Chapter 14: Relentless Pursuit

The sun was barely rising when Asura woke up, stretching his limbs and quickly getting dressed. Today was another day dedicated to training, and he had already decided on his focus—he was going to master water walking. It was a skill that could prove invaluable, and he had made good progress so far, but he wasn't content with just standing or jogging on water. He wanted to be able to run across it, to treat it as effortlessly as solid ground.

After a quick breakfast, he grabbed his equipment and made his way to the pond. The air was crisp, and a light mist hovered over the water, creating an almost ethereal atmosphere. Asura took a deep breath, savoring the cool morning air before stepping onto the water's surface, his chakra stabilizing his footing.

He started with a light jog, his movements controlled and deliberate. The familiar sensation of chakra flowing to the soles of his feet felt smoother than before. Every step created a slight ripple, but the water beneath him remained steady. Gradually, he increased his speed, testing how fast he could move without losing control. As he began to run, he felt a slight dip with each step, but he adjusted his chakra output, correcting the imbalance. It was a delicate dance—too much chakra would disrupt the water, too little would cause him to sink.

Time seemed to blur as he continued his training, his focus solely on refining his control. He ran back and forth across the pond, sprinting, slowing down, and then sprinting again. With each attempt, he felt his connection to the water becoming more natural, as if his chakra and the water's surface were in perfect sync.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, Asura made one final sprint. His feet skimmed across the water, barely making a splash, and he didn't falter once. For the first time, he was able to run freely, his movements fluid and effortless. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he stopped at the pond's edge, panting slightly but satisfied. He had done it.

Despite the accomplishment, he still felt a restlessness gnawing at him. The night had begun to fall, but Asura wasn't ready to stop yet. The exhilaration of progress pushed him to continue, so he decided to focus on his other training—Body Flicker and Wind Bullet Jutsu.

He moved to an open clearing near the pond, where he could practice without any distractions. Asura began by channeling chakra into his legs, preparing to use Body Flicker. The technique was straightforward, but mastering it required precise control over his speed and direction. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and activated his Sharingan. The world around him sharpened, every detail becoming clearer, every movement more predictable.

With the Sharingan active, he performed the Body Flicker, and it felt different—easier, almost natural. He could see the optimal path, anticipate any obstacles, and adjust his movements in real-time. He flickered from one spot to another, faster and more precisely than before, and for a moment, it felt like he was gliding through the air.

Asura repeated the process several times, pushing himself to go further, to move faster. He found that the Sharingan allowed him to predict his movements better, making the transitions smoother and helping him conserve chakra. After about an hour, he felt his control over the technique had improved, though he knew there was still room for refinement.

Next, he decided to work on his Wind Bullet Jutsu. He took a stance, focusing his chakra into his lungs. As he exhaled, he released the compressed air, forming a concentrated blast that shot forward, carving a path through the darkness. The Wind Bullet whistled as it tore through the air, dispersing into the night.

He repeated the jutsu, feeling the familiar strain of chakra usage. The first two attempts were smooth, and he executed them without much difficulty. On the third, he felt his chakra reserves dip significantly, but he managed to maintain control, albeit with effort. Asura realized that his improved chakra control allowed him to perform the technique more efficiently. However, the fourth attempt left him winded and depleted. His Sharingan flickered off, unable to sustain itself, and he nearly stumbled, catching himself just in time.

Breathing heavily, he leaned against a nearby tree, letting his chakra replenish. It was clear to him that, despite the progress, he still had limits. Using the Wind Bullet four times was exhausting, and the fourth time would be a last resort. But knowing he could comfortably manage it twice was a step forward.

The night was now fully dark, the stars twinkling above, and Asura realized just how late it had gotten. Despite his fatigue, a sense of accomplishment filled him. He had pushed himself hard, and it had paid off. His mastery over water walking was complete, his Body Flicker technique had improved, and his chakra control was better than ever.

Satisfied, he gathered his gear and made his way back home. His legs felt heavy, his muscles ached, and his chakra reserves were low, but he didn't mind. It was all part of the process. When he reached his house, he went through his usual routine—cleaning up, preparing a quick meal, and then sitting down to meditate.

As he meditated, he thought back to the day's training, recalling every success and every mistake. It was important to reflect, to understand where he had gone wrong and how he could improve. His mind was calm, his breathing steady, and after a while, he could feel his chakra returning, slowly but surely.

Finally, he opened his eyes, got up, and prepared to sleep. He crawled into bed, pulling the blanket over himself, and closed his eyes. Asura's body was tired, but his mind was already thinking about what he would do tomorrow. Another day of training, another opportunity to get stronger.

As sleep began to take him, he allowed himself a small smile. He was making progress, bit by bit, and he wasn't going to stop. No matter what.