Getting humbled

After Senju Magaru took them out of the classroom, They finally arrived at the No.1 Tranining ground. 

Apparently Each team in the Elite Class were granted a training ground according to their team name for a year once they graduated.

While the elite were given everything they needed to succeed, the civilians from the genin corps aren't even given a chunin-sensei. As for training, they probably have none whatsoever. They even have to pay from their own pocket if they want to do any training.

They most likely just form random teams with other genins and enter D-rank mission Hell. 

"Thank god I was born in the senju, Even if my team wasn't given a training ground I could just use the Clan land's training ground but the genin corps especially the orphans now had to spend their meager money to even train."

Also, it turns out that after a team completes a mission, they are awarded a certain number of merits according to the mission rank which are exchangable for jutsus. That's probably how the civilians get their Jutsus.


"Well then, My name is Senju Magaru. I'll be your Jonin-sensei from now on. So starting off, You should introduce yourselves and tell me your strong points and dreams."

Hirata started off:

"My name is Hyuga Hirata, I specialize in the Gentle fist of the Hyuga cland so I'm a taijutsu ninja. I am also a tracking ninja. As for my dream....I want to be free."

"That's a relief that I wasn't born in the Hyuga clan. Imagine being enslaved since childhood by people for no valid reason. You're even forced to be married when you're of age so that your child could be branded with the Caged bird. 

I don't even understand why Hashirama allowed the Hyuga to enter Konoha. Such blatant slavery and he still considers them as friends of the same village."

"My name is Maji Kayo, I'm good at Medical ninjutsu. My dream is to become a great ninja like Lady Tsunade"

"Well, good luck with that. She probably won't die like a nameless NPC since she's a medical ninja but she's probably just going to be a random Iryonin in the hospital once she grows up."

It was finally Tetsuya's turn:

"My name is Senju tetsuya. I'm a mostly balanced ninja but while my taijutsu is better now, I want to specialize in ninjutsu. And My dream is to become the strongest ninja to have ever lived." 

Senju Magaru:" Since we're done with the introduction. We'll now be doing a sparring exercise to assess your capabilities. Do it with the intention to kill me since you guys probably won't be able to anyway."

"Oh, surprisingly he didn't threaten us with that return to academy if we failed the test spiel.

It's probably because Konoha is still currently shorthanded or is it because Kakashi was just a special case since he didn't want to be a leading Jonin to begin with."


All three immediately took an offensive stance while Tetsuya readied a shuriken

As Magaru gave the starting signal, Tetsuya Immediately threw a shuriken and moved backwards to make space and so did Kayo.

Magaru easily dodged the shurikens and Hirata immediately rushed towards him to engage in taijutsu.

Hirata couldn't even touch him and got kicked in the guts after trying to him for 30 seconds.

After HIrata got kicked and flew several meters away and sprawled on the floor, Tetsuya immediately approached Magaru and used the Earth Release: Earth Flow River technique once he got close.

Magaru instantly retreated once he saw the mud forming under his feet. While he was retreating Kayo threw multiple shurikens at him. He parried some of them with a kunai and dodged the rest.

Tetsuya then used the Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet using the mud he created to pursue Magaru.

Magaru ran towards Kayo while he was dodging so Tetsuya had to stop his jutsu.

Kayo prepared to intercept Magaru with shuriken but he dodged and punched her in the gut so she fainted.

afterwards, Magaru immediately rushed towards Tetsuya who was panicked so he made a shadow clone while retreating using the Body flicker Technique. 

The clone didn't even serve as a distraction since It was immediately dispelled with a Kick then Magaru rushed towards Tetsuya and punched him in the chin so he fainted without even being able to react.


After 30 minutes, Tetsuya and Kayo finally woke up while Hirata was still massaging his abdomen while sitting on the ground.

"Damn! we didn't even last ten minutes. I thought that I was strong enough to contend with him for a while but it turns out I don't even count as a waste of time. I was panicking so much when he rushed at me that I couldn't even do the sexy jutsu. If it had been a real fight against a real enemy, I would've already died."

While all three of them were sitting on the ground making ugly faces, Senju magaru talked while wearing a mischievious grin

"Well then, this should've opened your eyes. You guys probably thought you would be able to at least injure me since you all were the best in the academy.

I agree that you guys were, but that's just among academy students and genins. 

I did that to curb your arrogance so you don't go around underestimating other people and die miserably.

While you all have solid basic skills, You only used those skills in a controlled environment where you guys didn't have any risky or unpredictable situations. 

My role as a teacher is to train you guys and let you guys gain experience to survive in the Ninja world.

If you guys do well enough during the next 6 months I will let you guys participate in the Chunin in July so I expect you guys to do your best until then."

Both Hirata and Kayo were excited upon hearing this, while Tetsuya was pondering: 

"Isn't it too premature to take the chunin exam now?

Is the village that desperate now?

We could probably pass it since the opponents will be fellow genins not higher level opponents and I don't think someone like Orochimaru sneaking into a children's exam is a common occurence.

I probably don't have a choice since Hirata and Kayo will resent me to death if I don't participate. I can always give up in the third exam if push comes to shove so there should not be any problem with participating.

Getting higher rank Jutsus from the clan in the name of preparing for the Chunin exam should be doable."

Senju Magaru: "Since everyone is motivated then, our schedule for the next six months will be 2 D-rank mission and a C-rank mission per week. We'll also be training 3 days a week together to give you guys time to do personal training."

"Hirata will probably do training with his clan while Kayo will be training at the hospital with her mother.

I'll have to convince the clan to get me a Kenjutsu teacher since my current kenjutsu is just swinging my sword around and hoping for the best."