New Home

(I assumed here that Amazon Lily is like a small country with a city and some villages)


The Uchiha clan followed the warrior women of Amazon Lily into the heart of their Women empire.

As they walked through the city, the Uchiha members couldn't help but marvel at their surroundings. The city, nestled within a low valley at the island's center, was dotted with castles built into the cliffs.

The architecture, while reminiscent of the traditional homes in Konoha, appeared more ornate, with an elegance and beauty that stood out. Everywhere, there were snake motifs—statues, carvings, and even live snakes coiled around the inhabitants, signifying a deep reverence for snake totems.

Soon, they arrived at a grand castle perched on one of the cliffs. The interior was vast, more than capable of housing the more than 300 members of the Uchiha clan.

"Dear guests," a warrior addressed them, "I apologize for the lack of proper accommodations. our Kuja (Nine-Snakes) Tribe has never had outsiders, so we don't have inns. Due to your... unique status, this is the best place we can offer."

Akira nodded graciously. "This is more than enough. We appreciate your hospitality."

The warrior gave a small bow but warned, "Please stay inside the castle until our Empress Bao Hancock returns. None of the island's women have ever seen men. If you wander about, it may lead to unnecessary misunderstandings."

"When will the Empress return?" Fugaku inquired.

"According to our estimates, it should be within the next two days. However, the sea is unpredictable, so I cannot guarantee it."

"Understood. I will ensure my people remain here," Akira assured her.

The Amazon warrior, relieved by his cooperation, excused herself. As she left, she couldn't shake the unsettling feeling Akira gave her. Despite his calm demeanor, there was something monstrous about his presence that kept her on edge.

Standing near Akira made her feel as if an immense pressure bore down on her, as though she was in the presence of a monster capable of ending her life with a single move. What she didn't realize, however, was that for Uchiha Akira, it would only take one move to annihilate hundreds like her.


After some time.

Soon, a variety of meals were prepared. For the trained senses of ninjas, distinguishing between poisonous and safe food was a simple task. Confirming that everything was safe to eat, the Uchiha clan members dined with confidence.

After enjoying their fill of food and drink, the exhaustion from their sudden departure from Konoha the previous night began to set in. One by one, they retired to rest, their fatigue finally catching up with them.

In a large room, the elders and elites of the Uchiha clan gathered around Akira.

"Akira," Fugaku began, "this place is ideal for us. The Calm Belt acts as a natural barrier, and the city's layout and resources seem perfectly suited for our clan's way of life. If we were to secure this island, it would greatly benefit our future."

Fugaku's eyes gleamed with ambition. Though Konoha had stifled him for years, his sharp leadership instincts had not dulled. Now that they had left their home, finding a place to rebuild the Uchiha legacy was paramount, and this island appeared to be the perfect opportunity.

Akira nodded thoughtfully. "I understand your perspective, Fugaku, but if we go about this carelessly, we will meet fierce resistance—possibly even more intense than what we faced in Konoha. A hostile takeover would destroy the island's natural balance and any potential benefits."

Uchiha Shisui, ever the diplomat, offered a solution. "What if I use Kotoamatsukami to control their leader, Boa Hancock?"

(Kotoamatsukami is the Distinguished Heavenly Gods genjutsu that allows the user to enter the mind of any individual within their field of view, and manipulate them by giving them false experiences, making it seem as if they were doing things of their own free will. Just a slave)

Akira shook his head. "While that's an effective strategy, it's overkill for this situation. The cooldown time of Kotoamatsukami is too long, and it shouldn't be wasted here. Besides, cooperation is a far better approach than domination. at this moment"

Inwardly, Akira contemplated, "Kotoamatsukami should be reserved for the future—for truly critical situations."

Akir knew that such a powerful jutsu shouldn't be used lightly, especially in this unfamiliar world where unforeseen challenges could arise at any moment.

"But will they even be willing to cooperate with us?" Uchiha Yashiro asked, skeptical. "They seem extremely xenophobic, showing much hatred of men."

The Uchiha clan could easily sense the intense hatred these women held toward men. It was palpable, an undercurrent of hostility that ran deep in their expressions and actions. What struck the Uchiha most was that these women didn't seem to have encountered many men before, if any at all. Their animosity seemed almost blind, fueled more by long-held beliefs and teachings than personal experience. To them, men were evil creatures—dangerous and vile by nature.

This deep-rooted prejudice, passed down through generations, felt almost irrational to the Uchiha, but it was undeniable. The clan understood they were walking on fragile ground, aware that one misstep could ignite a conflict.

Akira smiled confidently. "Leave that to me. We don't need to worry. I've already devised a plan."

From the moment Akira had arrived in this world, a grand plan had already formed in his mind for the future. Every step he took was deliberate, every action calculated. He knew that this new realm was just one of many that the Uchiha clan would encounter, but here, they would lay the foundation for their ultimate goal. This world, with its peculiar laws and hostility towards men, would serve as a stepping stone toward something far greater.

Akira was not one to leave things to chance. His sharp instincts and years of battle-hardened experience had taught him that preparation was the key to victory. And now, with the vast power of the Uchiha clan at his side, his vision for their future was clear—they would not just survive in these new worlds. They would conquer them, becoming a force so great that even the gods would take notice.

Fugaku raised an eyebrow. "It sounds like you've got something up your sleeve."

"That's right," Akira replied with a stretch. "For now, let's rest. We're going to be living in this world for quite a while."

His relaxed attitude eased some of the tension among the Uchiha leaders. Just a few days, the idea of a coup had weighed heavily on their minds. Even if the coup succeeded, the Uchiha would inevitably suffer losses.

But now, with Akira's assurance, they finally had seen hope. The future seemed brighter in this New World.

One day, they believed, they would return to Konoha and reclaim everything they had lost.


At the same time.

Outside the castle, Kikyo reported to Gloriosa (Elder Nyon). "They've settled in. After eating, they all seem to be resting."

Gloriosa, although without authority, still commanded respect. "Good. Keep a close eye on them, but do not provoke them."

"Yes, Granny Nyon," Kikyo replied, hesitating for a moment. "But… just who are they?"

Granny Nyon shook her head. "I have no idea. We receive so little news from the outside world here on Amazon Lily Island, but these people… they are dangerous. A powerful clan, no doubt."

"Without the Empress, if we were to fight them, Amazon Lily would suffer greatly. We must avoid conflict at all costs," she warned, her voice heavy with concern.

Kikyo nodded, her expression serious as she grasped the gravity of the situation. These outsiders, the Uchiha clan, were not just any ordinary intruders—they exuded a presence that was both formidable and unnervingly powerful. The moment they had prepared to fight, the entire clan radiated a bloodthirsty aura, as if they were ready to go to war at a moment's notice, without the slightest hesitation.

Such a fearsome clan, she realized, was one to be avoided for the time being. They were too dangerous to provoke, and a conflict now could spell disaster. For now, maintaining this fragile peace was the wisest choice, at least until the Empress returned.

In Kikyo's mind, only Boa Hancock, the Pirate Empress, had the strength and authority to deal with people as formidable as the Uchiha clan.
