moving, even if it was only for a few seconds.

Satisfied but exhausted, Asura made his way back to his training area. He still had his daily routine to complete, so he picked up a rock and began running, holding it close to his chest as he dashed back and forth across the field. His muscles burned, but he welcomed the pain, knowing it was a sign of progress. He ran until his legs felt like they would give out, then finally, he made his way back home.

After a quick, simple dinner, Asura collapsed onto his bed, his new scrolls beside him. He thought about the points he had left, what else he might learn, and how much stronger he could become. As sleep began to claim him, the image of his red, spinning Sharingan flickered in his mind, reminding him of how far he had come—and how far he still had to go.

With a quiet determination, he closed his eyes and let sleep take over, already planning for the next day.