
Julian made his way to the training grounds, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through him. The early morning sun bathed the area in a warm glow, illuminating the wide expanse of the training field.

The training field was surrounded by numerous castle that added to the beauty and magnificence of it.

It was surrounded by lush greenery, with tall trees swaying gently in the breeze. The air was crisp, making it the perfect setting for honing his skills.

As he stepped onto the sandy surface of the training area, he could see faint remnants of his earlier battle still lingering in the air, a reminder of the intensity he had experienced.

Julian took a deep breath, centering himself, and focused on the Cosmic Spear of Death. 

With a commanding voice, he declared, "Cosmic Spear of Death!" 

In an instant, the spear materialized in his hand, its majestic presence radiating power. Julian marveled at its beauty, the obsidian shaft glimmering in the sunlight, the swirling galaxy patterns mesmerizing as they seemed to shift and flow. He could feel the energy pulsing through the spear, as if it were alive and responding to his every thought. It was glowing with purple hue.

He swung the spear experimentally, feeling its weight balance perfectly in his grip. The sharp tip gleamed with a silvery light, and as he held it aloft, a faint hum resonated in the air, harmonizing with the essence of the universe itself.

Julian closed his eyes for a moment, attuning himself to the spear's energy and the vast power it contained. 

With determination in his heart, he prepared to practice with the spear, eager to unlock its full potential and to discover the extent of its abilities. This would be a day of growth, a day to push beyond his limits and strengthen his mastery of magic.

Julian closed his eyes for a moment, focusing intently on the Cosmic Spear of Death. He poured his mana into the weapon, feeling the energy flow from him and into the spear.

As his mana infused the spear, it began to glow with a brilliant, ethereal light, pulsating like a heartbeat. The air around him crackled with energy, and he could sense the spear responding to his will.

With a flick of his wrist, he thrust the spear downward toward the ground. The moment the tip made contact, a violent shockwave rippled outward, shattering the ground beneath it. Cracks formed across the ground, debris flying in all directions as the sheer force of the spear's power erupted from the point of impact. 

Julian staggered back, awe-struck by the raw strength he had unleashed. The ground trembled beneath his feet, and for a fleeting moment, he felt as if he could conquer anything in his path. 

He glanced at the chaos he had just created, the remnants of the training ground now, the mark left by his display of might.

"Incredible," he whispered to himself, unable to suppress the grin spreading across his face.

This was just the beginning, he was ready to push his limits further and explore the depths of his newfound strength.

Julian stood firmly in the training grounds, his grip steady around the Cosmic Spear of Death. He took a deep breath, feeling the cool metal against his palm, and began to practice various stances and movements.

He imagined himself in the heat of battle, picturing his opponents falling before the spear's might. With each thrust and spin, he focused on the fluidity of his movements, determined to master the weapon's potential. 

As he transitioned through various techniques, he started to form together combinations, envisioning how they would work in a real combat scenario.

He practiced a swift upward jab followed by a spinning sweep, the spear carving through the air with a whoosh. Each movement built upon the last, creating a rhythm that felt both instinctual and powerful.

He added in feints and quick dodges, his footwork becoming more agile as he became accustomed to the spear's weight. With every repetition, he felt himself grow stronger, more in tune with the weapon.

After hours of relentless training, Julian felt a surge of confidence. He began to experiment with his mana, channeling it through the spear to enhance his strikes.

He practiced a devastating combo where he would first strike low to destabilize his opponent, followed by a powerful upward thrust infused with lightning energy.

The idea of using his abilities in combo with the spear excited him, and he could almost hear the crackling energy that would accompany his strikes.

With each successful combination, Julian knew he was not just training his body but also honing his mind, preparing himself for the battles that lay ahead.

Just then, an audacious idea sparked in Julian's mind, sending a thrill of excitement coursing through him.

What if I could combine the devastating power of the Cosmic Spear of Death with the electrifying energy of my Lightning Trident?

The thought was risky; merging two potent abilities could lead to unpredictable results, but the potential reward was immense.

Imagining the spectacle of a single strike infused with both cosmic energy and crackling lightning, he envisioned a devastating attack that could obliterate anything in its path.

With his heart racing at the thought of such power, Julian resolved to experiment, eager to push the boundaries of his abilities and discover the true extent of his potential.