Bibidi Babidi Buu

Gohan's turquoise eyes were like knives, drilling through Spopovich's retina and piercing his soul. Gohan had already vowed not to let fear overcome him again; on the other hand, fear had overwhelmed Spopovich for the first time since the tournament began. Gohan was intent on keeping his promise-- intent on squeezing the life out of the hairless freak as if siphoning juice from citrus.

However, his promise would have to be postponed. 

Suddenly, Gohan felt as if he'd lost control of his body. He could only move his eyes, and as he did so, he could see Shin standing beside the stage, his hands outstretched as if the sudden paralysis was his doing.

'You...' Gohan thought; it was then that he released Spopovich, and the two of them began to plummet toward the stage.

"What are you doing to Gohan!" Krillin barked at Shin, ready to intervene.

"You have to trust me!" Shin told him, straining as he contained Gohan's power. "No matter what, you can't intervene."

Vegeta leaned forward, lacking the intent to step in, yet he was still vaguely suspicious of the mysterious young man. "And why should we believe a word that comes from your mouth?" he asked him, not expecting the answer to nearly floor him.

"He's the Supreme Kai," Piccolo told them. "I knew there was a higher level of Kai out there, but to think he would come to Earth of all places... I say we listen."

"What he says is true," said Shin's partner, finally speaking. "My name is Kibito, I am the Supreme Kai's assistant. Our intentions will be clear in due time, but what you must know now is what is about to happen to Gohan is necessary for the protection of your planet; no, the universe entirely."

Just then, a man who looked like a skinnier version of Spopovich appeared, lunging at the Saiyan with a strange device, one reminiscent of a genie's lamp. His name was Yamu; like the giant, he was bald, pasty, and had an 'M' shaped tattoo drawn on his forehead. "Spopovich, grab him and don't let go!" he yelled, and the bald giant did just that. Like a bear, he hugged Gohan from behind and held onto the Saiyan as if his life depended on it.

Just then, Yamu impaled Gohan with the mysterious device, and the Super Saiyan let out one monstrous, planet-shaking roar. Krillin's instincts pulled him toward the stage; he needed to help Gohan, from his point of view, these men were killing him. However, Piccolo grabbed the human by the shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.

"You have to trust the Supreme Kai," he said. "Trust that Gohan will be okay."

Meanwhile, Gohan's screams began to wane and were replaced by whines and exasperated breaths as his hair was restored to its raven color. The bluish hues of his irises had faded, and the light that gleamed from them faded. He was losing consciousness and all his friends and family could do was watch. 

Clinging to her own consciousness, Videl glanced up at the Saiyan. "Gohan..." she mumbled; a single tear began to fall from her face as guilt overwhelmed her. Despite not knowing Gohan seven years ago, after seeing him in his Super Saiyan state, she remembered why she always felt a sense of familiarity around him.

She found herself reminiscing about the time she watched the Cell Games on TV all those years ago. A boy was fighting Cell, he had long, golden hair that was so spiky, that it looked as if it could impale a person. When she first saw him, she was enamored by him. Her father always told her that if she were to ever have a boyfriend, he needed to be strong. She thought, just for a moment, that maybe she and that boy could meet one day. However, she figured it would never happen.

Yet, there she was, being protected by the 'Golden Fighter' himself; though her own weakness put him in danger.

"It's almost over," Kibito said quietly. "All he has to do is hold on for a little longer."

Yamu and Spopovich chuckled amongst one another as their strange device began to emit a blinding light. Gohan's screams resounded once more; it sounded as if he was knocking at death's door until there was one final explosion of light. 

"It's done..." said Yamu. "We have all the energy we need."

As the light faded, Gohan was seen falling to his knees at center stage. Just as his body lay flat on the ground, Yamu and Spopovich flew away from the venue, holding on to the energy they stole from Gohan as if their lives depended on it.

"It's finally over," said Shin, holding an arm outward to hold back the Z-Fighters. "But don't touch him. Allow Kibito to do what needs to be done. Meanwhile, I'm going to follow those two. Feel free to follow me if you'd like."

Shin took off toward the heavens in an instant, disappearing beyond the clouds. Piccolo, without a word, readied himself to take off after him. 

"Wait, you're actually going, Piccolo?" Krillin asked nervously. 

"Yes," the Namekian said, glaring down at Krillin for a moment before his gaze was more affixed on the Supreme Kai's last known location. 

"I'm going as well. I'd be lying if I said I was curious about where those two are taking whatever they stole from Kakarot's boy," Vegeta added. Immediately, he flew in the same direction as Shin and Piccolo followed behind him. 

"Wait up!" Krillin said, following behind those two so as not to get left behind. 

At center stage, Kibito was seen crouching beside Gohan with a hand placed on the Saiyan's back. His body began to radiate with light as he restored Gohan's energy. As he healed the Saiyan, he couldn't help but think about how incredible the boy's power was. It was beyond anything he could have possibly imagined from an Earthling; still, he was unsure if it would be enough if things were to get out of hand.

It wasn't long until Gohan was fully restored, springing to his feet as if nothing had ever happened. "Incredible..." he said, flexing his muscles and fingers. Past his gloved hands, he could see Videl on the ground, still barely clinging to life. 

"Videl..." he said, kneeling beside her. "I wish I had a Senzu bean right now..." Gohan looked to the man who healed him and asked him, "Whatever it was that you just did to me, can you do that to her as well?"

"There is no time," said Kibito. "Come with me and-"

"I'm not going anywhere with you until you heal Videl!" the Saiyan roared. 

Kibito nodded, placing his hand on the young lady's back before performing the same procedure he had done on Gohan. After a minute had passed, her wounds were healed and her energy was restored. 

The moment Videl was able to sit up straight, Gohan wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "I'm glad you're okay," he whispered. "I have to go now, but I'll be back."

Gohan released Videl and stood tall, looking at Kibito with eyes packed full of grit. "Let's go," he told the Supreme Kai's assistant. However, before the two of them could take off, Videl grabbed Gohan's hand.

"Wait," she said. "Either you let me come with you or I'm going to follow you. Those are your only two choices."

Gohan's serious expression was replaced by gentleness as he looked down at Videl. 'If she wants something, there's no stopping her,' he thought to himself. 

"So long as you promise to get to safety when things get tough," Gohan told her. 

"I promise," she said.

"Alright, let's hurry," Gohan proclaimed before the three of them pursued the rest of their companions. 

Trailing behind Yamu and Spopovich, Shin was seen flying in hot pursuit, but he wouldn't be alone for long as the Z-Fighters had caught up to him. The Supreme Kai glanced backward, feeling relieved to see their faces. "I'm glad you all came. With your help, perhaps would could defeat them before things go too far."

"Aren't you supposed to be some god?" Vegeta asked. "You need our help to defeat those two miscreants."

Shin glared at the Saiyan for a moment, before reverting his gaze forward. "It's not those two that I am worried about. It's the wizard controlling them."

"A wizard?" Piccolo repeated.

"Yes, long ago a powerful wizard named Bibidi appeared, bringing along a terrible monster named Majin Buu. Buu was designed as an instrument of fear and terror, hellbent on destroying everything in his path without any feelings of remorse. His goal was to simply destroy all living things; it goes without saying that he was incredibly good at achieving said goal."

Vegeta couldn't help but smirk upon hearing this. Goku was gone, and as far as he knew, Gohan was incapacitated. If what Shin was saying about Buu was true, then he must be a formidable opponent, strong enough to feed the hunger that has been plaguing the Saiyan ever since Goku's death.

"Hundreds of planets were reduced to rubble amidst the chaos. Entire galaxies were erased from existence thanks to Bibidi and Majin Buu.

'This Majin Buu would've made a great Saiyan,' Vegeta thought to himself, compelling Shin to turn around, showing his fearful eyes to the prince.

"No," Shin said. "This is no laughing matter. There were five Grand Kai's at the time, each one thousand times stronger than Frieza. Only one survived their fight with Buu. Simply put, he could annihilate every Saiyan in the galaxy with a single breath."

'So the bastard can read minds...'

Meanwhile, Kibito was giving Gohan and Videl the same speech, picking up where Shin left off, Kibito said, "Bibidi couldn't control Buu forever. When he needed a break, he would seal Buu away using a spell that placed him within an orb. This orb is now hidden on Earth, even to this day."

"Why didn't the Supreme Kai just find this orb and destroy it?" Gohan asked.

"Because Majin Buu is no threat while in the ball and we were afraid of what would happen if we were to damage it. What if we accidently woke Majin Buu from his slumber? Besides, Bididi was the only person who was capable of freeing him. However, his son Babidi was recently discovered. And he plans on using your power to free Majin Buu. This is why we allowed Yamu and Spopovich to take your power, so we can follow them and stop Babidi before that happens."

"So, they came to this tournament looking to steal my power?" Gohan asked.

"Not necessarily. They came to the tournament expecting to find someone strong enough to resurrect Majin Buu. It just so happens that you were one of those people" 

Videl was trailing behind them, while prompted Gohan to slow down and match her pace. "What's wrong Videl?" he asked her. It was clear by the sweat pooling underneath her chin that she was struggling.

"I've never flown for this long before... I don't think I can go on. You guys should go on without me," Videl told him, struggling to speak against the wind blowing in their faces.

"I see..." said Gohan. "Well, we haven't practiced this sort of thing, so you're probably right. Just make sure to be careful as you head back, alright?"

"I will," Videl nodded. "Please, take care of yourself. For me, okay?"

A warm smile adorned Gohan's face. "Of course. And when you get back, let Goten and my mom know what's going on. I wouldn't want them to worry."

"Got it," Videl told him. "But before that, tell me one thing. Were you that boy who fought Cell all those years ago? The Golden Fighter, the one with the blonde hair?"

"Yeah. That was me." Gohan confessed. 

"And you were the one who really beat Cell, weren't you?"


"I knew it..." Videl said breathlessly. "Well, in that case. Go save the world again, Gohan. I'll be waiting for you." 

Videl stopped in her tracks, allowing Gohan and Kibito to continue their journey at full speed. She watched them until they were but specks in the distance before turning tail and returning to the island.

Far ahead of Gohan and Kibito, Shin and the others were still hot on the trail of Badidi's puppets. Shin could sense that they were close and began explaining what to expect on the road ahead. 

"Babidi may not have much physical strength, but he has incredibly powerful magic. That's what allows him to take control of people's bodies. He uses the evil nature within them to his advantage. Luckily, you guys are pure of heart and have nothing to worry about," Shin told them. However, Piccolo couldn't help but glance at Vegeta after hearing this. Then Piccolo began to look inward; he wondered if he himself was even pure of heart. He knew he'd changed after the years, but was there any evil left inside of him?

All Piccolo and others could do was wait as they steadily approached Babity's hideout.