The grind continues

It is now the weekend and Tetsuya and Isao were both learning senju taijutsu with Senju Magaru, The jonin who taught them how to use chakra.

As per the Clan leader's promise, they would be thought Taijutsu as well as Chakra control.

They were also given an additional 2500 ryo monthly as part of the sponsorship program.

They would be taught basic elemental Jutsu too but they had to start from the basics for now.

They would only be taught Elemental jutsu after they reached the 4th year of academy.


3 months later

"The curriculum of the academy mainly consisted of 6 subjects; Taijutsu, Bukijutsu, Ninjutsu, Mathematics, Strategy and Ethics class or as I call it, Brainwashing class.

Why the hell would ninja needs mathematics anyway?

To calculate the trajectory of a shuriken? If you're really fighting someone with a shuriken, you'll most likely just throw it instictively not by using some dumbass formula. 

Oh well, Good thing I am at University level so I am able to ace all of the theory exams but in practical exam I am currently 5th. So currently I'm placed 3rd overall.

Now I'm tied with Itachi during theorical exams but I am losing to him and Hyuga Hirata during taijutsu

And i'm losing to him and 3 other Uchiha during Bukijutsu exam. 

And for Ninjutsu training We're currently just doing the leaf sticking exercise. I'm currently first right now since I can stick it for more than 30 minutes most likely due to my chakra amount not my chakra control but Itachi is probably just a Shadow clone so it doesn't have much chakra.

Damn it! I should not compare myself to him since he's already activated his sharingan and he's probably graduating soon anyway.

Well, I probably won't graduate early since becoming a Ninja prematurely would just led me to be in danger and killed"


A month later, Itachi successfully graduated from the academy and become a Genin at the age of 6.

"Damn! It didn't even take him a year to graduate."


A year later

Tetsuya is currently a second year student and successfully mastered the Transformation jutsu

He then started working on his Sexy jutsu since it's a jutsu that even worked on the progenitor of chakra so learning it was must since it could be used as a surprise attack when in a pinch.

He also mastered the Tree climbing exercise and currently working on water walking.

His chakra tripled in size since he was using it daily with workouts but according to Senju Magaru his chakra size now was barely equivalent to a civilian genin. 

After Itachi left, He thought that He would eventually be the first in his class but then Uchiha Yuzume suddenly awakened his sharingan after his mom died during a mission so now he's stuck in second place again. 

He couldn't beat Hyuga Hirata in Taijutsu either because the gentle fist is the bane of taijutsu users like him since his taijutsu relied mostly on chakra to boost his speed and strength .

Senju Isao was currently ranked 15th in the class mainly because of his disastrous Theorical results but in term of Practical results, him and tetsuya were mostly tied with tetsuya winning 30% more most of the time. 

The reason why Tetsuya didn't train his chakra more is because he was mostly afraid of attracting Danzo and the third hokage's attention. 

During last year's entrance ceremony, the third hokage didn't show up since he was swamped with work due to the recent Kyubi rampage but this year he showed up and did a long-ass speech about the will of fire for 30 minutes. 

He would probably be forced to graduate if he showed too much potential especially since konoha is currently shorthanded.

During this period, Tetsuya and Isao both learned how to cook so they would take turns cooking to save money and spent most of their money on soldier pills since they need it for recharching chakra while training.

Also sometime earlier this year, Orochimaru defected after his human experiments were discovered. 

"Well that's a threat I don't have to think for at least 10 years. I was afraid that I would be kidnapped for Mokuton experiments especially since I'm a senju so that's a relief.

I'll probably become stronger if I somehow survive the Hashirama cells transplant but then I'll probably be stuck in the root then transfered to ANBU just like Yamato. 

I want to be strong to survive but I'm not dumb enough to take an unnecessary risk like that."


3 years later

"I am currently 10 years old and currently in my 4th year of academy.

During this period of time, my chakra finally reached the chunin level.

Aside from the lack of jutsu except the 3 basic academy jutsu. I am definitely able to graduate and become an elite among genins.

I also started learning Fuinjutsu but what was in the library was mostly just beginner stuff like calligraphy, basic storage scrolls and silence parchment.

I can now make both but fuinjutsu is so damn expensive and hard to learn. you just have to buy blank scrolls or parchment and ink but if you make a single mistake the thing can't be used anymore so you have to use another new parchment. That's why learning calligraphy is the first step to learning Fuinjutsu

It isn't cheap since I could buy 3 tonkotsu ramens with the price of a parchment at 250 ryo and a blank scroll costs 750 ryo. 

I tried selling them but nobody wanted a lesser quality storage scroll made by a beginner when you could get better ones from veterans at the same price. 

you also have to infuse chakra in each stroke so it tires you out real fast if you don't have enough chakra especially since I use my chakra for physical and chakra control training before doing fuinjutsu training.

On another note, I can finally beat Hyuuga Hirata and Uchiha Yuzume in taijutsu mostly due to my superior physique but I still can't beat Yuzume in Bukijutsu. 

Starting a year ago, I began to constantly wear weights because even after doubling my daily training routine, it wasn't challenging anymore. I am now currently wearing 32 kg weights with 8 kg on each limbs.

Starting this school year, The clan will also teach us Elemental jutsu. I don't have many expectations since what we'll be taught are D-C rank jutsus but mostly D-ranks since we're still Academy students.

Isao also pestered me multiple times to graduate early but I convinced him by saying that even if we become Genins we'll mostly just do the village's chores known as D-rank Mission so he reluctantly accepted it for now

We could probably participate in the chunin exam 6 months after graduating but why would I seek death by being a ninja early when I don't have to.

As a former adult, I now have a second chance to enjoy my childhood again so why would I rush to become an adult again.

Apart from that, A year ago, Hinata almost got kidnapped and Hiashi killed the kidnapper so his brother Hizashi was sent to die to appease Kumogakure.

And also, I saw Naruto the other day, He was just recently kicked out of his orphanage so he probably started to live alone.

I could probably become his friend but doing so will attract Danzo on me so sorry but you'll have to endure solitude and disdain for now.