Taking Action



The Amazon warriors were shocked.

"A man?!!"

"Is this... a man?!"

"...The first time I've ever seen one..."

Many of the women stared at Akira and the group of Uchiha men as if they were rare creatures. In Amazon Lily, men were nothing more than legends.

It was like staring at rare animals in a zoo, only without the food being thrown.


The men of the Uchiha clan, including Akira, were left speechless. What was so strange about men?

it's like men are rare creatures. When did men become this valuable?

Kikyo's face turned grim. "Men? Here? And so many of them! This is a disaster! Prepare to attack!!"

(A/N: Disaster? Can't say it's totally wrong)

The women immediately raised their bows and aimed at the Uchiha clan, their curiosity giving way to their duty as warriors. According to Amazon Lily's ancient beliefs, men were greedy, dangerous beings who would spread disasters in all places they set foot in. The sudden appearance of so many men must mean there was an ulterior motive at play.

Akira raised his hand calmly. "Wait a moment!" he called out. "We arrived here by accident. We have no intention of causing any conflict."

Kikyo scoffed. "I don't believe a word of it! This is Amazon Lily, Island of Women! 'No men allowed' has been the rule here for hundreds of years. There's never been an exception!"

Akira sighed, scratching his head.

He really didn't like unnecessary conflict.

"Fire!" Kikyo shouted.

Arrows rained down on the Uchiha, but the clan was prepared.

"Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall!" one of the Uchiha shouted, and a solid wall of earth shot up around them, shielding the entire clan.

'Thud!' 'Thud!'

The Amazon arrows struck the wall, creating small craters but failing to penetrate the defense.

"What is this...?" Kikyo and the warriors were astonished. Walls of earth springing up out of nowhere? Could these men wield sorcery?

No wonder they are called the source of evil.

(A/N: ...Men built the nuclear weapons! Just saying)


Suddenly, Uchiha clan members rushed out from above the wall.

"Fire!" Kikyo ordered, but the Uchiha dodged every arrow. In seconds, they had closed the distance.

"Damn it! They're intruders! Kill them!" Kikyo growled.

Her face darkened. These men moved too swiftly, with too much skill. Could the World Government have sent them?

Then, a cold voice spoke from behind her.

"I suggest you stay still."

A blade lightly touched the back of Kikyo's neck. The cold steel made her freeze.

"When...?!" she whispered, shocked. She hadn't seen anyone approach, and now most of her warriors were already subdued. Even Elder Nyon (Gloriosa) had been restrained by the Uchiha prodigy, Shisui, his blade resting lightly on her shoulder.

Elder Nyon's expression was tense. These strangers were powerful—too powerful. Especially the young man who had spoken earlier. He seemed capable of wiping them out in an instant.

Elder Nyon spoke with measured calm. "Who are you?"

The Uchiha members' strange red eyes, spinning ominously, unnerved her.

Akira smiled gently, though it didn't ease the tension. "We are the Uchiha clan," he said. "Think of us as a hidden family. We have no ill intentions. We ended up here by accident while migrating, and now we're stranded. You know as well as we do how dangerous the Calm Belt is. We just need some help to get out."

Elder Nyon considered his words carefully. "I can't make that decision. It's up to the empress, Boa Hancock. She'll be back soon."

"Fine," Akira agreed. "We'll wait for her return."

He sheathed his blade, signaling the other Uchiha to do the same. The Amazon warriors were shocked—none of them had expected the men to withdraw so easily.

"But," Akira added, "my people are tired from the journey. We need food and a place to rest." He handed Elder Nyon a gold bar.

Elder Nyon took the gold, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "Very well," she said. "We'll welcome you into the village for now."

Akira returned to the Uchiha.

Kikyo was outraged. "Wait, Elder Nyon! How can you let them into the city? Especially with so many men!"

Elder Nyon wiped the sweat from her brow, her tone firm. "What choice do we have? Do you want them roaming the island freely? Didn't you notice their expressions when they put away their weapons?"

"They weren't the least bit concerned about us continuing to fight. They had no fear because they're confident they can wipe us out if we resist."

Kikyo hesitated, realizing that from the start, none of the Uchiha had shown any signs of worry, not even the elderly or the children. They exuded absolute confidence. "But still—"

The attitude of the Uchiha clan never changed, their absolute confidence and no fear of death were their nature.

"Enough!" Elder Nyon cut her off, her voice low but urgent. "You thought he was making a request? No. He was simply giving us notice. This is beyond our control now."

She sighed. "Empress Hancock will return soon. Our job now is to keep them calm until she arrives."

"Only she can deal with the Uchiha"
