The Third Phase

There was now a month long break before the start of the 3rd exam.

Magaru told them that they all should train alone during this period. He probably did this to not show preferential treatment for a student in particular. He was absolutely biased towards Tetsuya since they were from the same clan and Tetsuya was basically a child he raised from childhood but he still asked them to train alone to show fairness.

"A man of virtue and fairness, I like it. Only Kakashi can show such blatant favoritism, I guess."

During the first week of training, Tetsuya tried to replicate Kumo's Lightning Chakra Mode by coating lightning chakra on his limbs to try if he could boost his speed but he instead just tear up his muscles and was sent to the hospital for a week.

He first tried it on shadow clones but they immediately popped once the lightning chakra was circulated a bit so he had no choice but to do it using his main body.

"Why was I dumb enough to try something like that? Even Killer B didn't master it so what was I thinking? 

My train of thought was probably: I have a lightning nature and the Lightning Chakra Mode looks cool and OP so why not try it.

The Raikages could probably learn it due to their very strong body. They were all buff as hell.

The third Raikage's body was so broken that even a Rasenshuriken to the face couldn't damage his body even though it had attribute advantage. I would probably have to do a crazy body training to even attempt that technique again."


After getting discharged from the hospital, Tetsuya decided to ask the clan leader for a genjutsu instructor to build resistance since apparently Uchiha Yuzume already had a three tomoe sharingan and he nearly got done in by a genin's genjutsu back in the forest of death.

The Clan leader accepted and tried to hire a Kurama jonin but they refused since a person from their clan was also participating so helping someone beaten their own wasn't OK with them.

So they decided to hire a random Genjutsu jonin instead.

During the few weeks preceding the 3rd exam, Tetsuya constantly sparred with the jonin to help him detect a genjutsu and dispel it even while in combat.

He also learned a new B-rank jutsu called Earth release: Earth Rampart(Kakashi's technique) which was the advanced version of the C-rank eath wall that he learned previously.


Time passed quickly and it was now time for the 3rd exam.

When he arrived at the arena, Tetsuya quickly noticed a betting stand.

He checked the odds and his odds are at 1.4 only beaten by Yuzume who was at 1.2

The civilian ninjas's odds were at a whopping 10.

"Uchiha supremacist much? I know he has a three tomoe sharingan but I'm the seeded player and I'm also a Senju who were the Uchiha's rivals for almost a thousand years.

The Senju sure have fallen hard since Tsunade left, haven't they."

He decided to bet on himself by wagering half of his fortune which was 400.000 ryo

While he would only get 160.000 ryo of profit even if he won the whole thing, It was mostly just to motivate himself that if he didn't win, He would lose 400.000 ryo.


The candidates finally all arrived and Hiruzen did a speech about fairplay and whatnot then the first round began.

"Fairplay? Aren't we ninjas? Aren't we supposed to lurk around and backstab instead?

It was probably just a speech for the VIPs present."


The first rounds were over smoothly without any major upsets.

All of Tetsuya's teammates were succesfully able to enter the second round so they should be able to be promoted to chunin.

It was now time for the second round and finally Tetsuya's turn.

Tetsuya was previously asked not to use his sword since it was friendly competition. This is also one of the reasons why he was offered the seed position instead of Yuzume.


It was now Tetsuya vs Hyuga Seiya

Both contestants were now in the middle of arena, taking an offensive stance.

As soon as the proctor gave the starting signal, Seiya started to rush towards Tetsuya immediately but tetsuya used Earth Flow River to quickly turn the ground in front of him into mud so Seiya had to dodge sideways.

Tetsuya also retreated backwards while leaving 2 shadow clones. 

The first clone quickly used the mud to launch the Earth Dragon Bullet and the second on used Lighning ball while Tetsuya was retreating towards the Arena walls.

Seiya desperately dodged the onslaught of attacks and finally gave up after a few minutes since he had no defensive jutsu like the eight-trigram rotation nor a long-range attack such as the air palm and he didn't even have leisure to throw some kunais or shurikens.

Thus winning Tetsuya his first round successfully.

Tetsuya was quite adept at dealing with Hyugas since his teammate was one himself and a better one at that.

Even Hirata who was quite proud of his gentle fist was always bullied at a distance by Tetsuya when they sparred so he finally decided to learn elemental jutsus.


While Tatsuya was chilling in the stands while eating a soldier pill to recover his chakra,

His second opponent was finally decided. Hirata beat Isao since Isao had the genius Idea to engage a taijutsu specialist like Hirata in close combat.

While it could've worked against other Hyuga, Hirata was quite familiar with Senju taijutsu since Hirata and I have been sparing for more than 6 years. And even more so during the last 6 months.

He won't probably be able to distance himself from hirata either since Hirata should've studied how to to fight me and was quite adept at forcing close combat so there's not much surprise there.

Kayo also lost against Yuzume. She was certainly a genius since she learned the Chakra scalpel during this month but the sharingan is just a broken cheat.

She will most definitely get promoted since she's medical ninja not a frontline fighter but even so, she made it this far.


Hirata and Tetsuya were now in the ring, staring down at each other.

As soon as the match started, Hirata immediately threw shurikens and rushed towards tetsuya to interrupt the seals he was making. Tetsuya was soon forced into close combat.

Both of them fought back and forth, with Tetsuya mostly just parrying to avoid his tenketsu being poked.

After a minute long stalemate, Tetsuya finally found a gap to make a shadow clone and the shadow clone immediately used the Lightning release Thunderbird. Hirata immediately countered with a Rotation which blew the jutsu away. 

While Hirata was blocking with the Rotation, Tetsuya finally had the leisure to throw 3 explosive tag kunais at him. It quickly stopped the technique and sent Hirata flying backwards.

While Hirata quickly recovered, He was already in Tatsuya's preferred range.

After that, Tetsuya spammed his rapid fire jutsus and all Hirata could do was the rotation which quickly drained his chakra prompting him to give up shortly after.


Shortly after, the other semi-final was also finished.

The Final match would be: Senju Tetsuya VS Uchiha Yuzume.