Videl vs Spopovich - Gohan's Primal Rage

Videl walked side by side with her opponent, Spopovich, as the crowd cheered them on. The unitard-wearing giant looked as if he was on every performance-enhancing supplement in the books. His veins, which bulged out from his pale skin, were larger than Videl's noodly arms and his fists were bigger than her head. Just a single one of his arms was the size of her entire body, if they were to be weighed, they would probably weigh as much as the young lady.

Still, Videl knew that size nor gender wouldn't impact the outcome. Being the daughter of Mr. Satan and Son Gohan's student, she was confident that she could win. She had to win if she wanted to fight Gohan during the next round. 

She glanced up at Spopovich for a second, curiously gazing upon that 'M' shaped tattoo on his bald head. She was so enamored by it that she failed to notice the way Shin was looking at the man. That permanent smile that he wore had faded, even he looked worried about the hulking giant. 

By the time they'd reached the stage, standing face to face at its center, their height difference was at full display. Spopovich looked like some sort of feral beast, breathing harshly through his clenched teeth. Videl couldn't help but wear a look of disgust, staring at the man with her eyebrows scrunched together.

'What a freak,' she thought. 

Still, the moment the announcer told them to begin, Videl didn't hesitate. She figured that speed would be on her side; in an instant, she was on top of him, delivering blows to his lower body with the quickness of a feline. These strikes were low in power, but efficient and speedy, the sheer amount of them nearly toppled the giant to his knees.

Feeling the man ready to buckle and yield, Videl delivered a potent and decisive kick to Spopovich's gut, knocking him down and sending him flying to a sliding stop at the ring's edge.

Spopovich, despite taking quite the beating, was back on his feet in no time. Videl was surprised; nonetheless, she wouldn't give him a second to recover. She threw herself at the giant, once more, she delivered these quick blows to his midsection. However, Spopovich was fighting back this time, deflecting her blows and throwing a couple of his own.

Still, he was big and slow in comparison to Mr. Satan's daughter, she danced around his fists with the grace of a trained dancer and the speed of a wildcat. Spopovich, as if possessed by a bear, roared at the female fighter before lunging at her with wide arms. Unfortunately for him, Videl would reject his offer of a hug and slide beneath his legs, catching him off guard.

The moment he turned to face her, the bottom of her boot introduced itself to his face, sending the giant toppling down like a stone statue, face-down onto the stage. The crowd exploded, though their cheers would cease upon seeing Spopovich rise to his feet once more.

His already sporadic breathing became all the more harsh as bloodshed was etched across his bloodshot eyes. For a moment, Videl was struck by a bolt of fear, though she pushed it aside with the rest of her doubts.

Spopovich put his head down and charged the young woman like a bull with horns, though she would simply counter by flipping the monstrous man onto his head, using his own weight and momentum against him.

By this point, Videl's breathing was harsh. She wondered how the hell this guy kept getting up after taking so many blows to the head. At this point, she wondered if he was even human.

The wild bull became a wild dog, snarling and foaming at the mouth as he glared at his opponent. This time, Videl failed to push aside that fear that once nearly overwhelmed her. There was something off about this guy; something supernatural. And if this fight were to continue, Videl knew that it would spell bad news for her.

She needed to end this as soon as possible; before he could fully recover, Videl lunged at the man, abandoning a fraction of her quickness for more power! With everything she had, Videl caved in her opponent's chest with a stone-cracking kick. Before losing all of her momentum, she threw her right fist at the giant's face, landed, and then kneed him in the jaw with every ounce of her strength. 

She was starting to use strength that was borderline superhuman, delivering blows that would kill a normal man. Still, Spopovich was far beyond that and she knew it. The question would be, is this enough to take the giant down?

The answer is a resounding no.

As Spopovich rose to his feet, Gohan knew that something wasn't right. Still, he believed Videl could come out on top, but only if she ended this fight within the next minute.

Videl thought the same; no, she knew the same. There wasn't much left in her tank. If this giant remained undefeated for another thirty seconds, she wouldn't have enough energy to defend herself.

"Gohan," Vegeta said. "If you value that girl's life, I say you tell her to quit while she's ahead. Now."

Meanwhile, the bottom of Videl's foot collided with Spopovich's face, leaving a mark beneath that 'M' shaped tattoo he wore. After she knocked him down, Videl refused to relent. She chased the man down, attacking him with a mixture of quick, steady blows and slower, more assertive strikes. 

Again, her knee met his chin; this time, she was certain that it was over. She placed her hands on her knees as she caught her breath, but Spopovich wasn't done. With the nastiest of grins, Spopovich giggled at the young woman, looking down at her as if she were a plate of medium-rare steak. 

All it took was one punch from Spopvich to send Videl flying; one punch was all it took to end this fight. Or so, one would think. Just before Videl would hit the ground outside of the ring, she began to fly and pulled herself back onto the main stage. 

"Hell yeah! Great job, Videl!" Gohan said.

Vegeta said not a word. He already gave Gohan his advice; all he would give him at this point was the occasional glance or two. 

'I need to end this NOW,' Videl thought. 'I have to put everything... EVERYTHING into this next attack or else I'm done for. I can't afford to hold back my attacks against this guy; he is not human.'

Still having some of her wits about her, Videl flew toward Spopovich, building momentum that wouldn't be possible without ki control, and soccer kicked Spopovich right in his smug jaw. 

She put everything into this attack; perhaps she put too much into it as Spopovich's neck was completely turned around. The crowd groaned, watching the deadman's body hit the ground. The announcer stepped forward, ready to proclaim Videl as being disqualified.

However, Spopovich rose to his feet, despite the fatal wound.

Once he stood, you could hear his bones cracking and his flesh contorting as he fixed his neck. Right then, Videl had checked out of the fight. There was nothing left for her to try; that was her most effective attack.

"Vegeta was right..." Krillin said. "She needs to get out of there."

Videl tried to fly away from Spopovich, but the bald-headed brute was right behind her, chasing her into the sky. By this point in their battle, Videl had been completely stricken by fear, such that she was frozen in place. Before she knew it, Spopovich fired an energy wave at her, sending her spiraling back toward the Earth.

The moment she and the stage were once again acquainted, Spopovich kicked her in the midsection and the girl collapsed. Spopovich could've simply knocked her off the stage then; but instead, he stood atop her and threw his fists into her motionless body. With each connection, Videl's agonizing wails resounded throughout the arena and blood spewed from between her scratched lips. Still, Videl had but a single thought in her mind.

'I can't give up,'

And so, rolled away from the man's fists and started counterattacking with her speed. However, Spopovich simply caught her fist with the palm of his hand. He then spun her over his head as if she were some toy before throwing her off of the stage.

The fight was over, Videl couldn't summon the energy to fly once more. Unfortunately for her, Spopovich grabbed her leg before she could fall off of the stage and pulled her back in.

He then began kicking her across the stage like a child playing with a ball until he grew bored. Soon enough, his massive hands were wrapped around Videl's cranium. He held her like she was his trophy, glancing over at Gohan before he began pummeling her face.

Videl's cries continued to fill the arena as Spopovich began losing control. If this kept up, it was only a matter of time until he killed Videl. 

Still, he wanted to savor this. He began punching her in the midsection, hard enough to cause her to spew blood, but lacking the amount of force to kill her. His fist could be heard clenching before he upped the anty, punching her so hard, she slid across the arena and came to a stop right at the edge of the arena.

Despite taking such a brutal beating, Videl still chose to stand.

"Videl! Get out of there! If you keep going, Spopovich is going to kill you!" Gohan yelled. However, Videl ignored him. She wasn't going to go down without a fight, even if it did kill her.

As she approached the giant, he licked his lips before snatching the girl by the hair. Videl's shrieks were beyond that of someone losing a fight. If you were to close your eyes and just listen, you would think that some animal was being tortured to death, its flesh being torn from bone as its high-pitched voice called out to someone-- anyone to help.

Again, the monstrosity pummeled her to near death before tossing her to the ground.

Gohan began to tremble; his fists clenched as he tried to keep his Saiyan rage from causing him to lose control. Krillin and the others took a step back, knowing the amount of raw power that resided inside of that boy and wanting to be as far away from the oncoming rampage as possible.

Vegeta, however, stood still as stone. In fact, he grinned at the boy, feeling his power surging as it did back when they were fighting Cell all those years ago. 

Spopovich placed his foot on Videl's skull her excruciating cries continued to non-verbally call out for help. She felt that at any moment, her skull would burst and her brain matter would be nothing more than a stain beneath Spopovich's boot.

Meanwhile, a golden aura started to surround Gohan. His glasses exploded off his face and the bandana he wore was ripped to shreds by his golden hair as he began to transform into a Super Saiyan. At least, that was the first step of his transformation. Lightning began to crackle around his clenched fists as he pictured the millions of ways he would rip Spopovich apart. 

"Gohan... maybe you should-" Krillin tried to calm him down, but the Super Saiyan's ice-cold glare shut him up entirely. 

Gohan let out an earsplitting scream as his hair extended even further toward the heavens and he'd finished his transformation, once again achieving the state of a Super Saiyan 2. Vegeta smirked, watching as Gohan threw himself onto the stage like a speeding bullet. 

One moment, Spopovich was on top of Videl, and the next, he was being held up at the throat by the Super Saiyan. "You bastard... who the hell do you think you are..." Gohan roared, his voice sending tremors throughout the arena. "Beating up on a high school girl like some tough guy; why don't fight someone your own size?"

As Gohan lectured the brute, Spopovich began clawing at the Super Saiyan's arm, ripping through his clothes but failing to even break the skin. Gohan looked deeply into the man's eyes with his bluish irises, as if he were trying to find even a small piece of humanity behind them. 

He couldn't.

"What even are you? You're no man, you're a monster," Gohan said, exhaling through his nose. "You wouldn't be the first monster I killed. All it'll take is a little bit more pressure..." Gohan began tightening his grip around Spopovich's neck, such that the man's airway was almost blocked entirely. Spopovich started to turn pink; still, he clawed at Gohan, this time trying to dig his fingers into the boy's face, but it had the same effect as an infant trying to claw at metal. 

"...And I could pop your head like a water balloon. In front of all these people too, I don't care. I won't let a monster like you live on my planet, not while I'm here. I can't stand people like you..." As Gohan strangled the man, images of his past began flooding into his mind.

His uncle, Raditz, was the first to emerge from his memory. Gohan still remembered the fear he felt back when Raditz took him away from his family, it was almost as if that memory had happened the day before, it was so fresh in his mind. Then, he pictured Frieza. The way that the monster killed villagers and Krillin with no remorse made him sick to his stomach. He remembered being so afraid back then. He was afraid to fight, but he knew that he had to if he wanted to protect his home-- to protect his mother.

Of course, there was Cell.

He remembered being afraid until one moment, he snapped. That was the moment fear died within Gohan and was replaced with primal rage. A rage that had been present throughout his entire childhood, but wouldn't be unleashed until that very moment. 

"No more..." Gohan mumbled. "I'm not letting you people bring fear and pain to my world anymore! People like you are the reason why my father is gone! He can never come back! And I'll make sure, that never happens again."

With those words said, Gohan knew that there was only one thing left to do. He drew his breath and prepared to end the man in front of him.