Strength of the family

"Grand Mage?" Julian choked on his food, eyes widening in disbelief. The revelation hit him like a bolt of lightning.

His grandmother, the Grand Duchess, was not only a powerful figure in the family but also held the prestigious title of Grand Mage. 

He leaned back in his chair, trying to process the implications. A Grand Mage.

That meant she had immense power and experience, far surpassing even the Sovereign Realm of his sisters, Eva and Eleanor. The bonuses he could earn from someone of her status were staggering. 

Suddenly, the idea of approaching her took on a whole new significance. Julian's mind raced with possibilities, strategies, and the thrilling notion of the points he could accumulate.

Could I really go after her? The thought sent a shiver of excitement down his spine, intertwining ambition and desire in a way that felt intoxicating. 

"Are you okay, Julian?" Alden asked, watching his son with a mixture of concern and curiosity. 

"Yeah, just... surprised," Julian managed to reply, a sly grin creeping onto his face as he contemplated the tantalizing prospects ahead.

As he caught a glimpse of his grandmother's cleavage, Julian's thoughts raced. The allure of her beauty mixed with the newfound knowledge of her strength made his heart race.

An archmage... he mused, quickly shifting his gaze to his mother, Regina. The idea that she, too, might hold such power sent a thrill through him.

This family has really hidden their true potential, he thought, a sense of excitement washing over him. The layers of authority and strength within his family were deeper than he had ever imagined. 

Julian's mind began to swirl with thoughts of what it could mean for his own ambitions. If my mother is an archmage, just think of the points I could gain from her.

The mere notion of it ignited a fire within him, propelling his desires to new heights. 

He leaned back, a smirk forming on his lips as he surveyed the room, considering how to navigate this delicate web of relationships. This is just the beginning.

The potential for power was limitless, and he was determined to explore every tantalizing avenue that lay before him.

Julian then teased and said, " System will you not give me extra points the more powerful the woman I conquer are"

The system responded with a playful tone, "Host, you already know the rules. The more powerful the woman, the more points you can earn. However, you still have to conquer them first!"

Julian chuckled, his excitement bubbling over. "So, the stronger the woman, the greater the reward? Sounds like a win-win situation for me!"

"Exactly Just imagine the points you could accumulate with your mother, grandmother, or even your sisters," the system replied, its voice tinged with mischief.

"It's all about strategy, host. Choose wisely and conquer boldly!"

Julian's mind raced at the possibilities. The allure of amassing points while delving deeper into forbidden desires was intoxicating.

"Looks like I have some very interesting options ahead of me," he mused, a sly grin spreading across his face. 

As Julian stepped out of the grand hall, the crisp morning air filled his lungs, invigorating him for the day ahead. He walked towards the carriage, its opulent design gleaming under the sun.

The horses, strong and regal, were adorned with intricate jewelry that sparkled with each movement, adding an extra touch of elegance to the already impressive sight.

The coachman tipped his hat as Julian approached, ready to assist him.

"Good morning, my lord. Are we off to the royal academy?" he asked, his voice respectful and eager.

Julian nodded, a mix of excitement and anticipation swirling within him.

"Yes, let's not keep them waiting," he replied, settling into the plush interior of the carriage.

The rich velvet cushions enveloped him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of power as he prepared to showcase his newfound abilities.

As the carriage rolled away from the castle, he gazed out at the sprawling landscape. The kingdom's beauty unfolded before him, but his thoughts were consumed with the prospects that awaited him at the academy.

Meeting other young mages, showcasing his prowess, and perhaps even plotting his next conquest—there was so much to look forward to.