Chapter 13: Relentless Training

The first rays of dawn slipped through the cracks of Asura's window, gently waking him from his sleep. For a brief moment, he allowed himself to lie there, savoring the peace. But he knew it wouldn't last long, so he quickly got up, dressed, and began his morning routine. Today was another day for training—something he had thrown himself into ever since the last battle. There was no time to waste.

After a quick meal, he stepped out of his home, his eyes already scanning the village as he made his way to the training grounds. The scars of the recent battle were still visible; a few damaged buildings and patches of charred earth served as constant reminders of the conflict. Asura pushed those thoughts aside as he reached the training area, his focus shifting to the task at hand.

Today, he was determined to continue his practice with the Body Flicker Jutsu. He had been working on it tirelessly for weeks, and though he had gotten the hang of it, there was still room for improvement. The technique was all about speed and control—vanishing in a blur, moving so fast that it seemed like teleportation. It could be a lifesaver in battle, allowing him to evade attacks or close the distance between himself and an enemy in the blink of an eye.

He took a deep breath, channeling his chakra carefully through his legs, feeling it surge as he prepared to use the jutsu. Then, with a swift burst of energy, he pushed off, disappearing from where he stood and reappearing several meters away. The movement was fluid, almost effortless now. He repeated the process several more times, focusing on maintaining balance and conserving his chakra with each use.

After an hour of practicing Body Flicker, Asura was satisfied with his progress. He could execute the technique without stumbling or using too much chakra—something that had taken him weeks to master. But as always, there was more to do.

Next, he headed to the nearby pond to continue his water-walking training. Standing on the water's surface was something he had already perfected, but he wanted to push further. Running on water required even greater control, a delicate balance of chakra output and physical agility. As he stepped onto the pond, he allowed his chakra to flow to the soles of his feet, letting it stabilize beneath him.

He started by walking slowly, testing the water's resistance, then tried to pick up speed. It was tricky; if he used too little chakra, he would sink, and if he used too much, he would disturb the surface too much and risk losing his footing. Several times, his foot dipped too low, and he had to catch himself before he fell, but he kept pushing. With every attempt, he was getting closer to finding the right balance.

After two hours of practice, his progress was evident. He could now walk and stand on water effortlessly, and he could jog at a steady pace, but running was still beyond his reach. He would get there eventually, but he knew it would take more time. For now, he was satisfied with the improvements he had made.

Taking a short break, Asura sat down by the pond and unwrapped the weighted bands he had brought with him. They were heavier than the ones he had used before, and just strapping them on made his muscles ache slightly. But if he wanted to improve his speed, he needed to keep pushing his limits. He stood up, flexing his legs to get a feel for the added weight, and then set off at a run.

He circled the village, his legs burning as he forced himself to maintain a steady pace. The weights made each step heavier, more deliberate, but that was the point. If he could run fast while carrying these, he would be even faster when he took them off. Asura ran until his breath was ragged and sweat dripped down his face, pushing through the pain, willing his body to adapt.

After a grueling session of speed training, he headed to the sparring area. Some of the older kids were already there, practicing their strikes and techniques. Asura approached them, nodding in greeting. "Anyone up for a spar?" he asked, his voice steady despite his exhaustion.

One of the older kids, a boy named Daichi, grinned and stepped forward. "Sure, Asura. Let's see if that training of yours has paid off."

Asura nodded, drawing his practice sword and taking a stance. They exchanged a few light blows at first, each testing the other's reflexes. But it didn't take long for the sparring to get more intense. Daichi was strong, but Asura's speed had improved significantly, and he used it to his advantage, dodging and striking with precision. He was still working on perfecting his Kenjutsu, but every match helped him refine his technique, sharpening his skills and reflexes.

They went back and forth, the wooden swords clashing, sending small shockwaves through their arms with each hit. Asura could feel his muscles straining, but he pressed on, focusing on keeping his movements fluid and precise. After several rounds, Daichi finally managed to land a clean hit on Asura's side, knocking the wind out of him. Asura gritted his teeth, nodding in acknowledgment of the hit. "Good one," he said, stepping back to signal the end of the match.

"You're getting faster," Daichi said, panting. "I almost didn't see that last strike coming."

Asura gave a small smile, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Still have a lot to learn," he replied. But deep down, he was pleased with the compliment. His training was paying off, slowly but surely.

After sparring with a few more kids, Asura decided to call it a day. He was exhausted, his muscles sore from the constant strain, but it was a good kind of exhaustion—the kind that told him he was getting stronger. He made his way back home, his mind already planning out what he would train next.

When he got back, he cleaned himself up and sat down to meditate. It was a habit he had developed after the battles; a way to clear his mind and reflect on the day. He focused on his breathing, letting the tension in his muscles ease, feeling the chakra flow through his body.

He thought about everything he had done—about his progress with Body Flicker, his water-walking, his improved speed. But he also thought about the battles, about Reina, about the things he couldn't change no matter how strong he became. It was a sobering thought, but it only made him more determined. He would keep training, keep pushing forward.

Eventually, he got up, made himself a simple dinner, and ate in silence. When the meal was done, he cleaned up, checked his equipment one last time, and then crawled into bed. Asura closed his eyes, letting sleep take him, his mind already set on what he would do tomorrow. Another day of training awaited him, and he was ready for it.