Chapter 10: The Cost of War

Two weeks had passed since the battle with the Senju, and Asura's life had returned to a new, grueling routine. Every day, he trained relentlessly, determined to master the techniques he had learned. By now, he had mastered the Water Walking technique, able to move freely across the surface of the village pond with perfect balance. The Substitution Jutsu had become second nature to him, a valuable tool that he could now use without thinking.

The Body Flicker Jutsu, however, was a different story. He could manage short bursts of speed, but not yet with the consistency and control needed for battle. He knew that he needed more practice before he could rely on it during a fight. As for the Wind Bullet Jutsu, he could use it once without exhausting himself, but after using it twice, he found it difficult to keep his Sharingan active. Pushing his chakra to its limits, he learned that three uses of the technique would drain him completely, leaving him vulnerable.

During sparring matches with other children, Asura found that he had gained a clear edge. With his Sharingan activated, he could anticipate their movements and counter them easily, winning all of his battles. But as he defeated one opponent after another, he noticed something different—less of the usual faces, fewer familiar rivals.

One afternoon, while resting after a sparring match, he overheard a conversation among some of the other children. They spoke in hushed tones about the last battle and how many had been lost, including Reina. Asura froze, his mind refusing to accept what he had heard. Reina, who had always been the strongest among them, had died because she had protected the others, sacrificing herself so they could live.

Asura felt a single tear slip down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away, but the pain lingered. Reina had been more than just a rival; she had been a symbol of strength and determination, and now she was gone. He turned and walked away, the weight of her loss heavy on his shoulders.

That evening, Asura returned to his house and sat down to meditate, focusing on his breathing to calm the storm inside him. The memory of Reina's death mixed with the images of the battle two weeks ago, and he felt a surge of anger and grief. As he breathed in and out, trying to find some sense of peace, he suddenly heard the familiar, chilling sound of the battle bells ringing throughout the village. His eyes snapped open, and he jumped to his feet.

Quickly, he geared up, strapping on his armor plates, securing his sword, and throwing on his cloak. He ran out of his house, following the stream of Uchiha clan members gathering and preparing for battle. The air was tense, filled with the sound of people shouting orders and the clinking of weapons being readied. Asura joined the crowd, his heart pounding, a mix of fear and determination driving him forward.

As they marched, the clan leaders briefed the different groups. This time, the enemy was not just one clan—it was the combined forces of the Inuzuka and Kurama clans. Asura found himself assigned to a group consisting of 20 adults, 12 teenagers, and 6 children, including himself. The leader of their group, a stern-faced adult with a scar running across his cheek, addressed them.

"Listen up!" the leader shouted. "The plan is simple. The adults will lead the charge. The teens will provide support, taking out enemies from a distance or engaging those who try to flank us. And you, the children, will be our final line. You'll finish off anyone who slips through."

Asura and the other children nodded, understanding their role. It was dangerous, but they had no choice. War was not kind to anyone, especially not to children. The leader's gaze softened just slightly as he looked at them. "Stay alive," he said, before turning back to face the front.

The march to the battlefield was tense and silent. When they arrived, the Uchiha forces quickly engaged the enemy, following the plan. The adults charged forward, swords clashing with those of the Inuzuka and Kurama clans, while the teens provided support from behind. Asura and the other children stood ready, their eyes scanning the chaos, waiting for any enemies who might break through the line.

At first, everything went according to plan. The Uchiha were winning, their superior coordination and battle skills overpowering the enemy forces. Asura could feel his confidence growing; they had the upper hand, and it seemed like they would secure another victory.

But then, a small, glinting object flew past the adults in Asura's group. It whizzed through the air, dodging past the teens, and headed straight for the children. Asura's eyes locked onto it, and his Sharingan activated instinctively. It was a kunai, and as it spun closer, he noticed the explosive tag attached to its handle. His blood ran cold.

"DODGE!" one of the adults screamed, but it was already too late. Asura's mind raced, and he acted without thinking, substituting himself with a nearby log just as the kunai exploded. The blast was deafening, sending shockwaves through the air. Asura hit the ground hard, his ears ringing, but when he looked up, the sight that greeted him was one of horror.

The other children… they were gone. The blast had killed them instantly, along with a few of the teens nearby. The group, once well-organized, was now in chaos. The adults and teens frantically tried to regroup, but the damage was done. The ranks were broken, and the plan was falling apart.

Then, amidst the chaos, a voice roared above the din of battle. "SENJU!" The commander of the Uchiha forces shouted, his voice filled with urgency and alarm. Asura's heart sank as he realized what this meant—the Senju had arrived, reinforcing the Inuzuka and Kurama clans. The tide of the battle had just turned, and not in their favor.

The leader of Asura's group quickly barked out new orders, his voice strained. "We're pulling back! Everyone, retreat! We can't win this battle!" The command echoed across the field, and the Uchiha forces began to fall back, trying to escape the sudden, overwhelming onslaught of the combined enemy forces.

Asura's group tried to retreat, but the Senju reinforcements were relentless. They joined the fray with the Inuzuka and Kurama clans, pushing the Uchiha back and cutting them down without mercy. Asura ran, his legs burning, his mind struggling to process the chaos around him. The battlefield had become a nightmare, filled with the screams of the wounded and the dying, the clash of steel, and the roar of battle cries.

He glanced over his shoulder and saw his clansmen being cut down one by one, their retreat turning into a massacre. Fear gripped his heart, but he forced himself to keep running, his eyes searching for any way to escape. The enemy was everywhere, and the Uchiha were being overwhelmed, their ranks thinning with every passing second.

Asura's breath came in ragged gasps as he ran, the taste of smoke and blood thick in his mouth. For a moment, he allowed himself to hope that he might make it out alive, but the sound of battle continued to rage behind him, a grim reminder of the cost of war.