The Finals

Senju Vs Uchiha for the finals, huh?

The tournament bracket was most definitely rigged wasn't it?

I think they wanted to get a hype match for the finals since even If I lost, they'd still get a classic Byakugan vs Sharingan match.

After a 30 minutes intermission to let both contestants rest, It was finally time for the finals.

While the two of them were mostly evenly matched during their academy days, Tetsuya won most of the time because of his better physique and having more than 2 times Yuzume's chakra amount but back then, Yuzume was still a single tomoe sharingan.

Now, Yuzume had a three tomoe sharingan and was also fully supported by his clan's resources after he activated his three tomoe. So this battle would without a doubt be a tough battle if not the toughest battle he ever had.

Both contestants were now In the middle of the ring waiting for the starting signal.

As the starting signal was given, Tetsuya immediately created 4 clones instead and the clones rushed towards Yuzume. 

Yuzume who already activated his sharingan casually got rid of the clones one by one while approaching Tetsuya.

As Yuzume was about to dispatch the last clone, Tetsuya used the Thunderbird Jutsu using the clone as cover but Yuzume saw through this and easily dodged the attack.

Having no choice but to engage in close combat, Tetsuya immediately used the Iron skin jutsu on his arms and rushed towards Yuzume.

The two of them then engaged in taijutsu, while Tetsuya could barely block Yuzume's attack, He couldn't hit Yuzume at all since all of his attacks were parried or dodged.

Seeing that he won't be hitting Yuzume anytime soon, He switched to a defensive strategy to tire out his opponent since he had superior stamina. 

After a few more exchanges, Yuzume finally saw through Tetsuya's plan and he decided to retreat and prepare a stronger jutsu to break Tetsuya's defenses.

Tetsuya, knowing that his strategy was exposed immediately pursued Yuzume but Yuzume quickly launched a single seal fireball jutsu.

Tetsuya successfully blocked most of the attack thanks to the ironskin jutsu but was blown back by the attack's shockwave.

While he was landing, Yuzume finally finished the seals for His B-rank Great Dragon Fire and launched it at Tetsuya.

Seeing that he wouldn't be able to dodge, Tetsuya Quickly made the seals for the Earth Rampart Jutsu.

Tetsuya's jutsu successfully blocked the attack but crumbled soon after.

As the two of them locked eyes, Tetsuya made up his mind and steeled his determination to end this fight in the next exchange. Yuzume who saw this also took an offensive stance and prepared to finally end the fight.

As the surrounding crowd cheered on, Tetsuya rushed towards Yuzume at full speed while making the ram seal on his hands.

Seeing the seal Tetsuya was making, Yuzume put his full focus on him to anticipate what he would do next but Yuzume couldn't have ever imagine that Tetsuya would suddenly transform into a blonde woman in swimsuit with a 106 cm chest.

As Yuzume was stunned seeing this, Tetsuya quickly punched him real hard on the face, knocking him out.

The crowd went silent, Tetsuya dispelled his transformation and after a few seconds, the proctor finally came to his senses and checked on Yuzume who was on the ground.

The proctor finally announced that Tetsuya was the winner.

Tetsuya was now being booed by the crowd and would soon gain the nickname "Senju pervert".

Shortly after, Tetsuya was congratulated by Hiruzen with a handshake.

This damn closet pervert. That was your student you watched grow up that I transformed into. Why the hell did you get a nosebleed?

And you most definitely peep with your crystal everyday so why do you get weaker to naked woman instead of building a resistance.

Was this my first time having a conversation with canon character if I don't count Teuchi

After returning to the stands, Kayo looked at him like he was trash while Magaru and Hirata just gave him a thumbs-up. Isao also just laughed and congratulated him.

Hiruzen's closing speech was finally finished so he headed to the betting stand to pick up his earnings.

On his way out, Magaru told him that the clan leader wanted to talk to him privately.

As he was heading the clan land, He got stopped on the way by Yuzume and got hit by the classic I'll never lose to you again speech.

Well, technically, he's right since he'll be dead in a year so he'll never lose to me again.

As tetsuya arrived to the clan leader's house, He soon got congratulated for winning the tournament but then he got scolded for using the sexy jutsu and was forbidden from using Tsunade's appearance when using that jutsu.

I was forbidden to use Tsunade's appearance but they didn't stop me from using the jutsu itself.

While I won thanks to the sexy jutsu in the end, I'll probably be maidenless for the next few years because of that, won't I?

It was now the next day, and all of those who participated in the 3rd exam were called to the hokage's office.

They didn't announce who were promoted yesterday as to not embarrass those who didn't in front of a full arena crowd.

Both Tetsuya and Isao's team all got promoted since they all got to the quarter finals at least.

While Seiya also made it to the quarter finals, He didn't have any means to combat at a distance so he didn't get promoted.

All of those who passed were soon given the classic konoha flak jacket and gloves to demonstrate that they were now chunin.

As a congratulation gift, Magaru invited them to do an A-rank mission.

The mission was to hunt a group of rogue Kiri ninjas who trespassed into the country of fire.

While Hirata and Kayo were both excited, Tetsuya could only feel an impending sense of doom since he couldn't refuse.

Goddamn social norms! You'll be the death of me.

While the mission was accomplished without any major issues, this was without a doubt, still a kind of mission above their pay grade.

This was their first time fighting with their life truly on the line. They were outnumbered by 3 to 1 so they were all pushed to their absolute limits while they fought.

One of them would've probably died if Magaru wasn't there so they all decided to stick to B-rank missions for the time being.