Finally graduating

"After arriving in this world I finally noticed a glaring problem that I have, I'm a loner.

Aside from Isao, I don't have any other friends. and that is only because he talked to me first and the only reason he's still friends with me is probably because we're training together everyday and that we're neighbors. 

Aside from that we don't have any common interest or hobbies but Isao still talks and plays with the other Senju kids in other classes sometimes. so he's not friendless like me.

Not that I have any hobbies now since the entertainment in this world is so barren and even the books of this world are boring considering the top-selling book in this world is a smut novel.

I'm not an introvert or an antisocial but I don't know how to act as a kid. The only times I talk with other people my age is when they ask me something in theory class or when uchiha yuzume pesters me to spar. 

I will be in a team once I graduate so I should probably learn to mingle with other people.

I could probably create some playing cards and teach some kids to play so that I can get some extra allowance.

Oddly enough, this world doesn't have western playing cards even if it has things such as television and radio. Not that there is something entertaining on the TV here anyway." 

Tetsuya succesfully created playing cards. good thing he learned calligraphy so he could make the cards flawlessly.

He began to teach rummy to Isao and he got addicted. After that, rummy spread around his class so most of his classmate started to play with him and Isao when they had free time.

Soon enough, the playing cards were noticed by Senju Basara so Tetsuya was offered 5 million right and a Jutsu of his choice for the copyright for the cards.

tetsuya accepted since they could probably copy the cards even without his approval since the copyright laws of this world weren't that strict if not nonexistant. But now he got free 5 million ryo and a free Jutsu.

He took the Shadow clone as the jutsu since it would help him very much in his training. An obvious choice for a Naruto fan. And on top of that, He was a senju so the side effects of shadow clone training wouldn't be as high as it is for other people due to his high vitality.


A year later

29th July Year 56 of konoha

Tetsuya's chakra soon reached jonin level. And with the help of shadow clone he successfully learned earth nature transformation alongside 3 D-rank earth jutsu and 4-C rank earth jutsu.

As for lightning nature, He hasn't learned much since the Senju clan only had mostly Earth and Water Jutsu.

He used the 5 million ryo he got to buy a good quality Ninjato.

Since he had Lightning chakra, It was a waste not to use it. Now he had a way to fight in the mid-range. He could barely inject lightning chakra into the blade so now his current routine is Physical training, sparing with Isao then lightning nature transformation training until he exhausted his chakra and his shadow clones were training earth nature.

He had hoped to find about the Light-Weight Rock technique and Added-Weight Rock Technique but it turns out that both were S-rank secret jutsu of Iwagakure so he had no choice but to give up.

He could currently withstand 4 clones worth of memories. He'll probably stick with this number until his mental resilience is strong enough to withstand more when he reaches puberty. 

The weight he is now wearing are a total of 80kg with 20kg on each limb.

He's now the uncontested number 1 in the academy. except in Bukijutsu since he is still behind Uchiha Yuzume.

But he wasn't salty about this since Yuzume is a dead man anyways and no Kage-level ninjas use shurikens and kunais anyways. So it's ok even if he's not first. 

His strength is now equivalent to a full-blown chunin so he was proud of himself. He still had around 7 years until the start of the main story so his goal now was to reach Kage level.

He had 5 months until graduation so added 20 more kg to the weights he was wearing. 


some days after this, Shisui's body was found on the Naka river with both eyes being plucked.

"Shisui is now dead so Itachi has opened the Mangekyou.

Damn it. Just as I reach the chunin level, He reaches the Kage-level.

The uchiha genocide is probably in 2 years at most at this point.

Also on another note, It is a strange coincidence but as I graduate the academy, Naruto and his friends will enter."


5 months later

Tetsuya easily passed the graduation exam since it was just the clone jutsu.

And during the graduation ceremony after Utsuro Shoyo's long speech about the will of fire and whatnot, he finally announced the team composition:

"Team 1: Senju Tetsuya, Hyuga Hirata, Maji Kayo and their jonin sensei will be Senju Magaru."

Tetsuya was happy with his current team since he was very familiar with Magaru and Hirata

Especially with Hirata, ever since he tried to cheat in rummy by using byakugan. they became close friends since then, occasionally sparing and training but mostly rummy buddies. 

"Kayo's the only person I'm not familiar with but she got medical training since her mother was and Iryonin at the general hospital, In fact it was her mother who took care of me during my coma when I first came to this world. So i'll help her as much as I can."

And my current team is balanced so I probably got the best team out of all the students here. Being the number one is really a free pass to success. 

And Danzo probably won't show his ugly face to me because I'm the genius senju sponsored by the Clan so he won't be able to recruit as long as I act according to the clan's wishes.

"Team 2: Uchiha Yuzume, Senju Isao, Shimura Tae and their Jonin Sensei will be Ketsuno Ana"

"Well Yuzume and Isao are friends so there shouldn't be any problems but it's so weird seeing an Uchiha and a Senju in the same team.

but is Shimura tae a spy of danzo or just a normal student since they are from the same clan?"

30 minutes after all the teams were announced Senju Magaru came to pick up his team.