Refined mana

"Show me the detailed information of the spear", Julian said.


Cosmic Spear of Death

Type: Weapon

Rank: Unranked


The Cosmic Spear of Death is a formidable weapon forged from the essence of cosmic energy. Its shaft is made of an obsidian, glowing with a deep purple hue that seems to absorb light around it.

The spearhead is sharp, designed to pierce through even the strongest armor. When wielded, it resonates with the mana, allowing the user to unleash devastating attacks that can obliterate foes in an instant.


Cosmic Strike: When thrown, the spear creates a rift in the air, dealing area damage to enemies caught in its path.

Death's Grasp: Allows the user to pull the spear back instantly, bringing along any enemies it has struck, immobilizing them briefly.

Eternal Warding: Grants a temporary shield that absorbs a portion of incoming damage when wielded.


Julian stared at the detailed information about the Cosmic Spear of Death, his mind racing with excitement. The fact that the weapon not only boasted immense power but also came with its own set of abilities was more than he had anticipated.

He couldn't help but imagine the potential it held in battle, how the Cosmic Strike could devastate multiple enemies, or how Death's Grasp could turn the tide by pulling foes closer when they least expected it. The idea of an Eternal Warding that could protect him in moments of danger made his heart race with anticipation.

"This is incredible," he thought to himself, the possibilities swirling in his mind. He realized that with this spear in hand, he could become an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

Julian felt a surge of determination. He wanted to harness every advantage possible.

"System, absorb the aura of the headmistress, Isabel, and Julia," he commanded, eager to integrate their powers into his own.

The system replied, "Initiating absorption process. Please hold."

A moment later, he felt a warm energy enveloping him, filling his body with a sense of strength and vitality. Julian closed his eyes, focusing on the sensations as the energies merged with his own.

Julian could sense that the mana he had just absorbed was unlike any he had encountered before. This was not the typical, chaotic energy that he was accustomed to; it felt more polished and refined, as if it had been purified to the highest degree.

Each drop of the headmistress's aura, mingled with Julia and Isabel's, coursed through him, igniting every fiber of his being with an electric intensity.

The essence of their auras intertwined with his own, creating a harmonious balance that filled him with newfound strength and clarity. It was as if he were being transformed, reshaped by the very essence of these women.

As he absorbed the mana, Julian felt his muscles pulse with life, each contraction more potent than before. It was a rush unlike anything he had ever experienced, and it sent waves of warmth flooding through his body.

He concentrated deeply on his sea of consciousness. There, the chaotic lightning that usually crackled wildly, a tempest of raw power, began to calm.

The once chaotic energy gradually transformed into a steady stream, as if the mana were its mother, soothing it into submission. It felt nurturing and supportive, a guiding force that settled the chaos.

With every moment that passed, he felt the rapid expansion within himself, a thrilling sensation.

It was as though his very essence was stretching, reaching for something greater. The feeling was intoxicating; he could almost hear the murmurs of his own magic responding to the infusion of this higher-quality mana.

After a while, the expansion began to stabilize, returning to its previous rate, but not without leaving its mark. Julian opened his eyes, his heart racing with anticipation.

It was then that he realized the monumental change within him. The infusion of mana had solidified into a stable force, and a thrill coursed through him as he understood that he had ascended to the mid-Sacred Mage realm.

Julian smiled, ready to embrace his newfound strength and the adventures that lay ahead.

"How does it feel host", System asked.

Julian took a moment to savor the newfound energy coursing through him before responding.

"It feels incredible," he said, his voice laced with excitement. "I can feel the power pulsing within me, more refined and focused than ever before." 

He flexed his muscles, testing the limits of his enhanced abilities, and a confident grin spread across his face.

"I can't wait to see what I can do with this strength. Every spell, every move, it's all going to be on a whole new level." 

The system replied, "That's great to hear, host! With your new power, you can now explore advanced techniques and push your limits further than before. Are you ready to test your capabilities?" 

Julian nodded, a fire igniting in his eyes. "Absolutely. Let's see what this cosmic spear can do."